Rant Rant

(deactivated member)
on 2/22/09 3:13 am - Phx, AZ
I want to rant about something...better to write it than to reply to the person who said this and ruin a relationship, eh?

Some of you know...I'm 3 mo out from a revision.  So, as such, I am dealing with intestinal/toilet issues...and will for a time until my body adjusts.  I have come to terms with it. 

Rant #1: I have a sister-in-law who had her RNY done in Columbia (her doc).  She CONSTANTLY tells me that me getting my RNY done in the US was dumb, and that only docs in the US leave drain tubes, because they are not as proficient as foreign docs.  Last night she tells me, "Oh, you and my cousin (also had RNY in the US) are ALWAYS sick any more...because of the US surgery..." (Might I add that having surgery in another country has given her NO follow-up care, nor does she care to attend support groups or get labs done...it's been 3+ years).

Rant #2:  Same S-I-L.... Yes, she may be down to a size 6/8... BUT this woman EATS CHOCOLATE BY THE BAGFUL!!!  When she called me last night, I could hear her unwrapping pieces of chocolate.  She says it does not bother her, but in the next sentence says, "Oh I'll be down and out for the next few hours because of it....."  Also, she drinks 2+ POTS of coffee a day... her diet basically is Coffee and Chocolate.  Friday my dad had heart surgery...we all took our own food to the hospital for the day to avoid the cafeteria...  She pulls out TWO bags of chocolates...and proceeded to eat most of it herself!!!!!)  UG UG UG!!!!!  My brother also says that she vomits regularly... either voluntarily or in-voluntarily.  UG again!

Rant #3:  Same S-I-L..... SHE IS SEVERELY ANEMIC with a blood count of EIGHT (yes, people... 8!!!!!) because she REFUSES TO TAKE HER VITAMINS AND IRON!!!!!  I have been on her for over a year to take the iron...she chews ice and drives all of us nuts because we have to sit there and listen to the chomping.  OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Her new PCP, actually a PA) recently did labs and told her that she WILL die without iron, and the next step is hospitalization. 

Rant #4:  Same S-I-L.....  I guess my biggest rant w/her is how she constantly criticizes me for being intestinally-challanged... she CONTINUALLY (and I mean every 5 minutes at times---is this due to her anemia and hence forgetfulness???) asks: Do you want chocolate? as she is pushing a bag of chocolate toward me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am sick and tired of telling her "I can't have that" or feeling as if I have to explain why not or whatever.................... 

I am tired today, and don't want to ruin family ties.....  But I am just irritated with someone who has HAD the surgery, yet belittles those of us who try to eat well by trying to keep up with their protein and vitamins...  I will admit..... I DO like chocolate..... but I try to have self control.... in the evenings I do have a 1" square or two, letting it melt in my mouth.  But, to me, it's something I enjoy and in moderation. 

Thanks for letting me blow off this steam.
on 2/22/09 5:28 am - Dona Ana, NM
Rant away-we're here for you. 
SIL is SILLY.  It will catch up to her-it is already doing so.  You just concentrate on getting as healthy as you can.  If you are under the weather keep it to yourself and pray to feel good.  Use self-affirmations.  
Then, when she is lying in ER, too weak to think, you will be strong enough to sympathize with and help her.  That ought to knock the silliness out of, and some sense into her!
(deactivated member)
on 2/22/09 7:09 am - Brampton, Canada
Lizzie by all means vent here.   By the sounds of it your SIL is a time bomb ready to explode any minute.   Try to avoid the *****
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