Gastric disasters??!!??

on 3/5/09 11:20 pm - Charleston, WV
I am looking for personal experiences of gastric bypass side effects. I am more interested in what has gone wrong medically because I need to be informed before I make a decision. I have heard of all sorts of complications such as malnutrition, leakages, death, low potassium due to mal-absorbtion which lead to death....can anyone help me out with personal experiences that were negative from the gastric bypass? I have heard all the good now I need the bad.
Carolyn S.
on 3/6/09 8:54 am - Scipio Center, NY
I had the gastric bypass, the old fashioned one back in th 1980's. It was very painful and a long process. But I did very well. I went from 283 to 110. I quickly learned to take small bites eat slow and chew forever. If not your going to throw up. You might want to practice that before just to get used to it. I was anemic for awhile but slowly came out of it. the only thing that still remains is the 'dumping'. After I eat especially if its something sweet I get like hot flashes and dizzy. At first it was so bad I"d have to go lay down because I thought I would pass out. but it eventually was tolerable. Unfortunately, I had an upper GI series today and am thinking about a revision. during the Gi the doctor came in and told me that somehow I had leakage in my intestine that they had bypassed. So I'm thinking that is probably why I have gained weight back in the few years. It was good for me and as I said I'm looking at a revision. HOWEVER, my sister also had one done just after me and she's had problems ever since. She never really  lost more than 100 pounds and she was almost 400 to start. she is back up there and has been for a long time. she cannot eat half the time and she has had problems absorbing medications. She has a huge hernia that is unreapirable and has checked into revision but they tell her she's too high risk because of her problems. I also have a hernia but it is much smaller than hers and will be fixed. Before you make a decision think about the medications you take if any and if you had to could you do without them? I would try to see if you could talk to more than one doctor that does it in your area and see which one is best for you and your health. Although I have had problems and my pysical being isn't what it might be, I believe that it was a good decision for me and a bad one for my sister. You would not believe the pysical problems she has had, after all these years she still throws up so bad that she bursts blood vessels in her face, and can't eat for days, she has dumping really bad and shakes from not having correct minerals and vitamin absorbtion. She feels it was the biggest mistake of her life.
on 3/7/09 5:03 am - MI
 I personally have not had a "disaster" but I have a sister-in-law who had gastric bypass in 2000.  A year and a half ago she ended up in the hospital for something totally unrelated to the gastric bypass.  She became very ill, ended up in a coma state.  They (doctors) tried to keep her nutrition and vitamin level up but could not.  The doctors said it was due to her gastric bypass.  Prior to the set in of her coma she struggled with pain management because her body just did not absorb the medication well.   She withered away to 91 lbs.  There came a point after 3.5 months in the hospital that the doctors advised my brother to consider stopping the feeding tube because they did not think she would make it as her body just was not taking in the nutrition in high enough amounts.  Well to make a long story brother opted to wait it out... she came out of it but to this day she is just about house bound, has to have a nurse in daily and is still struggling with getting her weight back up and her vitamin levels good.  The doctors said she will probably never make a full recovery.  She is 43 years old and I tell you she looks like she is 80.  She says that the gastric bypass was the worst decision she has every made and wishes she could turn back the clock.   She is very scared that if she is having this many problems with malnourishment and keeping her vitamin levels up then what  will happen as she ages and her body naturally slows down.

Myself, I may have some of the more traditional side effects of wls, occasional vomiting, usually because I chose to eat a bit to much, I have only dumped a couple of times and that has been years ago.  I can eat normal just smaller amounts and I have to watch things like rice and tough meats.  I think the percentages for complications/disasters are low compared to the  health benefits and success that wls has brought about in peoples lives.

You're doing the right thing asking the questions before hand.  It's a decision that should not be made lightly and only you can know if it is right for you and worth the risks involved.

Good Luck with whatever you choose.

on 3/9/09 6:37 am - Canada
I also had my first gastric by-pass in the 80's.. after a few years I started gaining.
I still don't eat large portions, and I now know the term "dumping" thats what I guess I've been doing.  Back then we weren't informed of alot of terms known now. I do this when I eat alot of sugars or rich foods, and mostly in the evenings. I still don't tolerate alot of pastas or breads.I fill up, then within an hour ready to go again. ITS HORRIBLE.
I had a scope done in the 90's showing that there wasn't anything left of my by-pass.
I am going to the Barix for a consult for a RNY...however, with all of the above I'm not sure what a revision would do... my BMI is 46 so I don't meet the criteria for a DS.

Any insight would also be appreciated.
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 3/9/09 7:25 am
You said you don't meet criteria for a DS - does you insurance have something specific about it (my BMI was also <50, so it's common for lightweights to get the DS nowadays)?
For most insurers now, if you qualify for WLS, you qualify for the DS. It's gotten much better in just the last few years, so you may want to double check your policy. Good luck.
on 3/9/09 8:06 am - Canada
From what I've been told the Canadian OHIP has tightened up their  guidelines, and you have to be over 50. 
I guess I'll have to wait and see the the Dr. has too say.

Charlene :)
on 7/21/15 6:47 pm

Did you get your gastric bypass.

(deactivated member)
on 3/17/09 2:08 am
Carolyn S.
If you sister is that sick and having so many problems she can look for a revision specialist and she can have her procedure reversed or revised to something else. Gastric bypass is reversible in these type situations.
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