About the drama...

on 3/16/09 9:18 am - Norwich, CT
I understand where you are coming from Monique and I agree with you.  I only posted this because I was concerned about the information being disseminated to newbies.  I posted this originally because of my own experiences and how I got caught up in the "magic" as I call it...this may have potentially been a very good thing for me or not.  I don't know because my husband stepped in as the voice of reason and said that we could not afford for me to travel and have surgery so far from home.

I started this because at that time I was the newbie and if I got caught up in the emotional high then anyone could have.

As I posted before, I mean no offense here but just ask that we all become responsible for whatever information we are offering as newbies are not necessarily knowledgeable  enough to see things as they are.
 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


on 3/20/09 8:42 am - Layton, UT
On March 16, 2009 at 4:18 PM Pacific Time, pepsi98 wrote:
I understand where you are coming from Monique and I agree with you.  I only posted this because I was concerned about the information being disseminated to newbies.  I posted this originally because of my own experiences and how I got caught up in the "magic" as I call it...this may have potentially been a very good thing for me or not.  I don't know because my husband stepped in as the voice of reason and said that we could not afford for me to travel and have surgery so far from home.

I started this because at that time I was the newbie and if I got caught up in the emotional high then anyone could have.

As I posted before, I mean no offense here but just ask that we all become responsible for whatever information we are offering as newbies are not necessarily knowledgeable  enough to see things as they are.
Hiya Pepsi and all, .....skip on down to the short version at the bottom if you don't like my wordy style!  LOL!  Or…..exercise your option to just skip this post entirely…….I am who I am.......long winded and always willing to share "my feelings"!

I am sharing some facts this round though....then I'll hop on out of here back into my busy life.  I"ll return from time to time with my pom poms and encouragement for those who are discouraged and need a little cyber hug or 2! ......   Since many have accused me of committing things that have not happened, with exaggeration on things that are partially true, in order to make their points...actually using my name  or even worse…..using “one woman on this site" as their reference;  I want to make right some wrongs!
1.  I worked for Dr. Steven Gitt of NVPS in N Phoenix for over 1 1/2 yrs.  He is a plastic surgeon.  I was his POST bariatric program director.  The only procedures I received as "perks" was a discounted face peel and some discounted botox & fillers.  Period.  My surgery with Dr. S is on record with Aetna who paid for it in it’s entirety. My next procedures will be done by my current employer:  Dr. Mehdi Mazaheri, Plastic Surgeon in Scottsdale.....who is very well known & respected in the Post WLS demographic in AZ. 

2.  When asked whether I worked for Dr. S, I did indeed say "no".  I worked for Dr. Gitt.  Sharing information about his business was not my place.  If Dr. Gitt wanted people to know which businesses he owned and whose paychecks he wrote; then it was for him to share, not me.
3.  When hunting, Dr. Schlesinger fit all of my requirements for "me" and the Erny gave me more hope than anything else that had been presented to that point.  I have NEVER worked for Dr. S, nor have I received anything from him! …not a penny, a kickback, an extra pamphlet, any compensation, or free surgeries from him for sharing my opinion with others.  Am I an office advocate for Dr. S?  Whatever that means.....?  Yes if it's meaning includes sharing of my experiences and feelings about HIM....NO if it's meaning includes "compensation" of any type!!  My check comes from my boss who has a small boutique type "family" business and does not have any Bariatric surgeons on his payroll.  It has been said many times that I have received money, free surgeries, and who knows what else, for simply sharing "my opinion" of Dr. S.  That is NOT true. I have been paid by my employers to promote THEM. 

