Why all the fuss?

on 3/13/09 12:52 am
I just don't get it .   We all started out on a path to health. Some took one road, while others went a different path.  Some found the prize, while others are still struggling for various reasons.  This board is for support and information.  Most people take the information gained here and compare it with what research knowledge they have and make decisions based on such.

I have as yet to see someone post that  so and so convinced me to have a certain procedure and  I should not have listened.  It was a mistake.  I haven't seen anyone say that a person kidnapped them and made them go to a certain Dr.  These statements really are demeaning, and not of any support to anyone.

I get it that people disagree, and that certain surgeries are reporting better stats than others.
BUT it is still an  INDIVIDUAL choice.

I am going to have an ERNY on the 23rd. I plan to sing the praises of my DR. All I have heard, and experienced so far is OUTSTANDING.
I also plan to post my journey, the good, bad and ugly. If I am complying, or not. I don't have any agenda except good health!

because it is the best for my situation!
I have been reading and reading all about everything i can regarding varoius options available to me.  This is MY choice!

Wish me luck and look for my progress if your interested in how the ERNY will help me,,, or not!

LiFeLoNg hEaLtH imY GoAl
RNY 5-11-04 280
Lowest weight 174
Highest re-gain 238

erny 3-23-09 (120 common channel

low post revision 190
Current Weight  204

Height 5'6"

GOAL 154 Normal BMI

on 3/13/09 1:06 am - St. George, UT
You Go Shele:

You couldn't have said it better....I Agree..........

Good luck on your path and with your ERNY....I'm right behind you, hopefully on the First of May...

I'll be watching your story.

on 3/13/09 1:19 am
Thank You!

It will be fun doing this close together!

Good Luck!

LiFeLoNg hEaLtH imY GoAl
RNY 5-11-04 280
Lowest weight 174
Highest re-gain 238

erny 3-23-09 (120 common channel

low post revision 190
Current Weight  204

Height 5'6"

GOAL 154 Normal BMI

on 3/13/09 1:44 am
 Good luck with your revision.  

The reason you "don't get it" with regard to what is going on is because it was mostly occurring last year.    Some people were lying as to their outcomes and actually working for the doctors they were pretending to "innocently" promote.   Most as "patient advocates", (i.e., business procurers) and one as a paid employee.   And, some of them were "outed" on the board when absolute proof was presented, both of their outcomes and their real connection to the doctor who did their surgery.   Some of these false outcomes and obvious promotion served to sway other people's decisions as to their surgeries, etc.  The people in question are still denying it in spite of the proof which has been posted that directly contradicts what they have said.   It's kind of like Bill Clinton when he kept saying that he "never had sex with that woman" even after they found his DNA on her dress.  

The surgeon himself was even using these public boards to do free advertising and procure and manipulate prospective patients.   The doctor was also accused of doing the "bait & don't switch" by getting patients to come in for a consult by saying that he did ALL revision surgeries, even those to the DS (which is what everyone seemed to want), then used his medical knowledge and expertise to manipulate patients into deciding on the surgery that he does, by telling them that the DS was too dangerous and risky for them.   He doesn't even do the RNY to DS revision, he only does RNY to ERNY, but if the patient didn't ask a specific enough question, they were misled to believe that he did do this RNY to DS revision.   At the time, the better informed  people posted that he lied to them.  The ones that he couldn't manipulate were the ones who did their homework, learned the lingo and went elsewhere to get the surgery they really wanted.   This goes on every day all over the U.S., but other doctors don't use a public board to do their bidding and procure patients.  

You missed it!   It did not affect you or your decision.  As I said previously, it  was going on mostly last Summer and Fall.  If the people in question would stop the lies, the controversy would stop - and their free advertising would stop as well.  So, they have a "vested interest" as patient "advocates" to continue to do what they do.    They are still doing it.  One patient just posted yesterday that she is 50 lbs down from her revision, but on her OWN profile, she is only down 37lbs at 6 months out from her RNY to ERNY revision.  And, then they change their profiles to reflect the B.S. they are foisting on unsuspecting newbies.   It is not right. 

I could post all of the various threads here to prove what I'm saying, but I'm sure you'd rather look forward to your revision than read this junk!   

You are informed and have done your homework and made your decision.  And, yes, I wish you luck and am interested in seeing your progress.  Please keep posting.   I would love to see someone who is successful in losing more than 50 lbs with the ERNY (if that is what you want to do).   Only two who have posted on here have lost more than 50.   One woman is pretty sick and the other one was never bypassed at all with her original RNY, so she is like a virgin surgery and doing well.   Some only needed to lose 50, others are still far away from what they expected (like 100 lbs away) and their losses have stopped after 6 months.    I would just like to see some truthful posting for a change.  

(deactivated member)
on 3/13/09 2:22 am, edited 3/13/09 2:23 am - Togo
To Stacysmom: Touche. That's the truth.

Shele: I wish you the best of all in your surgery and weight loss.  

