What all of the drama has done for me !!!!!!!

on 3/22/09 11:39 am
Thanks Sally and I am feeling better. So many of the responses to my post were positive and helped a lot. I know that it will not be easy and I will have to stay faithful but this is the last surgery I will go through so I will have to work at it. It is good to hear that it does work since so many say that it doesn't. I have to admit being scared that the malabsorbtion will one day just be gone and the weight will creep back on no matter what I do but I am not going to worry about that now. I will work on losing now and work on maintaining after its gone. Thanks for giving me a positive image I appreciate it and I will stay here and keep posting. I need the support of others. Thanks.
on 3/24/09 12:02 pm - MI
On March 18, 2009 at 9:22 AM Pacific Time, SheriAZ wrote:
I had surgery in Dec. I will not mention my surgeon since at this point it doesn't matter. I was so excited to finally have hope again. I have been overweight all my life. My first surgery was in 2001. The typical RNY....a failure to say the least. So I went looking for help. I thought it was me. Then my PCP told me to find out about a revision and I called a clinic in CA but my insurance would not cover me there. I called a clinic in Phoenix, one out of the phone book. I had an appointment. Went to see the Dr. Had hope. The Dr. nurse told me that I could find support and wonderful people on Obesity Help and I really thought I did. I had surgery and I had complications. An infection of the incision site that was one of the worst experiences of my life. Last week I finally got rid of the wound vac and what a relief that was. Three infections later there are days that I don't know if I would do this again....still don't know if its the infections or the surgery. I am in the bathroom on an average of 8 times a day. The antibiotics are rough on my system and every time I have an infection I have to try something new. I do not do carbs. I have not had fruit yet since surgery. I stick with proteins. So my best guess is that the antibiotics are causing the loose stools. Sometimes I make it to the bathroom and sometimes I don't. I really wish I could come on here for a shoulder to cry on. I wish someone would say it will be better. Instead all of this makes me wonder if I made a mistake and that because I had an ERNY instead of a DS I will lose 50 lbs. and gain it all back and be miserable again. Who do I go to if not here? No one else understands this. I wanted this to work but now I don't know. I have not heard one positive comment about the surgery that I had or the surgeon that did it lately just horrible stories. I have gone through hell since Dec. and all I want is some support. I'm sorry that so many people are so bitter but please don't make the rest of us regret our decisions be supportive, please.

Hello SheriAZ,

Hang in there girl you will do fine.   I hear you on all the negativity that is going around on this site.  I think it has effect all of us in one way or another and has the ability to change your mindset if you fall into the drama that is being thrown out there.  Shoot, my experience with ERNY has been a good one, especially compared to what you must be going through but to listen to some of the posts here you would think that this is not possible with the ERNY.  You have to go on your own experience.  We have to remember that any wls is a tool and we choose our tool to what we feel will best match our lifestyles and meet our personal needs.  Don't regret your decision.  This will only lead to you feeling worse and may hinder your recovery and success.  The majority of the posts here are from patients of wls not the doctors whom perform them, with the exception of two that I have seen to date.  This means these are opinions, and not medical advice.  Take what you can use and leave the rest.

As you know I also am a patient of Dr. Schlisenger.  He has never misled me to the procedure I was having performed.  I did my research and I also researched him (more then just by what is  posted on this site).  My opinion of him as a surgeon is the same as yours.  He is a very competant and compassionate doctor.  I too live a ways a way and he has ALWAYS maintained availability if I had a question or needed some advice. 

Posts like the ones I have been seeing has even made me doubt, even with the actual facts of my own situation to dispell them.  I have now lost more then 50 lbs, I feel wonderful both physically and mentally.  I have 2 bm's a day which is more then before but a blessing for me as prior to the surgery I was having 2 a week if I was lucky.  I no longer have abdominal pain from adhesions and partial bowel blockages as these were also cleaned up during my revision surgery.  I have had a minor issue since surgery with a small infection in the bottom of my incision which is cleared up now.   I have also had a problem with my ankles swelling when I am on them a good part of the day.  I talked to my PCP about this and he said it could be due to my slightly low protein level (which I had prior to my revision) so I have upped my intake a bit more.

