Revised my RNY and stayed the same !!!!!

on 3/12/09 4:42 pm
I get hungry now, too. Starving sometimes if I don't eat on a regular basis. But it doesn't take much to satisfy it, and then I'm full for a long time.
I don't know what could be the problem. I can't imagine how frustrated you must be! I would be too.
I think I ate before surgery from habit, boredom, and depression as much as from hunger. At night, I sometimes feel I am craving something. I usually plan to eat at night, so I can control it before I get crazy and eat the house down.
Other suggestions to pack in the protein is all I can think of too. That works even for people who haven't had surgery, that's why the Atkin's diet is so popular. Low carbs, high protein.
I would also consult another surgeon for a possible solution, liek a different surgery, maybe for more malabsorption like ERNY or DS.
on 3/12/09 4:59 pm
 Sally, you see - you think that EVERYONE does their research and knows exactly what was done to them with their revisions.   Here is just one example of someone who didn't ask the "right" questions and didn't get what she wanted.  

Apparently, only her pouch was corrected (she thinks).   So, when it stretches out again (as they all eventually do), she will be back in the same boat.   And, the newly tightened pouch isn't even helping her with her hunger issues.  

This is why I keep posting and posting and posting for people to do their own research, learn the "lingo", and go in with notes and questions written down so they will not be intimidated by their doctor and be able to intelligently discuss their future surgery with him or her.  

And, EVERYONE should keep a copy of their medical records and their surgical notes (which state what was done in detail), so that if any type of revision is needed down the line, their records will be easily accessible to the new surgeon and not in some dusty box in the basement of some hospital or lost entirely.   

Again, Sally, I mean you no disrespect.   You are very knowledgeable and have done your research, but not everyone is as diligent as you are.   Many people just let their doctor decide for them and that's not always the best thing, especially for elective surgery for which there are many different options and opinions.  

BTW, both you and the original thread poster still have your blind stomachs in you producing (overproducing?)  Grehlin, the hunger hormone, which seems to be out of whack in most WLS patients.   Do you think that may have something to do with why you're both still feeling so hungry?
on 3/12/09 5:28 pm

It's NORMAL to get hungey when you haven't eaten. It's normal to be VERY HUNGRY when you've missed a ameal. Eventually, everyone gets hungry. After 3 years and 8 months, it's TIME to get hungry in a normal person fashion. 
Are you deluded into thinking people with DS don't get hungry?????????
I like being normal, feeling normal, and eating normally.  As to eating, I have no problem with how much I eat, when I eat, what I eat, or maintaining my weight loss.

There are thousands, most likely hundreds of thousands of people with RNY who have lost weight, kept it off and are alive and healthy today, years later.

You hear more from those who have problems than from those who get on with life. Pounding on people who have already been through the mill isn't helpful. Nor is telling them how stupid they are, or berating them because you IMAGINE they can't understand what choices they make. Damn, have some respect for people ok? People like you can make it difficult for others to post and ask questions because they KNOW you'll try to humiliate them  like you've already done to some posters.
Posting facts without denigrating others will have more positive impact than what you are doing.

on 3/12/09 6:03 pm
 This woman is NOT talking about normal hunger, she is saying that she is HUNGRY ALL THE TIME!  Of course, hunger is normal.   It's how our bodies tell us that they need fuel to live!  Everyone, no matter what surgery they have had, gets hungry!

What you consider "berating", I see as providing helpful information.  People are NOT stupid.   If they are given facts and not  spoon-fed "whitewashed pablum"  they can make their own decisions.   I will stress research again and again and again.   Even after the fact.   If people did their due diligence to start with, maybe they wouldn't be unhappy with their surgical outcomes.  They would know what to expect and be happy with their progress - instead of on here complaining about how XY or Z isn't working for them.  

Yeah, I guess I could say "bless you" or "I will pray for you" or do the "rah-rah, you go girl" thing  - but that's really not doing anyone much good is it?  God helps those who help themselves - research is helping oneself.   I DO respect people.   WLS is a difficult enough road to travel.  I've never called anyone stupid.   "Uninformed" (or misinformed)  does not equate with "stupid" - or maybe in your book it does?   

