Anyone fail with lapband and RNY?

(deactivated member)
on 3/9/09 1:42 am - AZ
On March 9, 2009 at 8:06 AM Pacific Time, LosingSally wrote:
I had surgery in India several years ago, and I am not a revision.
And you can whine all you like. My opinion that she needs to be accurate or go home remains the same. I don't need to enforce anything, I just put it out there.
And when you display good manners, you might be rewarded with the same.

Keep stomping those feeties and balling up those fisties and I'll continue laughing at you.  Your behaviors... you just can't help but to giggle and point, you know?

on 3/7/09 11:11 pm

In order for the OP to get a DS, her original surgery would have to be reversed. The exact same change to her RNY pouch would have occur for her to get either a DS or a sleeve. So if a sleeve isn't an option ( only a qualified surgeon can tell her what her options are) then neither is a DS.

And both are possible with a good revision surgeon, and no existing problems with her RNY that would indicate a complication with  reconstructing her original stomach and then recutting it in another way to make the sleeve for just a sleeve or for a DS. Exactly the same proceedure. 
Then with the DS, the intestines would be redone to make the common channel short, usually around 75-100 cm, but could be 50 or even 200cm.  This is the same surgery for ERNY or DS to shorten the common channel to increase malabsorption.
The ERNY is NOT the same surgery as DS, but has the same short common channel.
I have read several posts where a revision candidate has decided with her surgeon to have the less risky ERNY.

When you post the nonsense you put here, you really need to do your homework. And I would hope the intelligent, capable people researching revisions or first time weight loss surgery won't get their main information from this site where anyone can post. One's  own surgeon of choice, and any people one might  personally know who has had any of the surgeries one might be  looking at would be a better bet for accurate information.

on 3/7/09 11:47 pm, edited 3/7/09 11:59 pm
 If you click on "latest posts" under my profile name on the revision board, you will be taken to a place where you can read everything that I have posted on here.  There you will find all the links to the "proof" you want to see.  Don't just read my posts, read the ones that others have posted on the same threads.   I will not argue anymore with someone who has not done my amount of research yet continues to ask me for "proof" when she will not read what has already been written.

I am well aware of the common channel lengths of the DS.  YOU should know that a good deal of the research had the old BPD/DS info lumped in with the current DS info.    The older common channels were shorter - more like the current ERNY - and they had a lot of problems with them.   Do you even know what the Scopinaro procedure was?  There is a lot of confusion because both procedures are called the DS.

My job is NOT to educate you.  You have already  had your surgery and are happy with it.   I want newbies to know what they options are and to also know that doctors will manipulate them into making "choices" which are not really "choices", when those doctors narrow the patients' options down using scare tactics in order to procure business for themselves.   Those are the same tactics used on the patients that you say have been told the risks of the various surgeries and have made their "choice".   I say "bunk" - the doctors' purposely misrepresent the risks of the surgery which they do not do, thereby keeping the patient in their "fold", getting the surgery which they do do.


A prospective patient needs to do their own research as to the risks and rewards before making their decision, and not depend on some doctor to do it for them.  I will not keep repeating myself to you.  I have stated this OVER and OVER again.  I do not care if YOU do not "get" it.    As I have said, YOU have already made your decision and had your surgery.   It seems  like your only purpose right now is to harass me.   Maybe I've "touched a chord" in why you made the surgical decision that you did?   I don't know, but you are taking things VERY  personally, which begs the question, WHY?  Don't bother answering -- I really don't care.  

on 3/8/09 12:03 am

I don't think you're doing a paying job here are YOU??
And the lab rat data posted by the DSers from this site do NOT include the BPD. I don't think you did that research. In fact, I'm wondering if you even read that section.

People are not as easily " manipulated" as you seem to think, they are just as savy and intelligent as you seem to think you are.

Get a grip!!!

(deactivated member)
on 3/9/09 1:41 am - AZ
On March 8, 2009 at 8:03 AM Pacific Time, LosingSally wrote:

I don't think you're doing a paying job here are YOU??
And the lab rat data posted by the DSers from this site do NOT include the BPD. I don't think you did that research. In fact, I'm wondering if you even read that section.

People are not as easily " manipulated" as you seem to think, they are just as savy and intelligent as you seem to think you are.

Get a grip!!!

I think people are very easily manipulated.

If someone goes to a doctor asking for advice on which procedure type to get, the doc isn't going to push DS, for example, if he doesn't do DS.  He's going to push the surgery type he does.

People are stupid, no way around it.  I've had people PM me asking if the band will pinch their waist.  I've had people tell me that it's okay to go to anyone for surgery in Mexico because they are all good.  After all, you have to be good to get through medical school.  Now, don't get me wrong... I'm all for self pays going to Mexico for surgery IF they do their research and go to a skilled surgeon with a fantastic rep.  But go to just anyone?  What about the people that assume if the doc is in the US he's got to be good because of our fantastic medical system?  OMG!  I know of a pediatrician who is a convicted pedophile right here in AZ.  Don't you think someone like that should have his license revoked?  Nooo, we can't hurt the doctors.. they have to make a living too.

