What all of the drama has done for me !!!!!!!

on 3/18/09 2:22 am
I had surgery in Dec. I will not mention my surgeon since at this point it doesn't matter. I was so excited to finally have hope again. I have been overweight all my life. My first surgery was in 2001. The typical RNY....a failure to say the least. So I went looking for help. I thought it was me. Then my PCP told me to find out about a revision and I called a clinic in CA but my insurance would not cover me there. I called a clinic in Phoenix, one out of the phone book. I had an appointment. Went to see the Dr. Had hope. The Dr. nurse told me that I could find support and wonderful people on Obesity Help and I really thought I did. I had surgery and I had complications. An infection of the incision site that was one of the worst experiences of my life. Last week I finally got rid of the wound vac and what a relief that was. Three infections later there are days that I don't know if I would do this again....still don't know if its the infections or the surgery. I am in the bathroom on an average of 8 times a day. The antibiotics are rough on my system and every time I have an infection I have to try something new. I do not do carbs. I have not had fruit yet since surgery. I stick with proteins. So my best guess is that the antibiotics are causing the loose stools. Sometimes I make it to the bathroom and sometimes I don't. I really wish I could come on here for a shoulder to cry on. I wish someone would say it will be better. Instead all of this makes me wonder if I made a mistake and that because I had an ERNY instead of a DS I will lose 50 lbs. and gain it all back and be miserable again. Who do I go to if not here? No one else understands this. I wanted this to work but now I don't know. I have not heard one positive comment about the surgery that I had or the surgeon that did it lately just horrible stories. I have gone through hell since Dec. and all I want is some support. I'm sorry that so many people are so bitter but please don't make the rest of us regret our decisions be supportive, please.
Monique H.
on 3/18/09 2:47 am
I want to say that I'm sorry you are having such a hard time. I just had my revision and all the arguing and things on here has caused me to wonder if I'll even lose 50 lbs. We both have to stay encouraged and just keep doing what we know to do. There is a song that I love that says

Sometimes you have to encourage yourself.
Sometimes you have to speak victory during the test.
And no matter how you feel,
speak the word and you will be healed;
speak over yourself,
encourage yourself in the Lord.

I have to sing this to myself at times to try and stay encouraged and just put my faith in God that he didn't let me go through all that I did to not succeed.  So please keep the faith. You CAN do this. You know it is kind of sad, but I wish I did have the loose stool and I wish I had gone to the doctor that everyone is arguing about. At least then I would have a shorter cc and maybe a better chance at getting some of this weight off, but I don't think anyone ever thinks about people like me in my situation. Having Dr. Schlesinger as a surgeon instead of the one that I have now would have given me a better chance period. I want to let everyone know right now that I'm not going to argue with you on the internet about my opinion. If you want to argue with me see me in person. Sorry to have to go there, but I know all of this has to stop and people must grow up sooner or later. Please keep me posted on your success. {{{hugs}}}
WHEN LIFE KNOCKS YOU DOWN TO YOUR knees, JUST REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE IN THE PERFECT POSITION TO PRAY. HW 395, RNY 4/2/07 345, Lowest Weight 248,  Revision to Distal RNY 1/13/09 278,Revision to DS 10/15/10
on 3/19/09 1:46 am
You are a wonderful lady and what beautiful sentiment. I wrote it down and will look at it often. You are right we have to stop beating each other up. We are all here with the same purpose and we are all looking for the same end result. Thank you and we will keep working together and we will make it.

Deanne K.
on 3/18/09 2:48 am - Tucson, AZ
Sorry to hear that you are having problems still.  Glad to hear the wound vac is now gone.  Hope to see you at a support group soon, now that you can travel.  We are here for you.
on 3/18/09 3:11 am - St. George, UT
Dear Sheri:

Your story is my point exactly. For those who have just had ERNY and might be experiencing problems how HORRIBLE for them to have to read all this negative stuff.

I'm so sorry....My surgery is coming up and I'm choosing the same as you, with the same Dr. so yes, I too am concerned and, need encouragement. You are going to get better, and the potty issues will lessen as time goes by. First you have to get well from the infections. Believe, me I've had my battles with some infections one namely merses or staph...it was a bugger. But here I am feeling great able to write and tell about it being behind me.


I would love to support you in anyway I can. Please feel free to privately pm me if you want to talk.

Good Luck Sheri.....I don't pretend to know how you might feel about prayer but it never hurts to have a little extra in your corner. GET WELL SOON!!!

I'll be praying for you


on 3/19/09 2:06 am
I am sure you will be doing just fine. One of the infections I had was a +2 Mersa and that was the one they were the most concerned with. It was the one that has caused the latest problems. The ER Dr. gave me an antibiotic that the infection was resistant to but it gave me a yeast infection and the diarheia (sp?) so after 6 days on that they changed it and I had to start over with another one.  I go in next week for a new culture to make sure its gone. When the infection is not bad they try to let my body fight it on its own. I'm getting there though and making progress with the wound. I am excited for you and your surgery. You will be just great. We both will. And I do believe in prayer and I know I would never have gotten this far without His help.

on 3/19/09 2:27 am - St. George, UT


You don't know how much your words mean to me!