I have never told YOU how to "couch" YOUR words or what to post.   Please extend me the same courtesy   How "elitist" are YOU  to infer that YOU know better "how" to write things to help others.   I've told you over and over again that I do respect your experience and knowledge.  Live and let live!   Why don't you go after those who are all "bright & cheery", but who deceptively post misleading facts and sidestep inconsistencies with their "upbeat" tone?   

on 3/12/09 6:27 pm, edited 3/12/09 6:32 pm

The first place I'd have to start on the " cheery and bright" bull**** wouldn't be on THIS board! There is a group of people who post on OH who have never admitted to a single fart, or any other issue relating to their surgery. I'd have to call them on it first.

But no thanks, I don't want the job. I'll just continue to demand some respect for people.

While you mention in this reply that the original poster wasn't talking about normal hunger, you lumped me in there on the previous post, informing me that ghrelin was still being manufactured in my remnant stomach. Since this isn't presenting a problem for me, kindly refrain from suggesting it is.
You also  lump all who have chosen an ERNY as their revision,as being failures for some reason, or uninformed, or unable to make choices about their own health care without you to lead them by the hand. Unless you see they are doing good, than you post some inane reasoning as to WHY they're doing well.
Really, enough is enough.


on 3/12/09 10:02 pm
 YOU equated YOUR hunger to hers, which is the only reason I "lumped" you into the portion of the post where I mentioned the Grehlin issue.  

Now you are attacking my sleeping hours?   Who made you my keeper anyway?  Interesting that you are now not even discussing the issues at hand, but rather INSULTING my choices in writing style, wording, telling me what I should say, HOW I should say it and NOW, questioning when I chose to sleep?  Maybe you would like to tell me what I should wear and what religion I should follow too.   LosingSally, dictator to the Weight Loss Community!  How ridiculous!

I used to have respect for you because you spoke the truth and seemed to know your stuff.   Now, I just think of you as yet another WLS nutcase!
on 3/13/09 10:20 am
I didn't " equate" my hunger to hers, I mentioned my times of trial.
You jump in on other posts that really have nothing to dow ith you. You will interfere with people's ability to post freely and get any kind of answer except yours, which I see now IS YOUR AGENDA.
In order to post myself, and not have to deal with your continual blah blah blah, I'm going to have to block you.
To the original poster, I appologize for the **** this turned into, I was really only trying to stand with you, and let you know that I was reading and considering your situation. I hope you find the answers you need soon.
(deactivated member)
on 3/13/09 6:56 am - AZ
On March 13, 2009 at 1:27 AM Pacific Time, LosingSally wrote:

The first place I'd have to start on the " cheery and bright" bull**** wouldn't be on THIS board! There is a group of people who post on OH who have never admitted to a single fart, or any other issue relating to their surgery. I'd have to call them on it first.

But no thanks, I don't want the job. I'll just continue to demand some respect for people.

While you mention in this reply that the original poster wasn't talking about normal hunger, you lumped me in there on the previous post, informing me that ghrelin was still being manufactured in my remnant stomach. Since this isn't presenting a problem for me, kindly refrain from suggesting it is.
You also  lump all who have chosen an ERNY as their revision,as being failures for some reason, or uninformed, or unable to make choices about their own health care without you to lead them by the hand. Unless you see they are doing good, than you post some inane reasoning as to WHY they're doing well.
Really, enough is enough.


When you "demand" things from people they tend to dig their heels in the ground.  Demanding doesn't appear to be getting anywhere just as the constant attacks don't appear to be getting you anywhere either.

I do agree with you about the people that post on OH and never admit to a single fart or complication.  What bugs me more are the varying types of posts from the same people.  On one board they complain about how ill they are and complain about their doctor, yet on another board the stories change drastically.

This just isn't fair to newbies.  We all depend on one another to tell us of their experiences, surgery types, complications, successes, and we gather all this information and research the heck out of it (well, some do and some do not) and make decisions accordingly.

When you don't know what is BS and what is truth, it would be very frustrating for a newbie.

One area we disagree.... people are stupid.  They do not research, they do not understand what they are getting themselves into.  Clearly I'm not making across the board statements here as many do research.  But not enough people research and many who do, do not research enough.  When people don't know what surgery type they had (such as the woman who thought she had bypass and she actually had the mesh band and nothing more) it is nothing short of frightening.

I had a friend call me recently telling me of a friend of hers that wants a sleeve.  She's trying to get ins coverage.  My friend is concerned because this gal flat out states that she refuses to follow a post op diet for a sleeve (staple line??) and she will eat what she wants, when she wants.  Top that off with the fact that this lady is an RN.

People are stupid, no way around it.  I get it that they are desperate to lose weight but people do not research.  Go to the band boards and look at the stupid questions people are asking.  Things such as...  I'm 10 days out from banding and I have an unfilled band.  I have no restriction, how can this be??  Or... I was banded a month ago, can we have sex if we are banded?  Naturally, I thought she meant sex post op.  No, she meant is sex possible with a band or will she slip if she does the big one.  Shouldn't these types of issues have been addressed before surgery?

There is a place where many long term folks are frustrated with all the stupid questions right now, it seems to be an all time high.

StacysMom is all about researching your surgery type, my little corner of the world is research your surgeon, know everything there is to know about your surgeon and leave no stone uncovered.  Sadly, people don't do this either.  There is a person on the sleeve boards that went to a crappy doctor in Tijuana, she KNEW this doctor was not experienced, not skilled in sleeves, she doesn't have a good rep but she's $1K cheaper than the skilled surgeons and she's surprised that she can eat an entire chicken breast three weeks out of surgery.  First of all, she shouldn't be eating the chicken breast right out of surgery but she also shouldn't be ABLE to eat an entire chicken breast.  Another can eat a quarter pounder from Mickey D's and a small fry.  They went to the same surgeon.  But... she's cheap so they went to her.  What dumbass knowingly goes to a cheap surgeon with a poor rep because they can save $1K?  Now they are looking at a revision to DS.  Doesn't seem like they saved much money.

DS requires a lot of research and knowledge.  Do you really believe this kind of person is going to do what is necessary to find a good surgeon for revisions and follow what needs to be done for any malabsorptive procedure?  There are a TON of these people out there.  It's all very sad in my opinion.

on 3/12/09 9:52 pm - Orlando, FL
My sis also had her RNY in 2005. And she has maintained a healthy weight and looks great.  Why can't I maintain???? I look at food and gain weight!!! Damn that ****** me off!!!!! I am 41 and I tell you I have so many illnesses. I just had surgery performed on my right foot due to spurs, the surgeon told me that he sent one of them to the pathologist to make sure it was not a tumor of sorts, thats how big it was. Luckily it wasn't.  I had 3 surgeries performed on my left foot as well. What I am saying is that I am deteriorating little by little. Everybody says walk do exercise......I CAN"T..... WHY???? Because I suffer from arthritis  in most of my body, I even have ARTHRITISin my HYOID bone and can't swallow at times. I am Diabetic, Hypertensive, I have Fibromyalgia, I suffer from Anxiety, I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Metabollic Syndrome, Polycystic Ovarium Syndrome. I have ribs growing in a portion of my neck, I already 6 new ones. I have herniated discs in the Lumbar. I was told by an orthopedic doctor that I might need a knee replacement.  I take 14 pills daily.  I have ZERO ENERGY.  At this rate i won't make it to 50.  I can keep going on and on.

And you know what the sad part is??????
Zee Starrlite
on 3/13/09 12:25 am
The "famous" Dr. Husted replied to you.  He is right.  I would be honored if he stepped in and gave his opinion to me.  Now it is time to lick your wounds and just move forward.

If you only "believe"  and are not even sure that you got your "stoma tightened" then you have nothing to work with.  Pre-op you should have asked and discussed the details of your "revision".

If you only had your stoma tightened and with a procedure like ROSE or Stomphymax (spel), it is no suprise that it did not work.  Those surgeries do not work.  People here complain about them all the time.

With all your ailments, you may want to consider a full revision to a duodenal switch.

I wish you the very best and I am so sorry that you were misled by your surgeon with one of those pleat the stoma, scar the stoma smaller techniques.  They have failed so many.  You have not failed!!!

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

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