So yeah, people are stupid and no, they are not savvy in the least.  Some are, not everyone.  Look at the people that don't even know what surgery type they have!  There was a person that thought her stomach stapling procedure was bypass.  She was shocked to discover she didn't have bypass, 20 years later.  What about people that get bypass and don't know they are supposed to take vitamins?  What about people that do NO research whatsoever on an elective procedure because they leave all that up to their docs and after surgery they discover they had other options and they had no idea.  What about people that don't know they are supposed to use vaginal suppositories in their vagina but instead they complain that they tasted so bad.  People that don't know to take the aluminum foil wrapper off the suppository before ramming it up their back side?  It happens every bloody day!

People are VERY easily manipulated.  They were manipulated into flying across the country to go to a substandard revision surgeon because cheerleaders on a message board told them to.

People spend more time researching their new car than they do their surgery type.  It's frightening.

on 3/8/09 1:39 am
I'm sorry to interrupt your argument but what I was really interested in was whether there were people who failed at both because I'm looking to revise from lap band and I'm wondering if there are people *****vised from lap band to RNY and failed again.  I suppose I'm just being a bit too paranoid because I want this one to work.  I'm not affraid of the surgery just of the failure again.  The surgeons in my area do not do DS and I'm not willing to travel 2+ hours for a DS because I want to be near the team that does my surgery in case of an emergency and also the fact that you do make many trips pre and post op.  My daughter is still doing well with her RNY but with the inconsistencies of all of the surgeries I still have in the back of my mind the fact I might screw up with this one too.

I'm pretty objective when it comes to WLS because of the fact that the lap band was a mistake and that any of them can screw up or be mistakes.  So far I don't love any of them but I would like the next one to work!!!  I wish there was a better test for people to know which really was the best fit for them when it comes to WLS.  Thanks for your replies brandyII
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 3/8/09 3:32 am, edited 3/8/09 3:35 am
Again, yes. There are people on the DS board who failed at both first, then revised to a DS. I'm sorry I can't recall their names, but if you posted on that board, they or someone *****members names better than I, would chime in. Good luck.

ETA - Many of us traveled far to get our surgeries, and to be honest, 2 hours sounds like nothing to visit the surgeon. Distance to the surgeon would not be the top priority for picking a surgery, as there are other factors that are just too important, and a successful surgery is at the top of the list.

on 3/8/09 3:41 am, edited 3/8/09 3:56 am
Thanks bearmom, cute dog by the way.  I suppose I need to change my frame of mind.   I'm still a bit skittish when it comes to revising but I suppose I should think more positively.  I was positive prior to my lapband so hopefully after meeting with the surgeon's office on Tuesday I will feel better about the situation.  I know people tend to take their surgeries very personally and if mine had worked maybe I would have also.  I just am not at that place yet.  Thanks again, brandyII.

I understand what you are saying about traveling distances but I just feel more comfortable with a team that is closer than 2 hours and a hospital that is able to deal with my issues if I or my daughter were to have problems down the road but I respect everyone's choice to travel far if that's what they need to do.

on 3/8/09 10:29 am
 Sorry to have had your innocent post turned into an argument.   With regard to your lapband, you may want to try the sleeve surgery.   Many people find it is easier to live with than the lapband, and many are converting over from lapband to sleeve, because the long term results are similar as with the RNY surgery., and there are less complications because there is no intestinal surgery involved.  

With the sleeve, if you later decide that you need malabsorption, you can add the intestinal portion of the DS surgery and then you would have a complete DS.   If you get the RNY, it is very difficult to reconstruct the pouch they give you back into a working stomach and then cut that into a sleeve.  

I completely understand your wanting to stay close to home - it is what YOU feel comfortable with.   The sleeve may not be offered in  your area yet, but more and more surgeons are beginning to offer it, so maybe if you waited a while you would have more choices available to you.  

Also, the people you find on the revisions board who have revised from lapband to RNY are recent conversions.    The jury is still out on how happy they will be with their surgeries 5-10 years out.

I also have to correct something rearding LosingSally.  She is CORRECT with regard to the statistics on the DS lab rats chart.   Those ARE recent DS's and some of the common channels have been made very short - under 75 cm.    It is important to clarify that only a few doctors are doing the short common channels and many of them are outside of the U.S.    They are being made shorter to deal with other concerns besides weight loss, such as blood sugar issues.   AND, when the common channel is being made that short, the doctor usually leaves a longer alimentary tract and sometimes this is not represented in the statistics.   With the ERNY, problems have resulted from having BOTH a shorter alimentary tract AND a shortened common channel.    I should have been clearer, Sally - and I apologize.  And, AGAIN, I mean you no disrespect.
on 3/8/09 11:11 am
Thanks Stacysmom,

I'm pretty sure I need the malabsorption and partially why I think it will be more effective than the band or sleeve.  As far as I know my team doesn't do the sleeve or DS so I'm pretty sure my only option at this time is the RNY.
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