3..    ....Employees follow the guidelines established by their employer. Nuff said on that one since I just said who my employer was, is, and wasn't!!  But, my choice to promote Dr. S was never a fabrication or for payment from him.  I did it then and I do it now because I know Dr. S can provide an answer and help to many......maybe not all --but certainly to many!
4.  As for my POST Revision journey and the postings.....If anyone has the patience to read my ENTIRE profile.....you'll see that I have not left out much.  There are certainly places on other websites that I put more detail into the post and since the "recovery" has taken longer with more issues than some, I have more experiences and a longer timeframe to write about changes and highs and lows.  So....do I write happy thoughts on some days and in some places?  YES!  Do I experience some days and situations with frustrations and worry?  Well do YOU?  Of course I do!  My journey is forever changing and that's why it's called a "BLOG/Profile/Journey/Diary"!  Today's feelings are different than yesterdays and tomorrow's will be different than todays! That's life!  That's a WLS journey......different for all.....nothing is hidden....anyone who asks me about a revision will get my full disclosure or "personal post-op pkg"!  All the struggles, issues, warnings and even the happy parts!!!   But I may have something new to add tomorrow!!!!
5.  I have had one of my issues referred to over and over as if it were a permanent fatal disease.  Let me correct the accusation for those who may wonder.  I battle “the potential"  for odor from my Erny.  I have been monitored and helped regularly by Dr. S.  This is an issue that is experienced by some Distals, some Erny's and some DS''ers (every style of DS).  Many cancer pts who have a similar surgery experience it as well.  It is called C-Diff or a bacterial overgrowth.  There are many recommendations to fight it and some have worked and some haven't.  I get it controlled most of the time now but it can be an ongoing issue.  I consider it my trade off for having my diabetes and heart condition cured!  To consider reversing my surgery to kill the occasional "whif" would be to have major surgery to invite sudden morbidity.  The revision to Erny was Not a perfect trade-off but has indeed been a lifesaving procedure for ME!  My family and friends are delighted to have me around and healthier!

6.  I have NOT misrepresented my joy in my surgery (I'm alive afterall vs my pre wls sentence) nor have I kept anything from anyone.  On the contrary....I have been an open book from the get go and have openly shared my research for the particular set of "fixes" for my issues.
To sum it up.... Fact: I always said I was paid by Dr. Gitt while employed there and not by Dr. Schlesinger. Fact; The decision to share Dr. Gitt’s business arrangements regarding surgeon’s in his employ was not my information to give but was his. He shared that publicly after Dr. S moved elsewhere.
Fact: I Have NOT now or ever have received ANY form of compensation from Dr. S to cheer for him.
Fact:  I have posted all over the net in the midst of crappy recovery times in order to get help/ideas/support.
Fact:  I have posted all over the net in the midst of grateful/joyful days as I recognize that I have achieved the goals that really matter i.e. life and health and normal weight.
Fact:  I post often on my journey and each and every post may not reflect continuity in feelings since I am human and may experience different things and feelings on different days!
Fact:  I maintain a healthy range for my height with focus and proper nutrition/vitamins.
Fact:  I can easily lose weight quickly to below a healthy range and have to weigh daily and adjust intake accordingly.
Fact: Members of O.H. seem to be obsessed with my weight loss journey and my life to the point of sacrificing their own credibility to fabricate stories and push their agenda.
Fact:  Not all love me or my posting style and soooooo.........Fact:  O.H. has invented delete AND block buttons for this very purpose.

......Whether my delivery (or posting) is annoying to Canadians, Americans, or anyone else, it is "their opinion" and all can choose which posts they read or skip or who they block!  

I know it's hard to give up negative feelings towards me when so much has been posted to make me someone other than who I am.  If anyone at all has known me for the 6 plus years I have been posting on O.H.....they can surely testify that I am rarely anything but positive.  So to be accused of being too positive thus painting an unrealistic "rosy" picture may indeed be true.  A surgeon I used to work for called me "Pollyanna".....I tend to start my day on the other side of the rainbow rather than hoping to get there someday.

Honestly sorry if I've annoyed.  Honestly sorry if I've mislead but the truth is that being obnoxiously optimistic is my only "sin" on this forum! 