I take a probiatic daily which seems to help.  I also notice that if I eat a higher amount of fat in my foods that my stools will be softer.  What I have also noticed is that now that I am a bit farther out that my stools are becoming a bit  firmer.  So perhaps after you get off all of your antibiotics and heal this situation will improve for you as well.

Thank you for your post.  I think it was an eye opener for what this site is for and what it use to be.  I had stopped posting as much due to the cir****tances and even considered to stop visiting it because of the lack of support and the ugliness.  You are absolutely right,  we all need somewhere we can go to for support, to cry or just to vent and maybe even when we have something positive to say without someone passing judgement on it.  Here just happens to be one of the places, regardless of what type of  wls you have had or the doctor you personally chose that everyone understands when you talk about CC's, malabsorption, pouches, bands etc....

I will send a prayer your way.  Please keep us posted.


on 3/24/09 1:24 pm
What a very nice post thank you so much. It makes me feel. Good that I don't have these feelings alone. I know that as long as I stay focused I will be successful. I will stay in touch.
on 3/24/09 8:15 pm - Norwich, CT
On March 24, 2009 at 7:02 PM Pacific Time, mew6495 wrote:
On March 18, 2009 at 9:22 AM Pacific Time, SheriAZ wrote:
I had surgery in Dec. I will not mention my surgeon since at this point it doesn't matter. I was so excited to finally have hope again. I have been overweight all my life. My first surgery was in 2001. The typical RNY....a failure to say the least. So I went looking for help. I thought it was me. Then my PCP told me to find out about a revision and I called a clinic in CA but my insurance would not cover me there. I called a clinic in Phoenix, one out of the phone book. I had an appointment. Went to see the Dr. Had hope. The Dr. nurse told me that I could find support and wonderful people on Obesity Help and I really thought I did. I had surgery and I had complications. An infection of the incision site that was one of the worst experiences of my life. Last week I finally got rid of the wound vac and what a relief that was. Three infections later there are days that I don't know if I would do this again....still don't know if its the infections or the surgery. I am in the bathroom on an average of 8 times a day. The antibiotics are rough on my system and every time I have an infection I have to try something new. I do not do carbs. I have not had fruit yet since surgery. I stick with proteins. So my best guess is that the antibiotics are causing the loose stools. Sometimes I make it to the bathroom and sometimes I don't. I really wish I could come on here for a shoulder to cry on. I wish someone would say it will be better. Instead all of this makes me wonder if I made a mistake and that because I had an ERNY instead of a DS I will lose 50 lbs. and gain it all back and be miserable again. Who do I go to if not here? No one else understands this. I wanted this to work but now I don't know. I have not heard one positive comment about the surgery that I had or the surgeon that did it lately just horrible stories. I have gone through hell since Dec. and all I want is some support. I'm sorry that so many people are so bitter but please don't make the rest of us regret our decisions be supportive, please.

Hello SheriAZ,

Hang in there girl you will do fine.   I hear you on all the negativity that is going around on this site.  I think it has effect all of us in one way or another and has the ability to change your mindset if you fall into the drama that is being thrown out there.  Shoot, my experience with ERNY has been a good one, especially compared to what you must be going through but to listen to some of the posts here you would think that this is not possible with the ERNY.  You have to go on your own experience.  We have to remember that any wls is a tool and we choose our tool to what we feel will best match our lifestyles and meet our personal needs.  Don't regret your decision.  This will only lead to you feeling worse and may hinder your recovery and success.  The majority of the posts here are from patients of wls not the doctors whom perform them, with the exception of two that I have seen to date.  This means these are opinions, and not medical advice.  Take what you can use and leave the rest.

As you know I also am a patient of Dr. Schlisenger.  He has never misled me to the procedure I was having performed.  I did my research and I also researched him (more then just by what is  posted on this site).  My opinion of him as a surgeon is the same as yours.  He is a very competant and compassionate doctor.  I too live a ways a way and he has ALWAYS maintained availability if I had a question or needed some advice. 

