Decided to Seek out of state Dr. for revision to DS
Dear Regina:
I'm not exactly sure what discussions with Dr. Husted's Nurse you are referring to but quite frankly if you are speaking of BariatricRN, she does not work for Dr. Husted she works for the hospital where he practices.
I have been on this Revision Site since 2007 and I will tell you based on the many posts from Dr. Husted patients and his background. You would be very lucky to get him. If he was still in California you could bet your last dollar I would definately go to him.
Another important issue is the fact you are going for DS Revision. He is one of the most experienced on OH. You should go to the Revision Surgeon pages and you can look up all the surgeons who do revisions and it lists how many, what type and patients reviews.
Good Luck,