Shout OUT you ERNYers

on 3/12/09 2:28 pm
 Congratulations, DawnB.   I expected you to do well with the ERNY, as you had said that when you had your original RNY done, you WEREN'T  REALLY BYPASSED AT ALL  IN THE FIRST PLACE.   You are responding to your newly found malabsorption as if you were a virgin surgery.    With a little luck, you will do as well as LosingSally, who was a true distal the first time around.   Good for you!  I'm waiting to see you post a new profile pic - you must look GORGEOUS!  
(deactivated member)
on 3/12/09 7:38 pm - AZ

Please don't give me any congrats because you really don't mean it and your such a fake. . You just want to make nice and everyone can see that once in a while you have something nice to say. You called me a liar and I am calling you back a bigger liar. I don't want to post a new picture of me because you will have a negative comment about that. So please don't cheer for me like a cheerleader since you hate when Joyce does it. I still don't work for that you know who doctor and I don't get paid, I wish I did.

on 3/12/09 3:53 pm
Thanks for replying. I think there may be more of us than I frist thought.
And so far, I see positive results, except for one lady who is fighting for any loss at all. I hope she finds a solution.
Keep up the good work!
Deanne K.
on 3/9/09 11:25 am, edited 3/13/09 12:47 pm - Tucson, AZ
I had my original RNY in Nov. 2004 and my ERNY on 9/2/08, so I am just about 6 months out from my revision.   I do have an enlarged stoma and that was not repaired, so I was extended to a common channel of 75. 

I have just done my 6 month labs and I am waiting the results.  I have been supplementing the ADK so far as I know that I am malabsorbing all of those. 

I have been taking Vit. A 10,000 iu a day.  Vit. K 1,000 x 3 day and Vit. D at 10,000 iu per day.  I also take multi with the extra ADEK x 3 day.  Calcium, I think I get about 1200 mg a day, iron at 29 mg a day, b-12, vit. C. 

I also don't dump any longer and my hypoglycemia has gotten better since the revision.  I eat alot of meat, chicken, fish, eggs, cheese.  I do limit carbs, but I do fall off the wagon periodically.  I never had diarrhea and now still battle the constipation issue, though not as frequently as I have most of my adult life. 

I have lost about 50 lbs since my revision, so I think I am doing well.   I haven't had any major complications as of yet that were not anticipated, just lack of energy, which I have fought chronic fatigue for over 15 years, so it's not new for me. 

Recovery was slow and I still fight some pain issues that continue to elude us as to what they are from.  I also have fibromyalgia, so it's hard to tell where all this comes from.

on 3/9/09 11:41 am
Thank you for replying!
on 3/12/09 2:19 pm, edited 3/12/09 3:26 pm
 More lies - DeanneK, according to your own ticker, about two weeks before your revision on 9/2/08, you weighed 208.   Your last ticker update (the one on your actual profile) at the very end of February (the 27th), said you weighed 171 lbs.    What math are you using to come up with 50 lbs lost.   According to REAL math, you have lost 37 lbs.!!  Your posting signiture says "51 lbs lost".    I guess the major surgery is worth it to you.   Your own profile also says you are "tired all the time" and are having vitamin problems.   Here's a link, in case you forgot what you wrote (I'm sure you'll go back and change it like all of the rest of your posse does - I just don't understand why your group wants to mislead people.):

And, just in case you do change your actual profile (as SOOOO many of you do, when you are "outed" as "stretching" the truth" - here is what you said - verbatim:

"on February 26, 2009 6:12 pm
Hi All,  Don't have much of an update, but I think I might have developed a hernia.  It's a bit frustrating.  I am tired all the time and Vit. A,D.K are low, but I am supplementing them.  Have to wait a couple of weeks to do blood work for my 6 month checkup in March.  I am having a hard time with exercise since I have had some pain issues and not feeling to well."
(deactivated member)
on 3/12/09 7:45 pm - AZ


As you can see from all my post I don't mislead people. I don't go back and change any of my post either. So I don't know why you keep claiming I do in this so called posse. I have made my profile private now because all the negativity which I will get from you and than your going to say how dare you tell me how to post. I just don't like being called a liar and misleading people. Try to prove it because you can't.




