my erny story

(deactivated member)
on 2/27/09 10:39 am - AZ
On February 27, 2009 at 6:27 PM Pacific Time, Deanne K. wrote:
On February 27, 2009 at 5:32 PM Pacific Time, MidwesternGirl wrote:
On February 27, 2009 at 4:44 PM Pacific Time, Deanne K. wrote:
On February 27, 2009 at 2:10 PM Pacific Time, MidwesternGirl wrote:
On February 27, 2009 at 10:02 AM Pacific Time, Deanne K. wrote:
I don't have a stench problem either.  I love my ERNY and I do not have constant diarrhea or orange oil slicks.  If I do eat to much fat, yes you see the results of that.   I do take my supplements everyday and I need to continue to tweek based on lab tests like we all do.

I believe you are missing the point again.

I have always believed that there has to be a certain camaraderie between WLS folks.  We may not agree with one another, we may not like writing styles and such.  But isn't there an unwritten rule somewhere saying that we owe it to our fellow fatties to be honest?

To push a doctor non stop on boards, encourage people to fly to see him from all over the country, talk about him ad nauseam, be head of the cheer leading squad, behave as though this doctor is nothing short of a God... but in private tell the truth about how bad he is or what a butcher job was done.  That's just not right.

What Diana posted is not all that has been written.  There is much much more that doesn't come out on THIS board and the reason is that THIS board is for recruiting newbies, that is obvious.

I don't know if she was working for Schlesinger a year ago when she was pushing him non stop but what I do know is that she was working for Gitt and Schlesinger was Gitt's employee.  She didn't mention that little tidbit.  Tell me this isn't all about the almighty dollar and I won't believe you.

If my doctor did to me, what hers has done I'd be shouting it from the roof tops non stop warning people about this doctor.  I darn sure wouldn't be pushing every wide eyed newbie in his direction!

This is a doctor that can't even do a revision from band to sleeve via a lap procedure.  This is a doctor that has far too many patients confused about what surgery type they have.  This is a doctor that uses paid posters to push his name.  This is a doctor that up and moved and didn't tell his patients how to reach him!

Is this a good man or a good surgeon?  You and I are going to disagree on this point.

We don't have to agree on this and I know we aren't going to.  You guys just want to make me with all your attacks. 

I am not missing the point.  I only posted to an accusation that is not true, I do not have a stench.  I don't care what Diana or you post and a few others and they know who they are.  Most of it is irrelevent to the topic at hand. 

I don't have the same issues as Joyce and the majority of us do not.  Joyce has a much shorter common channel than any of the rest of us, that was a decision between her and her surgeon, that we are not privy to.  Joyce doesn't hide that she has issues, she comes here and other boards for support and all you guys do is give her a hard time about her issues.  I don't care where or what Joyce has posted on other boards, etc.  They are her issues and she is trying to resolve those issues with her Dr.' or Dr.'s help and the help of others.  Posting and Reposting these issues are getting old.  Give the lady a break, all you guys do is beat her down.  Joyce only has the best of intentions, she has been only supportive of me and my journey since 2004.  I don't know Joyce all that well as we don't live in the same area.  I live 120 miles away and I only have met her a few times, but I know she means well.

Joyce never worked for Dr. Schlesinger she worked for Dr. Gitt and it is a 3 story building and they were on different floors in that building.  Dr. Gitt did own the practice and Dr. Schlesinger was his employee.  That's the truth and when I was at Dr. Schlesinger's office Joyce wasn't there in his space.  Who else people worked for, etc. I don't care.  We all change jobs periodically for whatever reason.

If someone decides to fly from all over the country that is their prerogative to chose their surgeon of choice.  If they don't fully know what surgery they are getting and ask questions before, that is their responsibility.  My_Time also posted that she got more information from Dr. S when we suggested that she do that and not go into this surgery blind, but do you post that, NO and I am not going hunting for it, it's a waste of my time.

Just because he doesn't do all his surgeries lap doesn't make him a bad surgeon.  He has skills you have no clue about.  You discrediting him is not right when you don't know his credentials.  He tends to clean up all the messes that some of the other Dr.'s create in the area, I had a 30cm almost non-existent bypass by a COE Dr. and alot of scar tissue from my lap procedure that was wrapped around the intestines that he needed to clean up, he wouldn't have seen these issues if it wasn't open, I had major pain issues for a year before I found Dr. Schlesinger and none of these issues showed up on any of the tests that I had.  Open's are not all that bad, they do have risks like any surgery, I was willing to take those risks, if not, I wouldn't have had him as my surgeon, especially since having a friend died and was buried the day before my consult with Dr. S and he put me at ease about hese issues.  She died during a lap sleeve when she should have been opened up when they encountered problems and Dr. S was not her surgeon.  There are so many deaths and issues that are never brought up by these other surgeon, why?  who knows, they still claim they never had any deaths, who is not telling the truth, these are the Dr's. we should worry about.  I don't care what kind of surgery (wls, gallbladder, appendix) or who the surgeon is, complications do happen.