(deactivated member)
on 3/13/09 3:03 am - AZ


I was never outed from this board. No proof of yours was presented.  You just want to believe that we are all lying. I am not be paid. How come you don't understand this...The first poster on this thread was talking about how she did not like certain peoples posting because all they do is spout out all these studies. I have contradicted anything that I have said. Try to prove because you can't. I should just kick you in your ASS like Diana Cox told me one time. You know darn well on the DS site the DS people have their own issues and you never attack them. I don't have to prove that because everyone can read it for their self's. Listen, if people want a DS or ERNy let them make up their own mind for the 100 th time. People PM me all the time because that don't want to hear any of your comments any more and they don't want to be attacked. You know that there was only one person working for Dr Gitt and she did admit it so be it. If you don't think there is no truthfulness on this forum get the heck off of it and go to the DS site. Oh and "Touche" to Deanne for this mornings comments. Way to go Deanne !!!



on 3/13/09 3:34 am
 Dawn,  you have never said anything of substance to me for me to contradict.  You persist in getting what I say MIXED UP  with the other "like-minded" posters who HAVE answered you.   I seriously doubt that Diana Cox told you to kick ME in the ass as we are friendly with one another and she has been helpful to me.   I'm sure she was talking about someone else and, once again, you are CONFUSED.  

You posted a while ago (in an answer to MIdwesternGirl, not me) that you have suffered some type of brain injury, which may explain your confusion.   That is the reason I say away from your posts.   I am not one to "pick" (as you call it) on someone who is not in a position to defend her contentions.    

I have NEVER called you a liar.  Maybe others have, but not me.  I have called other people "liars", but NOT you.  I don't take anything you say very  seriously.  It is repetitive and not of much value to me from an observational or investigational standpoint.   I am genuinely happy that your surgery is working well for you.   I remember a long time ago you posted that you didn't have the emotional backing of your family and didn't even want to tell them about this revision surgery because they put you down as though it were your fault when your initial RNY didn't work well for you.   And, then you posted that your revision doctor discovered you were never bypassed in the first place.   That'll show 'em, I remember thinking.  

So, please stop inferring that I have been "mean" or derogatory to you.   IT WAS SOMEONE ELSE!   The only time I have addressed one of your revision posts directly was in this very thread, when I  mentioned that your ERNY was more successful than most because it is the first time you really had any intestines bypassed.   Go back and read where it says "latest posts" under my name on here.   I don't get involved with you.   Others have, but not me.
(deactivated member)
on 3/13/09 4:47 am - AZ
On March 13, 2009 at 10:34 AM Pacific Time, StacysMom wrote:
 Dawn,  you have never said anything of substance to me for me to contradict.  You persist in getting what I say MIXED UP  with the other "like-minded" posters who HAVE answered you.   I seriously doubt that Diana Cox told you to kick ME in the ass as we are friendly with one another and she has been helpful to me.   I'm sure she was talking about someone else and, once again, you are CONFUSED.  

You posted a while ago (in an answer to MIdwesternGirl, not me) that you have suffered some type of brain injury, which may explain your confusion.   That is the reason I say away from your posts.   I am not one to "pick" (as you call it) on someone who is not in a position to defend her contentions.    

I have NEVER called you a liar.  Maybe others have, but not me.  I have called other people "liars", but NOT you.  I don't take anything you say very  seriously.  It is repetitive and not of much value to me from an observational or investigational standpoint.   I am genuinely happy that your surgery is working well for you.   I remember a long time ago you posted that you didn't have the emotional backing of your family and didn't even want to tell them about this revision surgery because they put you down as though it were your fault when your initial RNY didn't work well for you.   And, then you posted that your revision doctor discovered you were never bypassed in the first place.   That'll show 'em, I remember thinking.  

So, please stop inferring that I have been "mean" or derogatory to you.   IT WAS SOMEONE ELSE!   The only time I have addressed one of your revision posts directly was in this very thread, when I  mentioned that your ERNY was more successful than most because it is the first time you really had any intestines bypassed.   Go back and read where it says "latest posts" under my name on here.   I don't get involved with you.   Others have, but not me.

It is you , MWG and Coconut that keeps stirring up all these lie's. Do I have to research all your post to prove it ? I am not going to do that. I hate to tell you these people you want to convert to a DS don't even want one and they are all going for a ERNY.  You tangle with me all the time. This is not the only tread that you have responded to of my post. As to Diana Cox she told me she wanted to kick me in the ASS ! Now I am saying to you I want to kick you in the ASS!. Do you understand or are you confused!!!!!!
on 3/13/09 5:06 am
Dawn said " I should just kick you in your ASS like Diana Cox told me one time. "

 Now, Dawn, it makes more sense!  Diana wanted to kick YOU, Dawn, in the ass - not ME.   OK, it's REALLY CLEAR NOW!  Thank you so much for clarifying that point!  I am so relieved now.

(deactivated member)
on 3/14/09 10:08 am, edited 3/14/09 10:08 am - Togo
OMG, Dawn !!! There you go again !!! I thought you were finished with this type of slamming of other forum members?

Well, a rose is my trademark so here is a rose for you. Of course you will probably insult the rose now too !!!

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