Posts like the ones I have been seeing has even made me doubt, even with the actual facts of my own situation to dispell them.  I have now lost more then 50 lbs, I feel wonderful both physically and mentally.  I have 2 bm's a day which is more then before but a blessing for me as prior to the surgery I was having 2 a week if I was lucky.  I no longer have abdominal pain from adhesions and partial bowel blockages as these were also cleaned up during my revision surgery.  I have had a minor issue since surgery with a small infection in the bottom of my incision which is cleared up now.   I have also had a problem with my ankles swelling when I am on them a good part of the day.  I talked to my PCP about this and he said it could be due to my slightly low protein level (which I had prior to my revision) so I have upped my intake a bit more.

I take a probiatic daily which seems to help.  I also notice that if I eat a higher amount of fat in my foods that my stools will be softer.  What I have also noticed is that now that I am a bit farther out that my stools are becoming a bit  firmer.  So perhaps after you get off all of your antibiotics and heal this situation will improve for you as well.

Thank you for your post.  I think it was an eye opener for what this site is for and what it use to be.  I had stopped posting as much due to the cir****tances and even considered to stop visiting it because of the lack of support and the ugliness.  You are absolutely right,  we all need somewhere we can go to for support, to cry or just to vent and maybe even when we have something positive to say without someone passing judgement on it.  Here just happens to be one of the places, regardless of what type of  wls you have had or the doctor you personally chose that everyone understands when you talk about CC's, malabsorption, pouches, bands etc....

I will send a prayer your way.  Please keep us posted.


That was a very honest and well written post!!  Congratulations on your 50 lb loss!
 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


on 3/25/09 4:54 am - MI
On March 25, 2009 at 3:15 AM Pacific Time, pepsi98 wrote:
On March 24, 2009 at 7:02 PM Pacific Time, mew6495 wrote:
On March 18, 2009 at 9:22 AM Pacific Time, SheriAZ wrote:
I had surgery in Dec. I will not mention my surgeon since at this point it doesn't matter. I was so excited to finally have hope again. I have been overweight all my life. My first surgery was in 2001. The typical RNY....a failure to say the least. So I went looking for help. I thought it was me. Then my PCP told me to find out about a revision and I called a clinic in CA but my insurance would not cover me there. I called a clinic in Phoenix, one out of the phone book. I had an appointment. Went to see the Dr. Had hope. The Dr. nurse told me that I could find support and wonderful people on Obesity Help and I really thought I did. I had surgery and I had complications. An infection of the incision site that was one of the worst experiences of my life. Last week I finally got rid of the wound vac and what a relief that was. Three infections later there are days that I don't know if I would do this again....still don't know if its the infections or the surgery. I am in the bathroom on an average of 8 times a day. The antibiotics are rough on my system and every time I have an infection I have to try something new. I do not do carbs. I have not had fruit yet since surgery. I stick with proteins. So my best guess is that the antibiotics are causing the loose stools. Sometimes I make it to the bathroom and sometimes I don't. I really wish I could come on here for a shoulder to cry on. I wish someone would say it will be better. Instead all of this makes me wonder if I made a mistake and that because I had an ERNY instead of a DS I will lose 50 lbs. and gain it all back and be miserable again. Who do I go to if not here? No one else understands this. I wanted this to work but now I don't know. I have not heard one positive comment about the surgery that I had or the surgeon that did it lately just horrible stories. I have gone through hell since Dec. and all I want is some support. I'm sorry that so many people are so bitter but please don't make the rest of us regret our decisions be supportive, please.

