lap band revision to rny EDK pre op
On March 16, 2009 at 1:59 PM Pacific Time, Kim E. wrote:
I am having a revision from a lap band to RNY and the surgeon wants an endosccopy (EDK) done as pre-op. Can the little camera get thru the band to travel where it needs to view and then back out again ? My band is full. Depends on how much restriction you have. If you are pretty tight they may have to do an unfill.
They used a pediatric endoscope on me with an unfilled band and had no problem.
I am very, very happy with my revision to the RNY. I can eat like a normal I ate at Bugaboo Creek last week and ordered the ribeye dinner. I enjoyed the small amount I was able to eat: small piece of bread, half the salad, couple bites of mashed potatoes, and 4 or 5 bites of the ribeye which tasted awesome. Best steak I ever had in a restaurant. I had so much food left, put it in a to go container, gave to my daughter as she paid for dinner as I wasn't sure how the steak would be leftover.
Revision June 9, 2008
Lapband to RNY
117 lbs. lost as of 09-08-10
Dr. David B. Lautz~~~~~Simply the Best!
Brigham & Women's Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts