Lapband to Gastric Sleeve

Lori G.
on 3/11/09 5:29 pm - CA
Aloha All-

Chrissy, I must assume that you are tracking your intake and know how many carbs, protein, and calories you take in every day. And that you are avoiding refined carbs ( bread, rice, pasta, white flour, sweets).
I must also assume that you've been tested and screened for concurrent hypothyroidism, PCOS, insulin resistance and are not on any meds for your cancer that might hinder your weight loss or delay your healing ( like prednisone, other corticosteroids, or other immunosuppressives).
And your trainer is not working on just weights, or just cardio, but balancing things so you are getting at least 300 minutes of exercise per week ( the Feb 2009 recommendation for weight LOSS is now 300 mins per week....maintenance is 210 minutes per week), improving your lean muscle mass and your cardiovascular fitness.

If you know the answers to all these questions, are following accepted guidelines and are still not losing weight, then a malabsorptive procedure might be necessary for you. I've heard an excellent description on the DS board- DS is a malabsorptive procedure with some restriction. RNY is a restrictive procedure with some malabsorption. RNY is off the table because of your cancer...but DS is still an option, correct - and DS has the longest proven track record as long term results from the VSG as a stand alone WL procedure are simply not available yet ( at least not past 5 years).

I'd advise you to post on the VSG and DS boards- I can think of several people off the top of my head *****vised from Band to Sleeve- but none I recall who have the added question mark of stomach cancer. And for sure there are Banders *****vised to the DS, they will answer you if you post on their board.

Personally, I feel you should choose the surgery you can be married to. I had personal reasons for choosing the sleeve over an RNY or DS but do not feel my surgery type is "best" for everyone. I have loved my sleeve ( well, after the first 5 days or so) and have enjoyed great success despite having a starting BMI of 54 ( I chuckled when one of the previous posters said we should stop kidding ourselves- WTH does that mean?). At 9 months out, I have lost 95% of my EBW, am within 9 lbs of my goal ( which is 8 lbs below where my doctor's goal was), am still not hungry, and can eat whatever types of food I want...but I focus on protein based meals, low glycemic index carbs, no bread rice or pasta...until I am done losing. I do not feel deprived and I vomit rarely- only when if I eat too fast ( about once every other month). Pain post op was no worse than my lap cholecystectomy 13 years ago or my 2 C-sexns 15 and 17 years ago. I rarely drink ( because I did too much of that in college, eeeek!) but I have had alcohol with special occasions ( 1-2 drinks) with no ill effects and no stalls so far. I do exercise everyday now- because I like it, not because I have to- and it makes me feel good to see muscles sprouting where I had only flab and fat before. The exercise is good for us in so many ways- even with 171 lbs lost, I won't have to have plastics done on my arms because they look great now with the muscles from lifting weights. I can run up the stairs without panting and do a 60 minute cardio kick box class with no problem now. I'm off hypertension meds and antidepressants and my CPAP machine. I feel 20 years old again, and I'm pushing 50 now.
Be well, PM me if you want some of the names of people who are Band to Sleeve revisions, and best of luck to you- XOXOLori

on 3/12/09 1:15 am - Layton, UT
Lori G,
Your inspirational post make ME want a sleeve too!  Weigh 2 go on the successful weight loss and on embracing a healthy low carb lifestyle!  High Fives on your killer gym time!  50 is the new 20, right?  .....*winks*

.....wishing you were in my "hood" so we could be BFF's at the gym together!

Lori G.
on 3/12/09 3:55 pm - CA
Aloha Joyce- WOW do you look super! I read your story- tough woman, you. And yes, I cannot believe how good I feel now compared to even 10, 20 years ago. We did not go to AZ for spring training this year, maybe next year? Congratulations on your persistence and recovery- XOXOLori

Christina N.
on 3/12/09 1:35 am, edited 10/5/10 4:14 am - Houston, TX
Revision on 03/18/09 with
(deactivated member)
on 3/12/09 5:46 am - AZ
On March 12, 2009 at 8:35 AM Pacific Time, DivaChrissy wrote:
Wow! You brought up a lot of good points Lori. Thanks so much for taking the time to give me so many ideas, alternatives to think about, and your experiences with the sleeve. My doctor never mentioned the DS option to me. I looked it up online, and it sounds to me like a mini bypass.I will definitely talk to my doctor about it.

