Shout OUT you ERNYers

Monique H.
on 3/9/09 5:27 am
I'm not upset at all. Some times I just don't feel like they know what they are talking about. I have yet to see my surgeon. I always end up seeing or talking to someone else and it is really getting on my nerves. Right now I'm trying to stick with just meat and cheese although I do have lettuce and onions occasionally. My protein drinks are 210 calories and 50 grams of protein for a full serving. I split them in half and they're either low or no carb Isopure powder made with water, so I don't think that is it either. Today I'm going to try to limit myself to just liquids and see how that works. If you think of anything else please let me know.
WHEN LIFE KNOCKS YOU DOWN TO YOUR knees, JUST REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE IN THE PERFECT POSITION TO PRAY. HW 395, RNY 4/2/07 345, Lowest Weight 248,  Revision to Distal RNY 1/13/09 278,Revision to DS 10/15/10
on 3/9/09 11:07 am
Hi Monique,
I was thinking, maybe you are eating too few calories, and your body is in starvation mode. This would make your body hold onto every single calorie and store it. So no weight loss. I'm not sure about this phenomenom, but I've read about it several times. And maybe experienced it.
One thing to remember is that you don't absorb all the fats you eat, so can eat more than most RNY, and also need more to absorb fat soluable vitamins. And take a vitamin D that is called Dry D, ok?

Once, before I had weight loss surgery, I was working out sometimes 6-7 days a week. After losing 40 pounds, I came to a standstill. I went to a trainer, who told me I was starving my body, because I wasn't taking in enough calories for the workouts.
So first, I stopped working out every day, to give my poor muscles a chance to repair themselves and to get a little rest! I did it every other day.Then I increased my calories by a couple hundred a day. After about a week, I dropped a couple pounds, and ended up losing around 55 pounds.
Of course I gained it back, because I didn't have any help with keeping it off, like I do now with the surgery. The responsibility is still mine, and I have rules, which are mostly low carbs, and move. But the struggle isn't the same at all.
I hope you get to speak to your surgeon soon. I'm not sure, but probably some people can't lose weight no matter what. Our type surgery is supposed to help with most of the reasons for that like PCOS, and Insulin Resistence.
If you have examined everything about your workouts, and your diet,and don't see anything that needs changing,  I would go back to the surgeon and see what is going on.
I wish you every sucess.
on 3/9/09 4:13 am - Layton, UT
On March 8, 2009 at 7:56 AM Pacific Time, LosingSally wrote:
I am hoping to get an idea of everyone who has had ERNY, either as a revision, or as their original surgery.
I'm wondering how many of us there are, and how you're doing, and how far out we all are.
Any problems so far? If so how did you handle them?

I'll start with myself.
I had what many call a TRUE DISTAL RNY, or is now being called an EXTENDED RNY. A very small pouch, with a short common channel for greater malabsorption than RNY.
I am 3 years and 7 months out.
My second year I had low protein, elevated PTH indication leaching of calcium from the bones and a low normal calcium. Also iron level 1 notch below normal. 
I handle the protein with shakes for severl months and now maintain a good protein level with food.
I increased my calcium 2000mg 3 times a day and D3 to 4000 a day. I take 800mg chelated magnesium per day. My PTH is in the higher range of normal and my calcium is now normal range, along with a great D. I am looking forward to a lower PTH soon.
I take iron bisglycinate 25mg 2 times daily with C. My iron is solid middle range and my iron reserves are middle normal range.

I don't dump, I eat normal foods leaning heavily on proteins like meats,fish, poultry, cheese, eggs and dairy ( not lactose intolerant).  I eat fats. I never get anything stuck. I don't vomit. I use Benefiber twice a day in a bottle of flavored water. I limit my carbs except for an occasional day of splurge.
I'm at goal for over a year now and holding steady.
So ok all you ERNYers, including Vitalady. I know you are also an original True Distal. Sing out!

LOL !  I just updated my loooooong story in my profile so I'll answer you with the short version!

I need to push iron and have a new capsule to add to my Tender Iron that seems to be working quick. (thanks Vitalady!)
I've found a probiotic that handled the odor issue almost immediately.
My skin, nails and hair indicate that all vites are doing better and that protein is better as well.  I'll have my lab reports in a few days...I drink 1 to 4 protein drinks a day.
Anyway.....if anyone wants to read my long winded version they can check out my profile. Erny lifestyle:  I eat very low carb, almost Atkins but since I am at goal, I experiment with types of carbs to see what my body can tolerate.  I find that the things I "crave" are usually the things that I respond well to.  I have lost my taste for sweet.  I eat every 2 hours during the day to manage hypoglycemia and the scale.  I still dump on a few things.  I've worked up from barely tolerating a short walk to walking my dog 2 to 3 miles.....with goals and a plan to do MUCH more physical stuff in the future!



