Great article on RNY revisions from Bariatric Journal!

on 4/13/09 1:17 pm
 I also posted this article from the same bariatric journal as the other one:

I even posted it on the same day.  Perhaps you didn't read it.  It goes into ALL of the various revision types (not just the DS) and the pros and cons of each one.

I pointed out the issues regarding some Black women being "resistant" to WLS because it is a FACT and was stated by a doctor on this forum: nd-stayed-the-same/#31224148  

I didn't know if you had seen it.   You were complaining about not losing enough and I wanted you to feel better about yourself and know that it wasn't your fault.   Gosh - I was trying to make you feel better!  And, you repay me by attacking me?  

Here's a link to the post about Weight Loss Surgery and African-American women - maybe someone else, who's interested in actual research would like to read it - thanks for bringing it up: nd-stayed-the-same/#31227168

No one is trying to make you "paranoid".  This is what I am trying to prevent by posting articles and asking questions.   If more people did their research in advance, they would be better prepared for their surgical outcomes.   In other words, they would get what they expected to get.  

You keep saying that you wish you had a shorter common channel.   Did you discuss the common channel length with your surgeon?   If so, you got what you wanted.   If you didn't discuss it with him, why not?  Certainly you can't blame that on me??
on 4/13/09 8:57 am
 "As far as reading the studies, I do believe that you were making a point to point them out to me right?"

Do you actually think that I posted these articles to "point them out to you"???  I think you are "internalizing" here.  This is NOT about YOU!   I posted them because I thought everyone would like to see them.   People can read them if they want to - no one is forcing anyone, least of all - YOU!
Monique H.
on 4/13/09 9:14 am
You sent me messages to go and read the articles you had posted as well as the one about african american women. Don't go there with me and don't try to make it seem like there is something wrong with me. I'm starting to think there is seriously something wrong with YOU. As I said before your statement about not posting your information really offended me since you had sent me a pm asking me to do so. That is what this is about not what surgery I chose. I remember thinking as I posted my info that I didn't want to do it in a way that people would take it like I'm siding with one side or the other. I use to wonder why are you sending me messages because it seemed like you were trying to get me involved in all the crap you were in. Why don't you post some of the messages you were sending me since you are so good at going back and pulling up things. You kept going on and on about the one with the small cc and the issues she was having. I just kept wondering about you and now I see why.
WHEN LIFE KNOCKS YOU DOWN TO YOUR knees, JUST REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE IN THE PERFECT POSITION TO PRAY. HW 395, RNY 4/2/07 345, Lowest Weight 248,  Revision to Distal RNY 1/13/09 278,Revision to DS 10/15/10
on 4/13/09 9:41 am, edited 4/13/09 9:43 am - MI
Her standard reply  when backed into a corner is "THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU"!   Read through some of the string of posts  she's involved in and you will see the pattern.  Especially when she is called out.  I wouldn't waste your energy, many on this site have figured her out and basically ignore her input simply because she is so unwilling to substantiate her story even, if she wants to hide behind "internet security".   Somethings are just not worth it.
Good luck to you and your journey.  Sounds like you are determined and I wish you the best.  I am sure you will do fine with the choice you made.

on 4/13/09 4:36 pm, edited 4/13/09 4:37 pm
 " I wouldn't waste your energy, many on this site have figured her out and basically ignore her input simply because she is so unwilling to substantiate her story even, if she wants to hide behind "internet security"

Now, this makes no sense at all!   I have never put forth any "story", so there is nothing for me to "substantiate"!  All I have ever done is catch others in their deception (with verifiable links as proof) and put up TWO research articles.   I can't help it if you don't like what the research says.   Not my problem.  If you don't want the information, you don't have to read it.  

At least I am consistent, unlike some on here who change (or completely privatize) their profiles and their weight loss statistics "after-the-fact" when they have been caught misleading people.  It is really funny how people say on the boards that they've lost "X" amount of weight, when on their profile, it's a different number entirely!   I guess they don't realize that people are capable of reading and doing simple math, eh?    And I'm not talking about you, MEW - you are one of the honest ones.  But, even you now have a private profile too ..... interesting.   Banding together with the rest of your ERNY "sisters" now, are you?
on 4/13/09 10:20 am
 I was only trying to be helpful to you when I sent you those links.   So that you wouldn't blame yourself.   They were links to studies that I found online.   It seems like there are those of you who like to blame the messenger and think that I have some "evil" or nefarious plot against you.    If you don't like what I write, just block me!  I haven't even been posting that much lately.   Been really busy.  This all happened a long time ago, and for some reason, you  are attacking me on an old thread I posted.   Why?   I don't know, but I see that a bunch of you are now "jumping on the bandwagon".   Typical mob response.   Go to it ladies!!  Have your fun.   Discourage anyone else from putting up studies or stastics!  Have at it!  
on 4/13/09 10:55 am
on 4/13/09 4:20 pm, edited 4/13/09 4:22 pm
 Here is an exact quote taken directly from the last PM that I sent you, which was on March 17th (it was AFTER all the nastiness on the forum was overwith):

"I'm sorry your distal isn't working for you the way you expected.  It's not your fault.   Read the articles I posted.   You can't depend on your doctor to give you a straight answer.   You must do your own research.   The RNY has inherent problems with it and these cannot be addressed by merely making your common channel shorter.   It's like Dr. Husted said in some post recently - it's like a mousetrap - you can build a better one, but it's still a mousetrap.   Quite a lot of people need a conversion to an entirely different metabolic surgery and it's risky and dangerous and only a handful of surgeons are skilled enough to do it.    The problem is most WLS centers are RNY factories that give everyone the same cookie-cutter operation, no matter what the individual cir****tances of the patient are.   Then they send you off and if you fail, they lay the blame on you, when it's not your fault.   I think it's shameful and that's why I crusade for people to do t heir own research.

Did you see where Dr. Husted also posted that women of color have more B-type fat cells which are more resistant to WLS?   I thought that was an interesting tidbit of info.    Did I send you a link to it?   Maybe I sent it to someone else.   You can find it on the revisions board in one of the posts he made.   

I hope you are able to find success - I know how hard it is to cut out the foods which are soothing to the soul and make us feel so much better.   But, you CAN do it.   I'm rooting for you!

Now, exactly HOW am I saying that there is something wrong with you????   I told you that it wasn't your fault and  provided information as to WHY it wasn't your fault - yet for some reason, you keep harping on ME!!!  

I think you are just having  a bad day and need to take it out on a complete stranger who was only trying to help.   If you don't like what I have to say - BLOCK ME!  Then, my forum comments won't be visible to you and you also won't receive any PM's either (not that I am EVER going to send you any more). 

And, BTW, this is an open FORUM!   No where in the rules does it say that one can only write about their own personal experiences ONLY.   I've seen some people write about what happened to their friends, their sister, their mother and even the woman down the street.   I happen to like quoting others or quoting studies.   This is my prerogative!  It is your prerogative to read it or not!
on 4/13/09 9:25 am
on 4/13/09 9:32 am
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