Even the touted COE Dr.'s are not necessarily the best Dr.'s so you can't use that excuse either.  They are mostly conservative RNY and lapband factories and that's exactly what you get.  Herd them in and herd them out and they are done with you, they tout lifetime support, but you don't really get it.  Talk about a bait and don't deliver the lifetime care, is more hideous in my opinion, at least we have a surgeon who is committed to lifetime care.  I didn't have a choice in my original surgeon or surgery as I had an insurance company that dictated what and who you had.  I did have a lawyer and had to fight to just have the RNY.  At the time of my RNY, I don't think I would have even considered the DS, it was mentioned, but it wasn't a type of surgery that I was interested in at the time it was in 2004.  I am thankful that my original RNY got me down 100 lbs before I developed mechanical problems at 1 month out of surgery.   

I am not pushing Dr. Schlesinger, I only give my opinion of my surgery and share my story.  It's a public forum and we are are allowed to give our opinions.  If people ask me about my original surgeon, I give my honest opinion of them as well, but they are one of the surgeon's that defintely does not promote this site because of all the negativity as they want you to follow their program only.   Dr. Schlesinger never up and left us high and dry.  I knew for a long time that he was planning on moving.  He gave notice to Dr. Gitt, he wasn't allowed to say where he was moving to.  We knew how to get a hold of him, I had his coordinators cell phone #, she gives it out to the patients.  I didn't have an emergency situation.  If you are going to say that it was his responsibility to tell his patients where he moved to, that's not true as most practices you are not allowed to do this when you leave a practice.  I would like to know where my pulmonologist and neurologist moved to, I have no clue and they didn't send me notices.  He did inform the medical board as it's correct on their website.  I did received a letter from Dr. Gitt Administrator not even signed by him that was dated 3 days after Dr. Gitts post here on the board regarding Dr. Schlesinger moving.  It was Dr. Gitt trying to make himself look better, didn't work on me, I know where the some of the problems with the office was is as I experienced it first hand.

I found this site in 2004 when I was looking into the surgery, I have watched and posted on the boards since then, and I have never seen the ugliness that l have seen in the last 6 months or more.  OH is definately not what it used to be.  People come here for support.  I don't even want to post questions here as I know all you guys will do is tout that I chose the wrong surgery and wrong surgeon.  I don't care what your opinon of my choice was, I only want to hear is how to solve the specific issue that I posted about.

Dr. Schlesinger is a GREAT surgeon and a GREAT man!!!!!  Go Dr. Schlesinger and I raise a toast of Java to you!!!!!  Your the BEST.

I don't even know where you get some of these issues.  When have you EVER seen me write that a COE is better than a non-COE facility?  What in the world are you talking about that i use this as an excuse?  I happen to think some of the worst surgeons happen to work out of a COE, a lady from Scottsdale comes to mind.  I don't know that she even deserves the term, "Lady," to be honest.  You can sit and debate issues I have never brought up all you want.  It does not change the facts in the least.

I never claimed you stink, I don't care who stinks.  I care about the level of honesty on this board and you are right, the boards are going downhill.  But you know what?  As long as OH puts up with paid posters and certain doctors using a support board for their own personal form of free advertising then OH gets what it gets.

I could have had my revision done by insurance and by Schlesinger.  I opted to self pay by my surgeon in Mexico because I believe he is a much safer surgeon.  You are happy with your choice, I'm happy with mine.  But you don't see me talking about my surgeon in every single post pushing people from all over to go to just him.  That's the difference.

I don't agree with what Joyce does, my personal view is that it is unethical.  You may agree or not but it doesn't change my feelings.  I don't have to give anyone a break, I don't believe showing truth is a bad thing.   I never claimed Joyce worked for Schlesinger, quite the opposite.  I already explained it in detail, what part of my stance wasn't clear?  Need I explain again?

Not all revisions have to be done via open.  Schlesinger does pretty much all band to sleeve revisions by full open procedure instead of sending the patient to a lap surgeon who can do it safely.  I think that is unethical too.  The risks are higher, the complications greater, recovery is MUCH longer, and the pain is far more intense.  And for what value?  Because he doesn't have the skill to do lap procedures by lap.  You can disagree all you wish but it still doesn't make him the God you guys make him out to be.  I have never seen anyone so infatuated with their surgeon as you guys are.  I almost feel sorry for some of you.  I fully admit it does tend to make me wonder why his female patients depend on him so heavily.  It's kinda weird, don't you think?

And btw, I never claimed complications don't happen, if doctors could control all complications patients would never die of illness.  But... when the doctor is the one causing the complications, then it is a concern.

