DS Revision

on 2/24/09 11:29 am, edited 2/24/09 10:26 am - huntingtown, MD
I had BPD/DS ( or at least i am told i did) Waiting on the surgery report from holy Cross
to find out for sure, back in 2001. My surgeon (Dr. William Marcus) has since retired, his practice was taken over by Dr. Barry Greene last time i checked.

But judgin from the Hellacious gas (Weapons grade according to my father) I produce and the frequent bowel soft bowel movements. Im pretty sure i has BPD/DS.

My starting weight was 316   My lowest was 235, i am now back up to 270
My surgery was done OLD SKOOL (Open) as my surgeon at the time was scared of laprascopy because it was so new at the time. I have the Big Old Nasty Zipper Scar.

What options are available for me as far as revisions are concerned?

is there any hope for me?
on 2/24/09 1:01 am, edited 2/24/09 1:01 am
 Do you know if you have a "pouch" or a "sleeve" stomach?   If you have a pouch, you do NOT have the DS.  Also, you will find more help if you post this same question on the DS forum.
on 2/24/09 1:05 am - huntingtown, MD
it been so long Im not even sure, all i know is im hungry all the time, i eat and im hungry like 20 mins later. like i siad im waiting on the surgery report from holy cross hospital to find out for sure.

on 2/24/09 9:23 am
 After you had your surgery, did they give you the "pouch" rules? Warnings about taking certain medications?   If they did, you have a pouch, which means you have some form of the RNY.
(deactivated member)
on 2/24/09 3:21 am - Brampton, Canada
Hi it sure doesn't sound like a true DS that's for sure.   Let us know when you find out the procedure but of course there is always options.
on 2/25/09 4:26 am - St. George, UT
One pretty sure way of knowing if you have a RNY vs. BPD/DS is:

Can you drink milk? The majority of RNY patients get dumping syndrome from Milk or Ice Cream. They usually have a tough time eating large quantities of meat. I'm told that isn't the case with the DS. The difference being an RNY has a stoma which allows food to drop directly into the intestines undigested causing severe dumping syndrome. DS'rs don't usually have this problem due to the fact their stomach is more normal, gastric juices combine with food and it churns the food just like a normal stomach would, not so with RNY.

Hope this helps some.


on 2/25/09 9:42 am - huntingtown, MD
yes i can drink milk. it makes me gassy as all hell but i can drink milk and eat ice cream. meat isnt a problem with me actually its the only thing that doesnt make me gassy or "dumpy"
the only things that make me "dumpy" are HIGh Sugar Foods, Coke, Doughnuts you know the good stuff, so i pretty much try n stay away from Sugar
on 2/25/09 1:22 pm
Sounds to me like you have the BPD WITHOUT the DS part.
on 2/25/09 10:15 am
 If you ask on the DS board, those folks usually know the names of the docs who have been doing the DS - and they would know if your doctor was one of the ones doing that surgery back in 2001.   Until you get your surgery report back, they may be your best best.   FYI, DS'ers aren't supposed to dump on sugar.   That's supposed to be an RNY trait.   You may have been given an old BPD/DS which was done with a pouch instead of a sleeve.  That  pouch was made larger than the current RNY pouch, which would explain your hunger issues.
on 2/1/12 5:49 am - huntingtown, MD
Okay So here we are about 3 years later, had the upper Gi Series Done. According to Dr. Magneson, Its all my fault, there is nothing wrong with my stomach (I dont have a staple line) (they removed most of my stomach) This was about a year ago.

I am pretty sure I had BPD or BPD D/S

I can eat meat and milk just fine

problem is I can eat pretty much anything without ANY After effect!

Fried Chicken, hamburgers, bread, you name it I dont get ANY Ill Effects. Maybe just a touch of gas but nothing major.

So I have visited the great Dr. Afram in DC. He seems to think My stomach was left too large and the intestines were not short enough

I will be seeing him tommrow, I just want to know can they do both? Make my stomach smaller and shorten the limb?

Is this even a good idea?

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