Deanne K.
on 3/13/09 2:12 am - Tucson, AZ
Well, you have know idea really what my beginning weight was at my highest since my revision as I didn't keep it completely updated to begin with and who's scale I am using, but on the other hand it really is none of your business.  Yes, major surgery was completely worth it and I would do it again in a heart beat.  I am at my lowest weight every and my physicans are very happy with the outcome.  Why do you keep judging me and others on this board  for their choices?  I did what I felt was best for me and my health, you really have no idea what other "medical" problems I have that lead me to this surgery and it's really none of your business either.    If you claim to know more than what has been posted in my profile or you don't know me personally, then you are crossing the line and it's none of your business. 

I do update my profile periodically just like everyone else, just because you keep your's hidden behind your fake name per se why don't you really share what your story is.  Don't be juding me for giving tidbits of how I am doing.    Why don't you and a few others just come out of the shadows and reveal who you really are and your stories and who you really work for and quit putting your unplaced anger and vendeta against us and our choices out here on this public forum. 

As far as the vitamin problems, it was anticipated with the malabsorptive surgery that I had.  It is an issue that was discussed ahead of time, people asked for the truth and I gave it.  We are working on those and I am following the directions of my 3 wonderful Dr.'s.  I don't see it as a major complication as it was expected.  If anyone does any type of research on ERNY, Distal RNY, BPD/DS, DS they will find all kinds of literature regarding these issues.  There are many on the DS forum and the complications forum that have the same issues, but they don't seem to get judged like we do, they actually get the needed support.  Your type of so called support is not needed here as it's just negative and does no one any good.  If you read further in that post you will also see that I fight Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia and being tired all the time, this is not new, it's been going on for over 15 years.  I have never gotten energy even after my first surgery, I was always just the opposite.  Exercise does not give me energy like it gives most people, nor did losing the weight help me regain energy.  And it's not a mental issue.

As far as the hernia, it's just my suspicion and it's not been confirmed by any of my physicians as it developed after a very strong treatment of steroids for other health issues, prednisone has so many major side affects, it's one of the good/evil drugs that we sometimes have to suck it up and take it if we want to be better.  Hernias develop because of a weakness in the muscle and skin tissue, they develop sometimes without any type of surgery at all, and it's not at my surgical site anyway.  Hernias also develop from laproscopic surgeries as well, so it's a risk of all surgeries. 

So get back  on your high horse and leave me and those of us who answered someone's question with the truth.  I am not al liar and don't appreciate being accused of being one, God is my judge and juror and you don't get that right. 
on 3/13/09 2:33 am
 I don't claim to know ANYTHING more than what you have posted in your profile - it says on YOUR ticker which YOU updated quite frequently that you weighed 208 lbs on August 21, 2008.   This was about a week and a half before your revision.  YOU said your revision was on September 2, 2008 and on February 27, 2009 YOU revised your ticker to say your weight was 171.   By regular math, that makes a 37 lb weight loss, not 50 or 51 lbs.   I don't know where you pulled that number from, that is all.  

Your other concerns are your business, not mine, but I am sorry you are experiencing some issues.   I'm only concerned with seeing the truth posted and not someone's wishful thinking.
Deanne K.
on 3/13/09 2:52 am - Tucson, AZ
My highest weight was higher before 8/21/08 and at that point, I wasn't updating anything on my profile before that as I didn't even know until after 8/21/08 if I was even going to have surgery, I had been getting on my ducks in a row for almost a year.  I don't care where you think my numbers came from, but it's not posted here on OH and I won't post it.  I actually gained weight unfortunately and then I qualified according to the insurance company for the surgery with a bmi of over 40 and it wasn't documented here or in my surgeon's records. 

I am sorry you take everything so literal and that you feel you have to nit pick, go back and check the facts or non-facts of everyone just to try to prove your point.  Don't you have anything better to do?  No, I guess your job is just to tear people apart and bring them down .
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