And kudos to you on your weightloss. You have done so well!! You are def an inspiration to me.

Thanks again,

Oh me oh my.... Just a little suggestion, when you go to the DS board I probably wouldn't say it sounds like MGB. ;o) 

Zee Starrlite
on 3/13/09 12:46 am

I was the one who posted BMI Over 50 that restrictive only surgery opters  were "kidding themselves".  I didn't mean to be that harsh.  I think we all should have to research, study, and then take a huge exam before we are allowed to have WLS.  And even then, there is no telling what our journey will hold BUT at least we'd have the knowledge.

Look at you Lori, you know your stuff.  You are doing the work it requires to get the weight off.  There are many other high BMIs like (celtic fairy?) who have done amazing, really amazing WORK.  I am not knocking that, I'm not knocking you.  It just takes lots of work, lots of dedication/committment.

It just breaks my heart to see people get these surgeries and believe that they will effortlessly lose the weight.  It is hard and gets harder when you try to get under the 200lb mark.

God Bless you and all of us that have the courage to change our lives.


3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

Lori G.
on 3/13/09 2:17 am - CA
Aloha Leila-

Hi! And thanks for your reply- I agree, we are all in the same boat and for sure, no weight loss surgery is effortless. I totally hear you on people thinking this will be easy. That is why I think it is so important to  research and choose the right surgery for YOU- one you can be married to for life. And in retrospect, I am so glad I had to do  a 6 month mandatory pre op period- it did allow me to change some habits, give up caffeine and diet sodas, chew my food well, and really ponder over whether I could do this or not.

The biggest advantage of the sleeve as a restrictive procedure has been the lack of hunger- I simply cannot tell you what a powerful tool that is. So easy to avoid bad choices if you couldn't care less about food. Even at 9 months out I find myself setting my alarm to eat during the day- otherwise I'd forget.

Be well, continued great success on your journey, and thank you for your words! XOLori

on 4/22/14 4:16 am

Hello , my name is Pete I've

had lap band for about 2 1/2 years and have had 1 Band Slip and now a leak in band ... I am going to get a band to Sleeve pretty sure by this month or 1st week of May just wondering if anyone here has had band to Sleeve and how are u guys doing ?

on 4/22/14 9:52 am - Davison, MI

Pete this post is from '09!  Why don't you start a new thread to ask this so people can see it.  I and many here have.  Bands are coming out faster than they are placing them

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 3/12/09 8:54 am
 Lori - thank you for your great post!   And, for mentioning that you are still not hungry.  A lot of people don't realize that the sleeve and DS have an "extra added" benefit of completely removing the portion of the stomach where Grehlin, the hunger hormone is produced.   The DS and sleeve people, even when they get the surgery as a revision, are much less hungry than any of the RNY types of revision, simply because this hormone is lessened to a great degree.   This aspect is an important contribution to the weight loss success of the sleeve and the DS.   

Also, to Chrissy  - the DS is nothing like a Mini Gastric Bypass.   With the DS you  have a working sleeve stomach with your valve intact.   There is no pouch.   Important difference, along with the Grehlin issue (above).   You do get the malabsorption from a bypass though, and if you feel that you would need it, the DS may be the way to go.   Most doctors in the US do not perform the DS, as the RNY has been the most popular operation for some time now.   Also, when you discuss it with your doctor, be sure and mention that it's the DS with the sleeve stomach, so that your MD doesn't think you are talking about the older style BPD/DS which involved a pouch and was very problematic.   It was  sometimes called the "Scopinaro Procedure".   You can find doctors who do the procedure by asking on the DS forum and also by checking out
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