Why all the fuss?

(deactivated member)
on 3/14/09 8:39 pm, edited 3/15/09 6:32 am - AZ
On March 14, 2009 at 5:08 PM Pacific Time, coconut678 wrote: OMG, Dawn !!! There you go again !!! I thought you were finished with this type of slamming of other forum members?

Well, a rose is my trademark so here is a rose for you. Of course you will probably insult the rose now too !!!

BY the way, I have never slammed anyone on line till I saw the 3 of you guys attack everyone on line. There would be alot of posters on this if you guys were gone. The only forum members that deserve slamming is the 3 of you and no one else. If the shoe fits where it...
(deactivated member)
on 3/15/09 5:13 am - Togo
From DawnB: "If the shoe fits where it..."

What you mean, Dawn, is - "if the shoe fits WEAR it ... "

Not "where" it.


(deactivated member)
on 3/15/09 6:36 am - AZ

I made a typo. Instead of where I mean wear. Please this is getting crazy. Now your correcting my grammar. Instead of telling me about my grammar errors talk about the real issues...

on 3/13/09 3:22 am
on 3/13/09 3:28 am
Thanks for the good wishes, I do know of one that has lost 110 pounds in a little over a year.

I have seen you post, and I am wondering are you a failed erny? Is that why you seem so passionate against it?

What is your story, was it a success?

No meaness intended!

LiFeLoNg hEaLtH imY GoAl
RNY 5-11-04 280
Lowest weight 174
Highest re-gain 238

erny 3-23-09 (120 common channel

low post revision 190
Current Weight  204

Height 5'6"

GOAL 154 Normal BMI

on 3/13/09 3:57 am
 110 lbs is GREAT news!   I have not seen anyone post here who has had that type of result, except for DawnB, who (and I am now repeating myself as I have had to do on here) was never bypassed at all with her original RNY.  Do you know how long this person's common channel was made?   Or if she (or he) was also in a similar situation to DawnB, where there was no bypass done the first time around?   I'm reading more and more how some people are opened up and the new surgeon finds that the old one didn't do anything except construct the pouch.    I'm not even sure that some people know what surgery they are getting in the first place.   Some thought they had bypass, when they actually only had stapling or a VBG.  Shocking, but true.  

I am not "passionately against" the ERNY.  I have seen it work very well for those who have 50 lbs or so to lose.   I am against people misleading others, especially newbies as to the success of their surgeries for the purposes of procuring future patients for a particular surgery or a particular doctor.   You would  only know about this if you had been reading the boards all of last year.   Here is just one thread about it which was posted and came to a head a few weeks ago:  www.obesityhelp.com/forums/revision/3868664/Constant-Plugs-For-Dr-Schlesinger/

There are also those who like to exaggerate their WLS because it makes them "feel" better.   Great for them.   Not so great for those who are using what's said on here to make crucial decisions which will affect them for their entire lives. 

I don't talk about my personal situation.  That's not why I came on the boards.   I was gathering info for a friend who doesn't own a computer.  I didn't even have a "profile" until I had been lurking and reading for over a year.   I had to put one up in order to post.    I never intended to post, but this issue about the "patient advocates" (that the doctor's own office verifies!) and the one employee posting as if they were impartial WLS patients just became too much  to bear, especially when all the proof was posted.   It all started around last September.   You can read all of it by reading "latest posts" under my name.  

And, the same people persist in spreading falsehoods, then conveniently change or delete things from other posts or from their profiles when their own words are used to provide truth against the B.S. they are spreading.  It just happened again, this morning.  A public message board shouldn't be used by patient advocates to procure business for one doctor and one surgery.  Especially when these same people spread falsehoods on OH boards, while posting the real truth elsewhere, as some have done.

There are those of us who feel if we are not vigilant of keeping these boards honest, that the faction that hijacked and monopolized the Revison board last summer will continue to do so and that will be detrimental to everyone looking for genuine advice here.    

on 3/13/09 4:15 am
I have no bone to pick with you.  I have been a member here almost 5 years. I have seen things like this come and go. 
I have been reading this board for 2 years. I don't see the problem you proclaim to see.

