Would Revision be a possibility

on 3/4/09 12:07 am - Sicklerville, NJ
I had lap RNY done in July of 2005.  By January 2006 I was surprised with a pregnancy.  We weren't trying but obviously my birth control wasn't working as it shoud, so here I am.  LOL . During the pregnancy I had to learn how to eat around the pouch.  That included drinking a lot of calories, snacking all the time and now 4 years later I am still down by about 100 lbs, but no where near even an obese bmi.  I am about 250 and 5'5"....I do know that part of my problem is the snacking and such but wnat to know what the potential is for revision, perhaps to a DS.

Thoughts?  Positives? Negatives?  My BP is starting to rise and I still want to be able to BE AROUND for my kids yanno?  My tubes are tied now (TMI I am sure) so no real chance for an unexpected pregnancy....

I know that part of this is psychological and I need to wrap my head around being more diligent with what i eat and how i eat.....there is no quick fix; however, I am not sure what I need to do.

Thanks so much for any help!!
(deactivated member)
on 3/4/09 2:08 am - AZ
On March 4, 2009 at 8:07 AM Pacific Time, Denitta wrote:
I had lap RNY done in July of 2005.  By January 2006 I was surprised with a pregnancy.  We weren't trying but obviously my birth control wasn't working as it shoud, so here I am.  LOL . During the pregnancy I had to learn how to eat around the pouch.  That included drinking a lot of calories, snacking all the time and now 4 years later I am still down by about 100 lbs, but no where near even an obese bmi.  I am about 250 and 5'5"....I do know that part of my problem is the snacking and such but wnat to know what the potential is for revision, perhaps to a DS.

Thoughts?  Positives? Negatives?  My BP is starting to rise and I still want to be able to BE AROUND for my kids yanno?  My tubes are tied now (TMI I am sure) so no real chance for an unexpected pregnancy....

I know that part of this is psychological and I need to wrap my head around being more diligent with what i eat and how i eat.....there is no quick fix; however, I am not sure what I need to do.

Thanks so much for any help!!

I could be mistaken but don't you have to be careful with processed carbs with DS as well?  Don't they gain from sugar and starches?  I thought DS was great for high fat foods like fried foods.  I believe they have some pretty nasty side effects from processed carbs.

on 3/4/09 8:40 am
It would be a good idea for you to post this same message on the DS board.   Not only can they give you great advice (they're pretty well-informed over there), but they can direct you to the HANDFUL of surgeons who do the RNY to DS revision.   A lot of doctors will tell you that they do it, just to get you in the door, then they do the "bait & don't switch" and convince you that the ERNY (extended RNY) is the way to go.   With this economy we've got now, there is more competition than ever for patients, especially with the "revision" market, because the criteria isn't as strict as for first time WLS if you have COMPLICATIONS (other than weight gain) from your first WLS procedure.   

In the meantime, why don't you try following the pouch rules more strictly?   Cook veges and puree them and fill up on those?  You can also do the "5 day pouch test" - google it.

BTW, you HAVE  maintained your loss of approx. 1/3 of your weight (not excess weight, actual weight), which is what that doctor on Oprah (Dr. Oz, I think) says is the average and appropriate amount one can expect from the RNY surgery.    The DS would probably have been a better choice for your first WLS (it's a stronger "tool" and would have been more appropriate for your BMI), but not that many doctors do it, it's hard to get insurance approval and, if you didn't do extensive research, you may have not even known that there was another procedure available to you.

It is possible to learn to "eat around" any WLS, it is just more difficult with the DS than with the other procedures, especially if someone has the DS as their FIRST WLS, because the various components work synergistically to achieve a great amount of weight loss "up front" and then the malabsorption keeps most of the regain in "check" later on.  
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