Shout OUT you ERNYers

on 3/7/09 11:56 pm
I am hoping to get an idea of everyone who has had ERNY, either as a revision, or as their original surgery.
I'm wondering how many of us there are, and how you're doing, and how far out we all are.
Any problems so far? If so how did you handle them?

I'll start with myself.
I had what many call a TRUE DISTAL RNY, or is now being called an EXTENDED RNY. A very small pouch, with a short common channel for greater malabsorption than RNY.
I am 3 years and 7 months out.
My second year I had low protein, elevated PTH indication leaching of calcium from the bones and a low normal calcium. Also iron level 1 notch below normal. 
I handle the protein with shakes for severl months and now maintain a good protein level with food.
I increased my calcium 2000mg 3 times a day and D3 to 4000 a day. I take 800mg chelated magnesium per day. My PTH is in the higher range of normal and my calcium is now normal range, along with a great D. I am looking forward to a lower PTH soon.
I take iron bisglycinate 25mg 2 times daily with C. My iron is solid middle range and my iron reserves are middle normal range.

I don't dump, I eat normal foods leaning heavily on proteins like meats,fish, poultry, cheese, eggs and dairy ( not lactose intolerant).  I eat fats. I never get anything stuck. I don't vomit. I use Benefiber twice a day in a bottle of flavored water. I limit my carbs except for an occasional day of splurge.
I'm at goal for over a year now and holding steady.
So ok all you ERNYers, including Vitalady. I know you are also an original True Distal. Sing out!
on 3/8/09 12:07 am, edited 3/8/09 12:07 am
 So, since you are giving up all these details, how long is your common channel, anyway?  FYI - a distal RNY has a LONGER common channel than an ERNY.   There is even more confusion because different doctors have different definitions, but there should be some type of standard, like 100+ being a distal and under 100 being an ERNY.  
on 3/8/09 12:30 am
Let me help you with this point.
For a RNY bypassed sections are measured NOT common channel. For  Proximal RNY, anywhere from 50cm to around a 100cm are bypassed. For a medial, and not all surgeons recognize medial, it's usually 100cm to 150cm bypassed. 150cm and over is considered distal. 200cm bypassed is usually the maxium. 
One woman posted recently that she had 450cm bypassed with her RNY. That left her with around a 150cm common channel, as she stated her surgeon said her small bowel was about 600cm long. That would be a " true" distal, or an ERNY.  What we call it shouldn't be a problem for you,since those who are interested in the proceedure will educate themselves. Or simply ask, and those of us with ERNY will be happy to answer.
And ERNY and DS is measured from the Ileocecal valve back to where the small intestines are reconnected. This common channel means the food and digestive juices mix for this common length.
A DS may have a common channel from 50cm to 200cm. Please see  Duodenal Switch Lab Rat Data.
An ERNY may have a common channel from 50cm to 200 cm.
You should stick to what your surgery is, and allow those who have any other weight loss surgery to answer questions about it.
Unless you're being paid to disseminate disinformation. You did mention your job. Who are you working for?
on 3/8/09 10:46 am, edited 3/8/09 10:48 am
 I am not working for anyone.   You are correct about  the lab rat charts and I made an apology to you on the other thread.

 I am aware of how they measure everything - I should have mentioned it.   I also know the difference between the proximal, medial and distal RNY.   Some doctors call the ERNY a "distal" and some don't and therein lies the confusion.   Some doctors call it an ERNY when there's a 100 or less common channel left and others still call it a distal.    Then, some call it a distal when the common channel is 100-150 cm.  This can be confusing to many people and they can think that they have the same surgery as another person, when they don't.  Someone with a 150 cm CC will probably have a very different post surgical experience than someone who has gotten a 50 cm CC.  It is also my  understanding that most ERNY's are done as revisions (where the distal may be done as a starter surgery) and that the common channel for the ERNY is measured from the bottom, not by the amount bypassed.  Now we are "splitting hairs".   I addressed this on the other thread where I apologized to you and corrected myself.

You are one of the better informed people on this board and I  have no bone to pick with you.  There are others, however, who have had surgery and still don't know what exactly the doctor has done to their insides.   And, there are newbies who just say their doctor is doing a "revision", but don't know what is being revised.   They are the ones who need you to educate them.   We got into a huge dust-up over "nothing", only because I was trying to explain what someone else had said.  I should not have gone there.  My mistake.  We are on the SAME side.  My ONLY issue with some (not all) ERNY revisioners was was that they were not telling the whole truth and it was misleading to those who did not know to ask the "correct" questions.    Friends now?
on 3/9/09 12:43 am
Doctors do not " call it an extended RNY" when the common channel is 100cm or less. 99.9% of the time, an Extended RNY means the bypassed section of intestine has been EXTENDED, as a revision. I use the term extended only because it better describes the length of my common channel. In medical terminology I would have a Distal RNY. Unless one wants to discuss their common channel length every time, saying ERNY makes it clearer, without a lot of discussion., even though I am not a revision. I think those who have been revised will forgive me the piracy!
I don't beleive anyone here has actually allowed a revision of their surgeries without knowing WHAT is being done. I also tend to take people at face value, and what I see posted here, is what I intend to use to determine how people are doing. If I see positive posts, then that is how I will view things.
on 3/8/09 9:08 am - MI
 I had ERNY October 2008 and proximal rny in 2001.  I am doing fabulous.