on 3/9/09 11:08 am
Joyce, do you think there are only 3-4 of us around Obesity Help with RNY and a short common channel?
Zee Starrlite
on 3/10/09 2:18 am, edited 3/10/09 2:19 am
Sally why don't you push to get a forum started for more distal RNYers?  It seems like there will be more and more revisions to eRNY's AND those *****vise need to be educated on their level of malabsorbtion. It is hard to understand lengths of intestines/bypass/common channels etc. Like what does it all mean to ones body specifically?  What precautions should one take?  Remedy for what is present (deficiency/ailment) - what has worked for you or someone else? What foods work for this or that, what should be avoided or experiemented with? The role of  Antibiotics & probiotics etc.  Not asking you to answer these questions, just saying others may need to know and want to share  on a ERNY forum.

VitaLady Michele is sooooooooo amazing in terms of supplementation knowledge and the sharing of what she knows as a distal RNYer. 

ERNYers may want to in the meantime get info from VSG/DS forums etc.

P.S. I think that there of lots of you out there!!!  Did you post on the reg RNY forum?  I think some people don't even know what type of RNY they've had or what was done to their intestines or not in terms of their revisions.


3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

Deanne K.
on 3/10/09 3:28 am - Tucson, AZ
We have asked for an ERNY forum but to no avail, so we hang out here mostly.  I go to the DS forum but I don't post over there.  They really don't want us there as we aren't the same.
on 3/10/09 7:23 am - Layton, UT
On March 9, 2009 at 6:08 PM Pacific Time, LosingSally wrote:
Joyce, do you think there are only 3-4 of us around Obesity Help with RNY and a short common channel?
I think we gravitate to the information and support.....I have found hundreds on  these various sites: al/?yguid=228729615 le/?yguid=228729615 8729615 729615

and many others, including

On the O.H. boards, I think the grads group is spattered with all (like this forum) & own their surgery types a little more....the main board is more for newbies who often don't know their own cc lengths. 

I know there are many Erny's and Distals who used to hang on this forum but once you are happens and you move on.....and then some would rather avoid the controversy that seems to have settled in....

I know there are hundreds/thousands of Erny's, because I have been in communication for years with many via email, I meet regularly with around 50 monthly and continue to receive pm's with questions about their upcoming Erny surgeries.

Vitalady's annual Grad reunion is always loaded with Distal/Erny successes.  I believe this year they will be gathering on the Oregon coast in late July.  ....  In fact, Vitalady will be speaking in my very own Phoenix the first Saturday of June!  Poor lady will have a HUGE group of Erny's eager to hear her success stories!

How about YOU starting up a support site for either O.H. or a yahoo group?  I LOVE your willingness to share your knowledge on our "insides"!  email:  [email protected] or [email protected]

....It is GORGEOUS today in Arizona and I"m headed out the door to go biking with my college daughter!  My bony fanny is worried!  LOL!  But....gotta love that big dose of vitamin D!!!

(deactivated member)
on 3/10/09 12:00 pm - AZ

~~and then some would rather avoid the controversy that seems to have settled in....~~

Ohhhh, I can't believe you are starting this all over again.  You little troublemaker you!  (wink wink nudge nudge)

Amazingly, the controversy is gone now that this board isn't being used for a freebie version of a "let's take over an information and support board to sell Schlesinger".  You guys will have to continue taking over another board to push a given doctor.

Hey, you know what?  I'm meeting the most interesting people lately!  We have mutual friends!  Who would'a known?  They have all kinds of tidbits ... surgery costs and such.  And for GinaU... office advocates.  It's really been an interesting past few days!

It's been a pleasure, and will continue being a pleasure obtaining cool new info!

(deactivated member)
on 3/12/09 12:33 pm - AZ
Sorry MWG,

But I am still going to promote Dr Schlesinger for his revision's. Any one can give him a call to his new office in Tempe, AZ at 480 968 0828 or 480 968 6346. Sorry to offend anyone about posting but MWG deserved this one. Oh by the way I am a ERNY and it is working really good for me. You keep posting Joyce.....
(deactivated member)
on 3/12/09 12:54 pm, edited 3/14/09 5:59 am - AZ
You go ahead and promote anything you wish.  If Schlesinger can't afford to advertise and uses "office advocates" and trades surgery for pushing him on the boards, I'll post right after you each and every bloody time.  I'll tell about the infections, the inability to to procedures via lap and full opens instead... I'll tell it all each and every single time you guys post HERE.

We'll see, when he screams "uncle' maybe you'll stop using a support board for a cheap doctor's free advertising.

Now, if you want to keep this up, so will I.  That's a promise.

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