Revision to Erny 12/26/07
At goal

on 3/20/09 10:52 am - Norwich, CT
Joyce, thank you for that post...in my opinion, it is positive and real.  All I was trying to say when I posted this, after reading all the"Drama" ,was the importance of each  one of us to share our real experiences for those who come after us, looking for our personal stories and experiences.  It's important because there are people *****ly on our experiences  as they research their surgical options.

That was my ONLY reason for this post.  I hope you are enjoying good health and thank you for your honesty.
 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


(deactivated member)
on 3/16/09 10:34 am - AZ
On March 15, 2009 at 4:28 PM Pacific Time, pepsi98 wrote:
I've been reading all the "drama" on this board for several days / weeks and I just feel I need to say what I feel.  I've kept quiet not wanting to offend.  I truly believe that people who come here need to have " accurate and reliable" information.  I started researching a revision from a 1982 gastric stapling a little over a year ago and found myself enthralled with a particular surgeon.  I read ABOUT him, I read posts FROM him and got caught up with wanting him to be MY surgeon and to FIX me...I think I idolized him.  This is difficult to admit because it was an emotional response to all the posts I was reading about all his "happy patients"...I wanted to be one of his "girls" and be a part of his magic...I wanted that magic to work for me and to finally have the weight loss I so badly wanted and needed.

Now as I said, this was purely emotional because I had never researched anything at all about him and all I knew about him was that he talked to people like me all over the country AND I started seeing people from all over traveling thousands of miles just to have surgery with him.  Well, my husband put it all in perspective for me and I realized that I really couldn't afford to travel that far.  I went to Brigham and Womens in Boston to see if I qualified for the Restore trials (I didn't) and then I heard about my present surgeon and the rest is history.

I'm bringing this up because I have to admit that a newbie can very easily be swayed toward a certain MD, or procedure or whatever easier than one might think.  I am an intelligent person and I almost let someone operate on me without really seeing what his qualifications were.

It's ok to talk about your experiences, but it is NOT ok to manipulate and disseminate information even if it is about yourself or your experiences unless you  do it truthfully.  This means that you are truthful about your success AND your failures.  After all isn't that what this forum is for?  Isn't it ALWAYS appropriate to be truthful and not to mislead by giving information that is not entirely true or the whole truth?  Leaving out information could also be called lying and misleading.

Again, no intention to offend, but say it like it is.  There are newbies who sometimes stumble here and don't have a lot of experience with the internet (this was me) and tend to believe what they read because it's what they WANT to read.  All of us need to be fair to these people and fair to ourselves.

And if there are MD practices that have "office advocates" they should be reported for unethical behavior and penalized, and anyone who is a paid or compensted "patient advocate"  should be ashamed of themselves...truly ashamed.

Thanks for writing this, Pepsi.

I recall the time frame you refer to.  You PMed me one day asking why so many people fly across the country for a revision when they can have it done locally.  We discussed this.

There is a thread on www.lapbandtalk.com right now where a moderator explains that a member emailed her apologizing.  In all good conscience she had to come clean and quit her job.  Her job was being a paid poster for a doctor in TJ, MX.  She was told to go into attack mode anytime anyone said anything the least big negative about her boss and to write his name time and time again.  All the people that have had negative experiences, etc., she was to attack and discredit them.  (Link available upon request)

Anything sounding familiar about this board as well? ;o)

I have been warning people about these tactics for over two years now.  It's in my profile, I've posted it non stop, I've explained it, I warned people about it.  If a doctor cannot afford his own advertising, maybe he doesn't have a lot of business for a reason.  I am quite sure advertising on OH is expensive but you know what?  That's part of the deal about being a business owner.

When I call a doctor's office and they flat out tell me that a poster here is an "Office Advocate" and I get PMs from people (just got another this morning) saying that this same office advocate tried to talk her out of leaving the country for surgery to a more experienced surgeon telling her MX scares her and then suggesting that since she's a cash pay patient she'll get a good deal if she goes to Schlesinger... is that really ethical?