You proved my point.  ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK.

You and your cronies only care about your interpretation of the truth and not the real truth.  You all have such a narrow knowledge of the real truth.

Have you ever considered that some surgeons are trained specifically in certain disciplines of surgery?  Like for example a general surgeon and a trauma surgeon, hugh difference in techniques.   The one I would go to is the trauma surgeon in a heartbeat, they are trainnd way different and look for the unexpected and are better trained!!!!   Do you know how your surgeon was trained?  I do.  Did you ever ask your surgeon?  I did?  Do I wish to share the answers (NO, you don't deserve to know).  If you want to know ask Dr. Schlesinger yourself.

This is based on personal experience with my ex-husband and his shooting, his bowels were damaged and he had an open surgery, which was similar surgery, just a little different that they only sectioned out the damaged part of his intestines and he developed infections, etc.  I work near the closest trauma hospital.  The helicopter rattles my window at least every half hour.  Enough said.  You may think this is irrelevent, but not to me. 


Have you considered anger management?

Just because I do not agree with you and I carefully explain why and back up my opinions with examples does not mean I am attacking anyone.  It means we disagree.  See the difference?  I post facts and examples, you pretty well post, "I LOVE DR. SCHLESINGER SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!  He walks on water and everything!"

Yes, I am well aware that different surgeons specialize in different procedures.  But if a surgeon is out of his league he should refer the patient to someone who can do the safer technique.  For example, band to sleeve via lap.  If he can't do it he should refer the patient to someone who can.

I pretty well knew everything about my surgeon down to his credit rating.  I left NO stone unturned. I didn't need to ask my surgeon, I knew before I ever met him about his training and a great deal more.

Did anyone ask you about Schlesinger's training?  I didn't, so why are you so angry and demanding that if I want to know I ask him?  I don't give a rats back side how he was trained in various procedures.  My opinion... he needs more training so he can use safer techniques on future patients.

Deanne K.
on 2/27/09 11:21 am - Tucson, AZ
I think you need the Anger Management!!!!!!  I am not the one who continues to attack.   Who starts the attacks, you and Diana and a few of your cronies.  I have a conscience and I can sleep at night at the end of the day with no regreats, I don't lie and I do tell the truth.  I am doing what I believed I am called by God to do.  He is my judge, not you.

Who has the vendeta?  Not me.  I get no personal gain from this.  I only want to help others, but I don't do it like you, I don't rip people to shreds and see who is still standing all the end.  I don't post to hurt people, unlike you do in your posts.  Sometimes it how you continue to harp on the same things, it's like a scratched record and your stuck in it's groove.

I don't go to any Dr.'s I don't like.  I give my opinons in the good and bad in all my physicians, I have had both good ones and bad in my lifetime, and when I find a bad one, I walk away.  I do recommend Drs. or Surgeons if they don't fit my standard as they might fit someone else, they need to ask their questions and do their own research.  I am not the judge of their healthcare.  None of them are perfect and walk on water.  They are not GOD.   GOD is the only perfect being and I have faith that he will steer me to the proper Dr.'s and he hasn't let me down. 

I got a second chance at healthy and I have been blessed by the surgeon who has given me this second chance.

I should be angry with my orginal surgeon for the cheated/butcher job I got instead of what I should have gotten, but you know what, that's over and they do good work for the majority of the people.  I am in the minority, they know my issues and have been told my feelings, so I moved on. 

I wasn't referring to any particular surgeon per se.  Just a general statement of how I assess my medical team, I look at credentials and if I can work with the person.  

I don't care if you agree with me or not.  Everyone has an opinion just like *holes.  Doesn't mean you have to agree with them or kiss them in order to feel they are great physicians. 

(deactivated member)
on 2/27/09 12:54 pm - AZ
On February 27, 2009 at 7:21 PM Pacific Time, Deanne K. wrote:
I think you need the Anger Management!!!!!!  I am not the one who continues to attack.   Who starts the attacks, you and Diana and a few of your cronies.  I have a conscience and I can sleep at night at the end of the day with no regreats, I don't lie and I do tell the truth.  I am doing what I believed I am called by God to do.  He is my judge, not you.

Who has the vendeta?  Not me.  I get no personal gain from this.  I only want to help others, but I don't do it like you, I don't rip people to shreds and see who is still standing all the end.  I don't post to hurt people, unlike you do in your posts.  Sometimes it how you continue to harp on the same things, it's like a scratched record and your stuck in it's groove.

I don't go to any Dr.'s I don't like.  I give my opinons in the good and bad in all my physicians, I have had both good ones and bad in my lifetime, and when I find a bad one, I walk away.  I do recommend Drs. or Surgeons if they don't fit my standard as they might fit someone else, they need to ask their questions and do their own research.  I am not the judge of their healthcare.  None of them are perfect and walk on water.  They are not GOD.   GOD is the only perfect being and I have faith that he will steer me to the proper Dr.'s and he hasn't let me down. 