I only wish to offer support and receive what info and support I can from here.  Its a great site, and its a shame that some people don't want to post for fear of negativity.   I will no doubt do what the others are being accused of by you when I successfully start my journey.  I Loved my first Dr. and would return to him if he did the Erny.  I told everyone I knew about him, and will still recommend him, as my surgery failure was not his fault.  I truly believe that some surgeries work better than others for different people. How better to find out than to have it done?  Everyone is different , and Will respond differently to any given surgery.  It seems you push for ...without saying , the DS?  How does that make you different from the rest of us that have had success?  ( I am making this assumption as I see you post all the time ((bait and don't switch)).

My first surgeon was DR. Timothy Wheeler from Kings Daughter MC in Ashland KY.
My new surgeon is DR. John Maguire from Dayton Ohio.

Like I said I don't get your agenda, as I see little in terms of support  from you to others.

LiFeLoNg hEaLtH imY GoAl
RNY 5-11-04 280
Lowest weight 174
Highest re-gain 238

erny 3-23-09 (120 common channel

low post revision 190
Current Weight  204

Height 5'6"

GOAL 154 Normal BMI

on 3/13/09 4:34 am
 You don't get what I do.  I don't care if someone mentions that they had a good experience with their surgeon.   By all means, go for it.  Nothing wrong with that!   I thought there was some "baiting" going on just by "reading between the lines" of what people posted, then someone from the DS board came on a revision board post and gave it a "name" - that's where I got it from.   It's true, it happens all the time and it's unfair to the unsuspecting patient who is depending on his/her surgeon to give them all of their options, not just the ones which that surgeon performs.  

You are absolutely right!   Some surgeries work better than others for different people.  That's why it is so important to get accurate information out there for prospective patients to see.   If you do what some of these folks have done, and post success on this board while posting problems and failures on another, I, along with a few others,  will bring it to everyone's attention.   If you are honest about your progress there won't be any need for that.

You may not see any problem, but a woman as far away as Canada did - and she had the guts to actually put up a post about it.   I didn't even have the nerve to say what she said, but I was happy to see that she said it.   I am also happy to see Diana Cox posting on the revisions board to warn everyone about the "bait & don't switch" ruse that non-DS doctors like to play

Maybe you and some others don't consider information to be "support", but I consider it much more helpful than the "atta girl", "you go girl", or the always popular "I'll pray for you".  Each to his or her own.   I don't like when people tell me what I should or shouldn't say or how to say it.  I don't tell anyone how to post, except that they should post the truth - and when they don't, I call them on it.   None of this applies to you.  

You know, you can't please everybody ALL of the time.   
on 3/13/09 11:06 am
Shele, I hope I don't offend you, but any asshole who posts constantly on what OTHERS do with their own bodies, in a negative light while refusing to give any personal information, I find them HIGHLY SUSPECT!
I am not referring to you, but to mom, who I am having to block, because I can't see spending my time answering her negative, disrespectful, and denigrating posts all the time. Her posts are never directed to me, but always imply other posters are stupid and unable to make intelligent health choices.
I have already stated she has an agenda, which appears to be intended to stress and harrass people who choose RNY and ERNY as their weight loss surgery. She has revision as her surgery, but no information. I don't have any on my profile, but freely tell anyone who asks with respect.
I am not a revision, but have a true distal RNY, which is  200cm common channel and a RNY pouch. Calling it ERNY is a better description, except that it's not a revision.
on 3/13/09 8:43 pm
I completely agree with you.  I am tired of people acting like they are giving Information and support, when they seem to be doing something else. 

I don't know, I didn't start this to get something started again, I was just tired of reading the same stuff in every post, acting like people are uninformed and have wls at abandon!  Makes no sense to me.

LiFeLoNg hEaLtH imY GoAl
RNY 5-11-04 280
Lowest weight 174
Highest re-gain 238

erny 3-23-09 (120 common channel

low post revision 190
Current Weight  204

Height 5'6"

GOAL 154 Normal BMI

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