Insurance companies......

on 2/22/09 5:29 am, edited 2/22/09 5:34 am

     Hi all!

Ok, it's happening.......I'm 7 yrs post-op for Roux-n-Y, and I'm starting to gain.  The day before the surgery, I weighed 420. My lowest was 230. I felt GREAT @ 230! My current weight is 246, and I'm 5-10" tall.

I started noticing a few months back (maybe 8 months ago), It was taking more for me to feel full at mealtime. I was also noticing I was starting to get hungry a few hours after mealtime. Today, I had half a chicken sandwich. (No, I didn't eat half a chicken! I had a slice of whole wheat cut in half with chicken on it.) 20 minutes later, I'm having WICKED hunger pangs! I grab a small handful of granola, and it satisfies me for a while longer. This is happening more and more. At first there was a small amount of panic, but then I settled down knowing I've re-trained myself to eat post surgery.
If this was pre surgery, I'd be huge again.

My original surgeon (Dr. John Grant, GREAT MAN! at Duke Univ Med Center) has since retired. The new surgeon recommended one of the doc's,  Dr. G trained while @ Duke. I made an appointment and went. He looked me over, read my file for a few minutes, and said "R-N-Y is just a TOOL for weight loss "(I agree)  " You need to exercise more, and eat less" Ummmmmm
this was the way I got to 420. That's why I HAD the surgery to begin with! TO EAT LESS!!! DUH!
(Yeah, and this coming from a guy that was about 5'-6" and weighed 130lbs soaking wet).
My reply to him was..."When one of my tools breaks, I either REPAIR or REPLACE it, I don't expect it to work if it's broken". He snickered and walked out of the exam room. My wife wasn't impressed. I think she called him "an arrogant little..... OK! enough of the name calling!! LOL

My heading was "Insurance companies". I need to know, which of the insurance companies are giving you guys and girls the least trouble. I have Assurant, and they're ok, but guess what.......
NO REVISIONS! So, my wife and I are looking to change insurance companies, and not just for the surgery. If they are decent, I'd like to stay with them until retirement.

Thanks for any feedback, sorry this was so long.

Thanks, Mike
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