Hello SheriAZ,

Hang in there girl you will do fine.   I hear you on all the negativity that is going around on this site.  I think it has effect all of us in one way or another and has the ability to change your mindset if you fall into the drama that is being thrown out there.  Shoot, my experience with ERNY has been a good one, especially compared to what you must be going through but to listen to some of the posts here you would think that this is not possible with the ERNY.  You have to go on your own experience.  We have to remember that any wls is a tool and we choose our tool to what we feel will best match our lifestyles and meet our personal needs.  Don't regret your decision.  This will only lead to you feeling worse and may hinder your recovery and success.  The majority of the posts here are from patients of wls not the doctors whom perform them, with the exception of two that I have seen to date.  This means these are opinions, and not medical advice.  Take what you can use and leave the rest.

As you know I also am a patient of Dr. Schlisenger.  He has never misled me to the procedure I was having performed.  I did my research and I also researched him (more then just by what is  posted on this site).  My opinion of him as a surgeon is the same as yours.  He is a very competant and compassionate doctor.  I too live a ways a way and he has ALWAYS maintained availability if I had a question or needed some advice. 

Posts like the ones I have been seeing has even made me doubt, even with the actual facts of my own situation to dispell them.  I have now lost more then 50 lbs, I feel wonderful both physically and mentally.  I have 2 bm's a day which is more then before but a blessing for me as prior to the surgery I was having 2 a week if I was lucky.  I no longer have abdominal pain from adhesions and partial bowel blockages as these were also cleaned up during my revision surgery.  I have had a minor issue since surgery with a small infection in the bottom of my incision which is cleared up now.   I have also had a problem with my ankles swelling when I am on them a good part of the day.  I talked to my PCP about this and he said it could be due to my slightly low protein level (which I had prior to my revision) so I have upped my intake a bit more.

I take a probiatic daily which seems to help.  I also notice that if I eat a higher amount of fat in my foods that my stools will be softer.  What I have also noticed is that now that I am a bit farther out that my stools are becoming a bit  firmer.  So perhaps after you get off all of your antibiotics and heal this situation will improve for you as well.

Thank you for your post.  I think it was an eye opener for what this site is for and what it use to be.  I had stopped posting as much due to the cir****tances and even considered to stop visiting it because of the lack of support and the ugliness.  You are absolutely right,  we all need somewhere we can go to for support, to cry or just to vent and maybe even when we have something positive to say without someone passing judgement on it.  Here just happens to be one of the places, regardless of what type of  wls you have had or the doctor you personally chose that everyone understands when you talk about CC's, malabsorption, pouches, bands etc....

I will send a prayer your way.  Please keep us posted.


That was a very honest and well written post!!  Congratulations on your 50 lb loss!

Thank you for your congratulations!  It does feel good to be on the "loosers" bench again!

I also wanted to say that I have been following your posts and I admire the unbiased support and encouragement you give to these boards.  Thanks for posting your experiences, I have learned a great deal from them even though my revision was of a different version.

on 3/25/09 6:54 am - Norwich, CT
On March 25, 2009 at 11:54 AM Pacific Time, mew6495 wrote:
On March 25, 2009 at 3:15 AM Pacific Time, pepsi98 wrote:
On March 24, 2009 at 7:02 PM Pacific Time, mew6495 wrote:
On March 18, 2009 at 9:22 AM Pacific Time, SheriAZ wrote:
I had surgery in Dec. I will not mention my surgeon since at this point it doesn't matter. I was so excited to finally have hope again. I have been overweight all my life. My first surgery was in 2001. The typical RNY....a failure to say the least. So I went looking for help. I thought it was me. Then my PCP told me to find out about a revision and I called a clinic in CA but my insurance would not cover me there. I called a clinic in Phoenix, one out of the phone book. I had an appointment. Went to see the Dr. Had hope. The Dr. nurse told me that I could find support and wonderful people on Obesity Help and I really thought I did. I had surgery and I had complications. An infection of the incision site that was one of the worst experiences of my life. Last week I finally got rid of the wound vac and what a relief that was. Three infections later there are days that I don't know if I would do this again....still don't know if its the infections or the surgery. I am in the bathroom on an average of 8 times a day. The antibiotics are rough on my system and every time I have an infection I have to try something new. I do not do carbs. I have not had fruit yet since surgery. I stick with proteins. So my best guess is that the antibiotics are causing the loose stools. Sometimes I make it to the bathroom and sometimes I don't. I really wish I could come on here for a shoulder to cry on. I wish someone would say it will be better. Instead all of this makes me wonder if I made a mistake and that because I had an ERNY instead of a DS I will lose 50 lbs. and gain it all back and be miserable again. Who do I go to if not here? No one else understands this. I wanted this to work but now I don't know. I have not heard one positive comment about the surgery that I had or the surgeon that did it lately just horrible stories. I have gone through hell since Dec. and all I want is some support. I'm sorry that so many people are so bitter but please don't make the rest of us regret our decisions be supportive, please.