I got a second chance at healthy and I have been blessed by the surgeon who has given me this second chance.

I should be angry with my orginal surgeon for the cheated/butcher job I got instead of what I should have gotten, but you know what, that's over and they do good work for the majority of the people.  I am in the minority, they know my issues and have been told my feelings, so I moved on. 

I wasn't referring to any particular surgeon per se.  Just a general statement of how I assess my medical team, I look at credentials and if I can work with the person.  

I don't care if you agree with me or not.  Everyone has an opinion just like *holes.  Doesn't mean you have to agree with them or kiss them in order to feel they are great physicians. 



Just because someone disagrees with you does not mean they are attacking you.  Adults disagree, children assume disagreements are attacks.  Pick your stance.

I do not judge you, I disagree with you.  I'm beginning to realize that you honestly do not see a difference.  Fair enough.  But do understand, your feelings are not my responsibility.  If you want to feel attacked and judged, that is yours to deal with and not mine.

I have given specific examples, specific reasons for not believing Dr. Schlesinger is a good physician. Thus far you have basically posted, "I love Dr. Schlesinger and he's my idol because he walks on water."  People will have to come to their own conclusions.


Deanne K.
on 2/27/09 1:21 pm - Tucson, AZ

It's like living the movie ground hog day. Over and over and over again. 

Just because we don't have the same opinion, I don't care.  He still is a great surgeon and I have had a few surgeries.  Oh and I do know the difference.  Your just the big bully, you like being in ******g contests don't you!  Who is unhappy here and needs to find a life?  It's not me.

I think he has remarkable skills and you don't that's your opinion doesn't make you right and me wrong.  His work is better than some plastic surgeon's work I have seen.  He saved my life and gave me a new lease on life and I am forever thankful to him for that, and I have another new lease on life and can participate in life again.  I will take this surgeon over the laproscopic skilled surgeon I had before, laproscopic doesn't make them better.  At least I got what was paid for this time. 

I have not had major complications and his care has been top notch, I will continue to support the physician that is the head of my team anyday and I will continue to cheerlead whether you like it or not!!!! 

Good riddens_______________________Bye!   


(deactivated member)
on 2/27/09 1:39 pm - AZ
On February 27, 2009 at 9:21 PM Pacific Time, Deanne K. wrote:

It's like living the movie ground hog day. Over and over and over again. 

Just because we don't have the same opinion, I don't care.  He still is a great surgeon and I have had a few surgeries.  Oh and I do know the difference.  Your just the big bully, you like being in ******g contests don't you!  Who is unhappy here and needs to find a life?  It's not me.

I think he has remarkable skills and you don't that's your opinion doesn't make you right and me wrong.  His work is better than some plastic surgeon's work I have seen.  He saved my life and gave me a new lease on life and I am forever thankful to him for that, and I have another new lease on life and can participate in life again.  I will take this surgeon over the laproscopic skilled surgeon I had before, laproscopic doesn't make them better.  At least I got what was paid for this time. 

I have not had major complications and his care has been top notch, I will continue to support the physician that is the head of my team anyday and I will continue to cheerlead whether you like it or not!!!! 

Good riddens_______________________Bye!   


Thing is, Deanne... you don't understand the difference between a difference of opinion and attacking.  This is where the hang up is.

I stand behind my previous posts.

You'll just have to deal with that.

Deanne K.
on 2/27/09 2:46 pm - Tucson, AZ
WHAT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, go play in your own sand box !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(deactivated member)
on 2/27/09 11:54 pm - AZ
On February 27, 2009 at 10:46 PM Pacific Time, Deanne K. wrote:
WHAT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, go play in your own sand box !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's see, this sandbox is for revision people, I had a revision.  I do believe I am in my own sandbox.

(deactivated member)
on 2/28/09 1:43 am - Brampton, Canada
Here's a sandbox that should hold all of us revisions.

Mother of all sandboxes by Stopped_Down.
(deactivated member)
on 2/28/09 1:54 am - AZ
On February 28, 2009 at 9:43 AM Pacific Time, LuvMyBand .. wrote:
Here's a sandbox that should hold all of us revisions.

Mother of all sandboxes by Stopped_Down.

Pretty soon we'll have even another sandbox to play in!  I was approached by a person this week, he wants to start a few forums.  He asked me to moderate the sleeve forum.  I emailed him last night regarding a revision forum and he thinks it's a great idea.  He's going to do it.

The NEW revision forum will be a lot more balanced than this one is.  But no worries to Deanne, Joyce, Ginau, etc., I'll still hang here too. ;o)

(deactivated member)
on 2/28/09 3:05 am - Brampton, Canada
Thats good to hear!
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