BTW, the person PMing me gave me permission to post the PMs but I believe that is against OH TOS.  If she wants to post it on her own she is free to do so but I'm not 'outting' her so don't even ask.

People need to verify information they are told on any message board.  They need to get the facts and verify them before going to ANY surgeon and I don't care if that surgeon is in the US or MX.  You never believe the crap you read on message boards.  In my profile at the bottom there is something I wrote that helps someone start their research, what to ask, how to verify, and how not to be put in a position to believe every tidbit spammed on the boards ad nauseam.

My ONLY point here is that no doctor is a god that walks on water.  DO YOUR RESEARCH!  Don't believe everything you read.  Avatars can be created, you can grab a photo of a person anywhere on the internet and claim it as your own.  That is one way paid posters work.  Another way is that they really did go to their surgeon and they get kickbacks for referring noobs to that surgeon.  They tend to post non stop about that doctor, they will PM you asking you to go to their surgeon, or to consider their surgeon because the one you are thinking about 'scares" them because they are out of the country.

There are good and bad surgeons in EVERY country.  Just because a doctor is in the US does not make him good and just because he is outside the US does not make him bad.  Ya do the research.  This is your health!  Do the leg work, spend time researching your options.  Stacysmom is all about understanding your procedure type and options.  I am all about researching your surgeon.

When one points out examples, specific examples of a surgeon's "oups" patients and they post links and details... you can always spot the coordinators.  They go into attack mode and attempt to discredit the one with the FACTS.  That's how you spot them.  The one pushing (hard) a specific surgeon and attacking anyone that dares to disagree.

I have blocked Dawn and LS, they will have to go to a little more effort to read my words of wisdom and no doubts, they will. ;o)  That's okay, just see who goes into attack mode when you point out specific examples and links to research for themselves.  Then decide who is being truthful and who is recruiting.

Do your research.

Thanks, Pepsi, this is a great thread.

on 3/16/09 1:02 pm
In a perfect world, everyone is honest and upfront on their experiences and doctors.  However, I have come across many people who claim to have had a wonderful experience with their doctor (all the while hiding information about the detriments of their surgery and the problems they are having with the end results of their surgery because they have been compensated for posting positive comments about their surgeon.  This is all done to sway new people to have their surgery done by the same doctor who did a less than stellar job on their own surgery) and are posting problems on other sites that directly contradict their previous statements of how wonderful the doctor is or has been.

This is a cut-throat business at best - even in the United States, doctors are vying for patients and advertising false information about their statistics in order to get a portion of the weight loss surgery money - which billions are spent on every year in the United States. Unfortunately, I would like to believe that everyone is upfront, doctors, posters, etc.  However, I have found otherwise which is sad, but in any economy, buyer beware and DO YOUR DUE DILLIGENCE by researching every doctor and not believing everyone on this site just because they may articulate or express themselves better than another poster.  Look at the consistency of the posters on every forum to make sure they are telling the truth.

One person who has always been consistent in telling the truth and not hiding any problems she had with the band is MidWestern Girl.  She has always been upfront and honest.  I only hope others can take heed and do the same for all of those newbies who will be coming in behind us.

Thankfully, there are some honest people (doctors) and they will surface with their consistency, and ability to do the right thing despite losing business to those butchers who may pay people to post wonderful comments about them in order to get more money. But in the end, I believe in God and Karma and the good ones will become even more evident because they aren't paying people to post about them and they can survive on their reputation and honesty.  When you have looked at the tons of boards and the same doctor's who are in the excellent category continue to be on top, then take those names and do a deeper research on them to make sure you are getting accurate information.

Message all of the people you can to get as many personal accounts, plus go through all of the sites to make sure those people are consistent and then go deeper to research how to research a Mexican and American doctor.