For me it was a good decision.  I am 10 lbs away from goal and continue to loose moderately.  My vitamin levels are all good per my last labs done in January.  My protein is a bit on the low side, but it was prior to the revision as well.  I drink one Whey Shot (similar to protein bullets) which has 49 grams of protein every morning and get the rest of my protein from meats, cheese and fish.  I also eat complex carbs/good carbs with a low glycemic level.

Once a week I will allow myself a small splurge on a carb just to keep the "carb monster" at bay.  I have tons more energy now and still am amazed when I see my reflection in a window or mirror that the tiny person looking back is actually me.  Must be that "head" image thing I battle with.  I don't dump nor do I have a problem with food getting "stuck".  I do vomit once in a while when I make a choice to eat to large of a portion size.  This was happening pre revision date as well.  Let's me know my pouch is still a decent size to cause some restriction.    I eat normal foods but try to stay away from sticky dense foods like rice.

My PCP says he is very pleased with my progress and my labs.  I do not suffer the "potty" issues that some are claiming ERNYers experience nor do I have body odor because of it.  For me it corrected a sever chronic constipation issue that I was considering surgery for to fix.  

ERNY has been good to me and to date I do not regret the decision. Whooo Hooo it feels great to regain my health and self image again.   

on 3/9/09 1:16 am - St. George, UT
Hi New:

I was wondering how much you have lost to date? Sounds like your doing great. I hope to be on that bench with you soon.

on 3/9/09 11:40 am
Thanks for your reply!
Monique H.
on 3/9/09 4:03 am
Can someone please help me? I just don't know what to do. I thought the scale had started moving for me again, but every time it moves down it moves back up shortly after that. I was first a proximal with 150 cm bypassed. Then the doctor Jan 13, 2009, bypassed 200 more leaving me with a cc of 150. Why am I not losing the weight? I'm not having the stool issues that everyone has, as a matter of fact I seem to be constipated most of the time. I try to eat just meat and veggies and I do drink at least one protein shake a day. I do water aerobics for exercise, but I'm still not losing. I lost 22 pounds when I was just drinking water for a few weeks after surgery and as soon as I started eating I stopped losing. I now go back and forth the same five pounds. Any advice is appreciated. My surgery lasted eight hours and I was in pain and nauseaus for over a month after surgery. I don't want this to all have been for nothing. All of you distal and erny folks please help. Please tell me what has worked for you. Sorry to jump in here like this, but I need help.
WHEN LIFE KNOCKS YOU DOWN TO YOUR knees, JUST REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE IN THE PERFECT POSITION TO PRAY. HW 395, RNY 4/2/07 345, Lowest Weight 248,  Revision to Distal RNY 1/13/09 278,Revision to DS 10/15/10
on 3/9/09 5:16 am
I have 200cm common channel, and don't have bowel problems either. I did a round of Flagyl a couple of years ago, and been good since.
I'm not sure what you eat in a day. I mainly eat meat, and veggies too. What type veggies do you eat each day?  If it's things with a lot of simple carbs, or even too many complex carbs it could be the problem.
Since the small bowel is anywhere from 600-700cm long, if you are bypassed 350cm, ( 150 to begin with, then 200cm more) that would leave anywhere from 250 to 350cm common channel. Unless your surgeon measured and you had a shorter small bowel. So it's possible your common channel isn't short enough to malabsorb much more than your original surgery.
Since I may be completely wrong, and your surgeon measured and you only have a 150cm, please don't get upset!
Since I am not a revision, I'm not sure how your weight loss may vary from mine. But I'm think if you stick mainly with meat, cheese, chicken, fish, eggs, and low carb veggies, you may get your loss started again.
Sometimes I read where people shake up their routine by eating a little more fats, or calories, or change their exercise routine to move things. Maybe our bodies get used to what we eat, or how much we move and we need to change it up.
I have been up and down a couple of pounds, and I go very low carb to get rid of it.
Check out the calories of that protein shake, and how many carbs it has. It may be adding too many carbs and calories to your intake. Fat usualy isn't a problem for those with a shorter common channel.
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