Everyone should read this-Revision Procedures for Failed Gastric Bypass

on 3/17/09 5:29 am
My 'half' of a DS, with absolutely NO take down for a revision took over 8 hours because of the tangled mess the scar tissue from the previous WLS.  They had to 'dig' (their word) by duodenum out from a strangle hold of scar tissue.  One more reason a revision is riskier - more time under anesthesia.

5' 5" -  317.5 / 132 / 134  SW / CW / GW

on 3/16/09 4:20 am, edited 3/16/09 4:20 am

I thought after posting that I may have opened a can of worms but really didn't mean to.  I myself did not know anything about other forms of WLS other than RNY or Lap Band until I joined a few forums and have found that those that have the DS seem to love it and have not heard anything negative except for a few shall we say immature comments I've read on another forum but I'm sure they happen on all forums.  I think we're all desperate to finally lose our extra weight and keep it off but if not all surgeons are offering the DS or the Sleeve we're kind of stuck with what's available or not having WLS at all.  Especially those of us who are revising and we know what issues we had before we want to be sure that if we choose to revise that it will be more of a sure thing this time.  It takes it's toll on you when your first WLS failed and you end up going through as many stages as in death and dying!  I want to be sure this time.
(deactivated member)
on 3/16/09 8:11 pm - Woodbridge, VA
On March 16, 2009 at 11:20 AM Pacific Time, brandyII wrote: I think we're all desperate to finally lose our extra weight and keep it off but if not all surgeons are offering the DS or the Sleeve we're kind of stuck with what's available or not having WLS at all. 

Nope, you just travel to a surgeon who DOES offer the procedure you want! Most DSers have to travel across states, across the country, or even out of the country (cheaper for self-pay). IMO, no one should "settle" on something they have to live for the rest of their life.
on 11/24/09 1:20 am

I had my original Gastric Bypass at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore.  I am interested in some type of revision and would like to hear what you have to say about revisions - lap band, DS etc.
thank you.  Please e-mail me direct at [email protected]
on 3/16/09 9:17 pm
I agree with Jilly - never settle!  I fought having my VBG revised because I KNEW the RnY wasn't something I could 'make' successful and live with.  When a friend told me about the DS . . . . . let's say I couldn't be happier!  I was unable to get a full revision, because I had already had the VBG revised and was left with far too much scar tissue to risk having my stomach messed with.  But the intestinal portion alone has done wonderful things for me - and I couldn't be more grateful!

I am lucky, there is 2 DS surgeons in my state, and one of them is a revision surgerion - but travel if you must, cuz it is sooooo worth it!

5' 5" -  317.5 / 132 / 134  SW / CW / GW

on 3/16/09 9:34 pm
on 3/16/09 9:52 pm, edited 3/16/09 9:53 pm

Were you intending to reply to me?  If so, I'm confused.  I absolutely did NOT have the RnY or ERNY.  I have a VBG with a duodenal switch done to my intestines  - I have a pyloric valve, fully functional stomach (except I have a VBG line and band in there yet).  I have lost from 317.5 down to 144.6 (down 172.9 lbs) in 16 months - for a EWL of 104% (and below my original goal of 'normal' BMI).  I'm trying to lose another 11-12 lbs because I'm 'shaped' funny and don't feel I'm proportioned as well as I'd like - and I can't swing the money for a lower body lift!

ETA: my common channel is 75cm, with a total alimental limb of 300cm (biliopancreatic limb is 225cm)

5' 5" -  317.5 / 132 / 134  SW / CW / GW

on 3/16/09 9:56 pm, edited 3/16/09 9:56 pm
Oops!  I misunderstood.    I was not clear on the fact that you have a functioning stomach with a pyloric valve.  Thank you for clarifying.   Your surgery sounds very interesting and unusual!  I will delete my other post.

I understand about being shaped funny!  I am shaped funny too!  Much luck on losing the rest!  
on 3/16/09 9:59 pm
Nope, that's fine!  You can leave it.  No better way to get the word out about the benefits of the DS than a discussion on it's working!

5' 5" -  317.5 / 132 / 134  SW / CW / GW

on 3/16/09 10:08 pm
 Oops again, I already deleted it before seeing your note!   But, I am so glad to see someone so well-informed and sharp posting her story here.   Your surgical journey  sounds like something we can all learn from.   If there is more info you wish to share, I would like to hear!  We need more people like you!  
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