I wish everyone much luck in their quest!

on 3/16/09 12:47 pm - Canada
 Hi, I was the lady who sent a Pm to MidwesternGirl this morning. I like so many others have always avoided this type of bickering, but based on my experience I felt it worthwhile to speak up. I am grateful to MidwesternGirl and we have never been in contact until I emailed her this morning. I started checking OH out in May/ June and because I am Canadian I would have to leave Canada to get the revision of my choice, the DS. My first choice was Mexico, I received a Pm from another OH member telling me to check out her surgeon, that I should get a good deal because I was self pay. I replied back that I looked at his info but I couldn't find any stats on him preforming the DS. This person also told me that she felt Mexico was "scary". I didn't think too much about it until I was reading MidwesternGirls profile on how to select a surgeon in Mexico. She explained that some people on OH profit from posting, in other words they recruit for a surgeon and receive kickbacks. I still didn't think too much until I began to read the boards more and noticed that the person who suggested I check out her surgeon would always sound like an alarmist when ever anyone asked about surgery abroad. She would state the lack of quality of the hospitals, the risks of traveling,In fact I have read the same sad story about a patient dying from a blood clot while returning from Spain on two different occasions. Did this person just think this surgeon was the only solution for WLS or was there more behind it? To be honest I don't understand why she would suggest this Doctor when he doesn't even do the DS and that was the revision I wanted. I have no problem with telling the world your experience and opinion on WLS, that is one of the purposes behind OH, but I think all WLS surgeries should be respected and people given CORRECT information and make up their own minds. My experience in Brazil was wonderful, I would suggest it to anyone but there are MANY great surgeons and that situation worked well for me and might not work well for someone else. So tell your experience with out trying to persuade or manipulate others with half truths. Go ahead, talk your guy up but stop talking down other surgeons especially out of country ones. I had to speak up and as I said to MidwesternGirl in my Pm this morning I owe her more than sitting on the fence while mud is thrown her way. She taught me to research and question what I read and for that I will always be grateful. OH forums provides support and information  and there needs to be respect for all procedures and all cir****tances, speak from experience not myths of what happened to a friend of a friend when they went out of country, speak of only what you know your own weight loss journey and let others make up their own minds.

happy losing to all,

(deactivated member)
on 3/16/09 12:55 pm - AZ
On March 16, 2009 at 7:47 PM Pacific Time, runnergirl wrote:
 Hi, I was the lady who sent a Pm to MidwesternGirl this morning. I like so many others have always avoided this type of bickering, but based on my experience I felt it worthwhile to speak up. I am grateful to MidwesternGirl and we have never been in contact until I emailed her this morning. I started checking OH out in May/ June and because I am Canadian I would have to leave Canada to get the revision of my choice, the DS. My first choice was Mexico, I received a Pm from another OH member telling me to check out her surgeon, that I should get a good deal because I was self pay. I replied back that I looked at his info but I couldn't find any stats on him preforming the DS. This person also told me that she felt Mexico was "scary". I didn't think too much about it until I was reading MidwesternGirls profile on how to select a surgeon in Mexico. She explained that some people on OH profit from posting, in other words they recruit for a surgeon and receive kickbacks. I still didn't think too much until I began to read the boards more and noticed that the person who suggested I check out her surgeon would always sound like an alarmist when ever anyone asked about surgery abroad. She would state the lack of quality of the hospitals, the risks of traveling,In fact I have read the same sad story about a patient dying from a blood clot while returning from Spain on two different occasions. Did this person just think this surgeon was the only solution for WLS or was there more behind it? To be honest I don't understand why she would suggest this Doctor when he doesn't even do the DS and that was the revision I wanted. I have no problem with telling the world your experience and opinion on WLS, that is one of the purposes behind OH, but I think all WLS surgeries should be respected and people given CORRECT information and make up their own minds. My experience in Brazil was wonderful, I would suggest it to anyone but there are MANY great surgeons and that situation worked well for me and might not work well for someone else. So tell your experience with out trying to persuade or manipulate others with half truths. Go ahead, talk your guy up but stop talking down other surgeons especially out of country ones. I had to speak up and as I said to MidwesternGirl in my Pm this morning I owe her more than sitting on the fence while mud is thrown her way. She taught me to research and question what I read and for that I will always be grateful. OH forums provides support and information  and there needs to be respect for all procedures and all cir****tances, speak from experience not myths of what happened to a friend of a friend when they went out of country, speak of only what you know your own weight loss journey and let others make up their own minds.