Hello SheriAZ,

Hang in there girl you will do fine.   I hear you on all the negativity that is going around on this site.  I think it has effect all of us in one way or another and has the ability to change your mindset if you fall into the drama that is being thrown out there.  Shoot, my experience with ERNY has been a good one, especially compared to what you must be going through but to listen to some of the posts here you would think that this is not possible with the ERNY.  You have to go on your own experience.  We have to remember that any wls is a tool and we choose our tool to what we feel will best match our lifestyles and meet our personal needs.  Don't regret your decision.  This will only lead to you feeling worse and may hinder your recovery and success.  The majority of the posts here are from patients of wls not the doctors whom perform them, with the exception of two that I have seen to date.  This means these are opinions, and not medical advice.  Take what you can use and leave the rest.

As you know I also am a patient of Dr. Schlisenger.  He has never misled me to the procedure I was having performed.  I did my research and I also researched him (more then just by what is  posted on this site).  My opinion of him as a surgeon is the same as yours.  He is a very competant and compassionate doctor.  I too live a ways a way and he has ALWAYS maintained availability if I had a question or needed some advice. 

Posts like the ones I have been seeing has even made me doubt, even with the actual facts of my own situation to dispell them.  I have now lost more then 50 lbs, I feel wonderful both physically and mentally.  I have 2 bm's a day which is more then before but a blessing for me as prior to the surgery I was having 2 a week if I was lucky.  I no longer have abdominal pain from adhesions and partial bowel blockages as these were also cleaned up during my revision surgery.  I have had a minor issue since surgery with a small infection in the bottom of my incision which is cleared up now.   I have also had a problem with my ankles swelling when I am on them a good part of the day.  I talked to my PCP about this and he said it could be due to my slightly low protein level (which I had prior to my revision) so I have upped my intake a bit more.

I take a probiatic daily which seems to help.  I also notice that if I eat a higher amount of fat in my foods that my stools will be softer.  What I have also noticed is that now that I am a bit farther out that my stools are becoming a bit  firmer.  So perhaps after you get off all of your antibiotics and heal this situation will improve for you as well.

Thank you for your post.  I think it was an eye opener for what this site is for and what it use to be.  I had stopped posting as much due to the cir****tances and even considered to stop visiting it because of the lack of support and the ugliness.  You are absolutely right,  we all need somewhere we can go to for support, to cry or just to vent and maybe even when we have something positive to say without someone passing judgement on it.  Here just happens to be one of the places, regardless of what type of  wls you have had or the doctor you personally chose that everyone understands when you talk about CC's, malabsorption, pouches, bands etc....

I will send a prayer your way.  Please keep us posted.


That was a very honest and well written post!!  Congratulations on your 50 lb loss!

Thank you for your congratulations!  It does feel good to be on the "loosers" bench again!

I also wanted to say that I have been following your posts and I admire the unbiased support and encouragement you give to these boards.  Thanks for posting your experiences, I have learned a great deal from them even though my revision was of a different version.
You are so sweet!!!  Thank you so very much for that!  I really try hard to post with integrity simply because we are all newbies at some point and needed the information and support from those who went before us.  It is critical to me to read accurate assessments of people's success's and failures, otherwise how would a new person know?

I wish you continued success as you reach toward your goals!!


 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


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