Difference between an RGB and RNY?? I am confused.

on 2/25/09 1:36 am
Does anyone know what the difference between the RGB  or the RNY?? My docotr said after doing the Upper GI and Cat Scan I have the RGB. He said because of that the DS is out, can't happen. I don't understand.
on 2/25/09 9:13 am - Buffalo, NY
RGB is another name for the RNY Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RGB)

From all the research and reading that I have done, I have to say that your Dr. doesn't do the DS and therefore is telling you that you can't have a revision.  I would suggest that you contact a surgeon that specializes in revisions to DS and go from there. 

on 2/25/09 9:19 am
Thanks Jodi, I am military so therefor it is in the military doctors hands.   From my research I have discovered that they are pretty much the same too. I am going to see them tomorrow and bring up the option of an ERNY. Maybe the problem is that I have had a Sub Total Colectomy and so they are  not really keen on removing or bypassing to much of the small intestine. Who knows. I just get frustrated with all of them and the different answers I get.
on 3/2/09 10:47 pm
I hope you do the research. I understand a Sub Total Colectomy means you have lost most of your colon by surgical means.  Your small intestines are doing all the work at this point.
Bypassing most of your small intestines would definately cause weight loss. We here on this board can't really advise you to have any certain surgery, your Gastro, along with a Bariatric surgeon need to help you with that choice. Your unique situation per the colectomy would give you special needs as far any further surgery on your intestines are concerned.
I wish you well, and hope you find you are able to have some helpful revision of your current RGB ( RNY).
on 3/3/09 1:15 am

LosingSally, You are correct in assuming that a subtotal collectomy is surgically removing most of the large intestine. That is in fact what they did. I have 6 inches and that is it. When they did this surgery they told me I would probably lose more weight and have loose bowel movements from then on. NEVER HAPPENED. Maybe my body is just strange. I have normal bowel movements now and have gained about 70 lbs. Strange i know, but.. What can I say. I am doing allot of research and trying to find answers. The last thing I want is to lose to a goal weight and continue to lose. I have talked to one woman who that happened to.. She got down as low as 87 lbs.. So, I am looking into every option I have. I do believe that the doctor I am seeing is being very diligent. I am undergoing a endoscope on the 11th of march. I have all ready had an upper GI and Cat Scan and lots of blood work.  I still have very good restriction. They say my pouch is only 5CC and that when they did the RBG it was 3CC's. SO for 17 years out, it is still intact. I just am not getting the malabsorbtion part. Thank-you for your concern and advice. I am doing the research everyday. 

on 2/25/09 12:07 pm, edited 2/25/09 12:08 pm
 Please post this question on the DS board.   All you need to do is ask about "revision from RNY to DS" and you will get loads of helpful answers.  They are very well informed over there and they can give you a straight answer!  

The fact that you have had a bypass does not mean you can't be revised to the DS  It's probably that your doctor doesn't know how to do it.   Of course, you may have other specific medical  issues which makes it a bad choice for your particular case.   ERNY may be your only option, but you won't know until you educate yourself and ask the right questions.  And, you MUST get the opinion of a surgeon who actually DOES the RNY to DS revision and does it all the time.  You can also go the "lapband over pouch" route which has been effective for some.

You can't rely on the doctor to tell you the entire truth - they like to manipulate patients into the surgeries that they "prefer" and they use their knowledge and status to do so.   I've seen many people manipulated into getting the ERNY when what they wanted was the DS.    All the surgeon had to do was convince them that the ERNY was "safer" for them (and say a few scary things about the DS).  You must educate yourself with web research and learn their "lingo" so that they cannot intimidate you.    Then, maybe, you will be able to get a straight answer out of them.  

There are people on the DS board who have had that very revision.  Go there and ask them about it.   DianaCox has a lot of information on her profile.   You can read her profile or PM her for more info.  
on 2/25/09 12:32 pm
Thank-you everyone for answering my post and not being judgmental. I appreciate all of your input.
on 2/26/09 8:34 pm
     My surgeon is in Long Island N.Y. ask Dr. James Sapala team regarding your concerns. He has a new office and is a great surgeon who can perform RNY and RGB. You may have to schedule an appt for him to see what can be done but if anyone an help he is THE MAN!! If you are interested reach out to me.

Eduardo T.
on 2/27/09 12:37 am
Thank-you Eduardo,

I don't thinkI can make the trip to NY for an consultation. I appreciate the offer though. I am going to have to just plug away at all of the things the Army doctors want. I am having an Endoscopy on March 11. I am currently keeping a food log, so.. We will just have to see.

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