happy losing to all,


Thanks, Heather.  You are very cool!

on 3/16/09 7:40 pm - Norwich, CT
Thank you SweetSmiles, MWG and Runnergirl for speaking up.  Again this post was NOT about bashing or slamming anyone or their surgeon, however I draw the line when people are questioning their surgeon because they've had terrible results and now have a terrible quality of life and they continue to praise the surgeon here on OH and go elsewhere to tell the "real deal".

I also think it's criminal for anyone to come on to OH where newbies are thirsting for information (I know because I was one) and they're  given inaccurate  information  from which they will make their surgery choice. 

Compensated "Office Advocates" do not belong on OH as people trust what they read here and their choice of surgery should not be based on people who have an agenda and are giving inaccurate information.

Sally, this is my point.  It's not about someone telling about their experiences, I personally come here to read exactly that...it's about people telling painting a rosy picture when in reality their life is in a shambles and they face the decision to revise the revision.  It's about promoting a doctor or surgery type or whatever for the sole reason of being compensated.

 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


(deactivated member)
on 3/16/09 7:45 pm - AZ
On March 17, 2009 at 2:40 AM Pacific Time, pepsi98 wrote:
Thank you SweetSmiles, MWG and Runnergirl for speaking up.  Again this post was NOT about bashing or slamming anyone or their surgeon, however I draw the line when people are questioning their surgeon because they've had terrible results and now have a terrible quality of life and they continue to praise the surgeon here on OH and go elsewhere to tell the "real deal".

I also think it's criminal for anyone to come on to OH where newbies are thirsting for information (I know because I was one) and they're  given inaccurate  information  from which they will make their surgery choice. 

Compensated "Office Advocates" do not belong on OH as people trust what they read here and their choice of surgery should not be based on people who have an agenda and are giving inaccurate information.

Sally, this is my point.  It's not about someone telling about their experiences, I personally come here to read exactly that...it's about people telling painting a rosy picture when in reality their life is in a shambles and they face the decision to revise the revision.  It's about promoting a doctor or surgery type or whatever for the sole reason of being compensated.

Regarding the office advocates.. it's shameful when they change IDs as often as they change their underwear.

Anyone hear a "meow" around here as in... kittycat?

And yes, I get your point as well and totally agree with it.

You are very cool, Pepsi!

on 3/16/09 11:22 pm
Whose life is in shambles? Who is revising their revision, that has told you their health is good, yet told you it isn't?
I'd like to see all the proof that is bandied about with nothing to back any of it up.
I have every intention of calling the surgeon in question, and asking about whomever it is you all are calling an " office advocate", whatever THAT is! But I need the name of the person, otherwise no point in trying to verify it.
The current situation in Mexico is that there are drug wars going on, and Americans have been killed who got caught in the middle of it. I booked a Mexican cruise a year ago, I go on cruises 2-3 times a year. I am waiting to see if the situation changes or the areas I intend to visit end up involved in the issues. If so, I wouldn't want to take my family there.
As for surgery outside the US, I went to India, and had surgery with someone I never met before. I am satisfied, and well, and have nothing against nonAmerican surgeons. But if i did have concerns about foreign surgeons, that would be my opinion, my feelings, and my prerogative, and as valid as any other opinions.
Believing someone is being PAID to write posts is one thing, knowing it is another. I'd like a little proof, please.
Otherwise, let's all respect each other's opinions, and as human beings, give the support we'd want to get.

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