Because my choice of surgery and physician are the same as yours, I await your's and every other ERNY patients postings to collect knowledge and get insight. That information, I use for strength and summing up courage to go through this procedure yet again for a 3rd time. 

Even though you've had such horrible problems, Your kind words and reassurance prepares me for the upcoming months of recovery and recooperation.

Thank you Sheri for sharing and thank you for being so honest, giving us both the good and the bad, because I don't think anyone has a spotless experience with surgery, there is always something uncomfortable you can do without. But knowing our odds and expectations from the procedure and physician, is very very helpful. And if I should experience any of the same problems you have I feel I am much more prepared by the knowing of it all than by the not.

I'm looking forward to my surgery, looking forward to getting to know my physician and moving forward to a more active and healthy life. Hopefully one day, I'll be able to meet you!


on 3/19/09 8:03 pm - Norwich, CT
On March 19, 2009 at 9:27 AM Pacific Time, JROLFSON wrote:


You don't know how much your words mean to me!

Because my choice of surgery and physician are the same as yours, I await your's and every other ERNY patients postings to collect knowledge and get insight. That information, I use for strength and summing up courage to go through this procedure yet again for a 3rd time. 

Even though you've had such horrible problems, Your kind words and reassurance prepares me for the upcoming months of recovery and recooperation.

Thank you Sheri for sharing and thank you for being so honest, giving us both the good and the bad, because I don't think anyone has a spotless experience with surgery, there is always something uncomfortable you can do without. But knowing our odds and expectations from the procedure and physician, is very very helpful. And if I should experience any of the same problems you have I feel I am much more prepared by the knowing of it all than by the not.

I'm looking forward to my surgery, looking forward to getting to know my physician and moving forward to a more active and healthy life. Hopefully one day, I'll be able to meet you!


Great post!!
 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


(deactivated member)
on 3/18/09 3:19 am, edited 3/18/09 3:49 am - AZ

I'm very sorry about your infection.  If the wound vac is gone you are making progress!

You know, not everyone responds to the same surgery type in the same way.  What works well for one does not work well for another.  I know a person that has a lap band, she's at goal, and has had her band for 7 years.  She loves it.  I had a band and hated it,  I know a person that had a band, she hated it.  She has a sleeve now and still isn't losing.  Yet I maintain very well with a sleeve.

I think the biggest downside of surgery is that you don't know for sure which surgery type is best for you until you get it and try it out.  It's like buying shoes, you can eye them and think they will fit but until you try them on for the first time you aren't 100% sure they will be comfortable.

Some people do quite well with your surgery type, some don't.  That is true with every surgery type.  It's how it is.

I will hold my stance that it is critical to research your surgeon and make sure you are going to the right surgeon for you and that you know why he is the right surgeon.  Not because of his cheer leaders but because he is the right surgeon for you.  I am not a fan of DS, I am not a fan of RNY.  I am not a fan of ERNY.  Others are, so be it.  They got what worked for them.  I got what worked for me.  We ALL have our own reasons for choosing our surgery type and all we can do is trust our gut instinct that our surgery type is right for us.  Please don't fret about how much you will lose at this point, worry about it if the time comes that you aren't getting the results you want.  Now is not the time to question your decision, now is the time to heal.  See what your future holds for you.  You will probably do quite well!

There are successful RNYers out there, there are successful ERNYers out there.  Don't fret about what others have to say, worry about you and your health.  That's all that really matters.

You know, your post is why I absolutely HATE what DSers do and I have voiced this time and time again on just about every board over the last couple of years.  I hate it when they come over and **** in a sandbox and then bring their friends to stir it with a stick.    It's one thing to post studies and such, it's quite another to stir that stick and mess with the lives of others.

Hang in there, follow the diet, follow your doc's instructions, get better, lose weight and get your life back again!

on 3/19/09 1:55 am
Thank you for the encouraging words. Through all of the negativity on here I have been lucky to learn a great deal from so many. I really never knew how many different types of WLS there really were or versions of them. I am working hard at making this work and following a very strict low carb diet. Any amount of carbs sends me to the bathroom and I live there already. I am working on gaining energy. Since I don't have the wound vac I move my car further and further from my class room each day so that I walk alittle more each day. I am still restricted on exercise until my wound closes completely. My instructions are that I can not push, pull, stretch or lift anything heavier than a spoon. I didn't listen and ended up in the ER with an abcess about 3 weeks ago and now I am more faithful then ever. Again thanks for the kind words, it really helps.
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