revision options for metabolism problem
The Short Answer for revisions for patients who clearly have an issue with metabolism (which, in my opinion, pretty much all revision patients have): Your best option worth another operation is a BPD/DS procedure, if you are at all a candidate for major surgery.
"Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door". This approach only works when a mousetrap is the answer in the first place, not when it is the general idea of mousetraps that are defective.
Whoa! Didn't mean to get so zen there.
John D Husted, MD
Forum Contributor
"Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door". This approach only works when a mousetrap is the answer in the first place, not when it is the general idea of mousetraps that are defective.
Whoa! Didn't mean to get so zen there.
John D Husted, MD
Forum Contributor
Dr. John Husted
DISCLAIMER: I am not your surgeon, any comments made by me are not meant to be taken as medical advice, just general guidelines. Contact your surgeon about your specific problem!
DISCLAIMER: I am not your surgeon, any comments made by me are not meant to be taken as medical advice, just general guidelines. Contact your surgeon about your specific problem!