I'm clueless.....about DS who can enlighten me....

(deactivated member)
on 2/21/09 2:37 am, edited 2/21/09 2:37 am - AZ


Do you know all surgery's have complications. I read the post on lap band talk. That was bad for Tom. But he is the only patient only patient that has a problem with Dr Schlesinger. We all know that the risk of infection is high. I have went thru the same problem as Tom with a panniculectomy with another Phoenix surgeon. I went to the ER several times and my surgeon would never come and see me. I saw him in the office several times and he kept saying everything was fine.  The ER doctor kept saying I was not infected. This went on for weeks and even did see my surgeon and said I was fine. I made sure when neither doctors were on call and another doctor from Good Sam was covering for them he made me a direct admit. I was a totally mess. I had a tunnel abscess from hip to hip and had to have 2 extra surgery's. I was in the hospital 3 weeks and had a wound vac for 4 months. I knew that I could get a postop wound infection and it usually happens to me each time with surgery's. As to Dr Schlesinger I am not making him foolish. I am telling the truth and I am not in Fantasy land as you call it. It happens to alot of surgeons to have postop wound infections. It is not there fault each time as you point it out. I get wound infections all the time. I did know that Dr Schlesinger was going to leave months before it happen. It is done with and over. No patients were left in the lurch. They got thru to DR Heffel or Dr Schlesinger. All the paid posting on all this sites are not by DR Schlesinger but is old boss Dr Gitt so don't blame DR Schlesinger on this one too ! I am also done with this to and will not post any more on this subject.


(deactivated member)
on 2/21/09 2:46 am, edited 2/21/09 2:46 am - San Jose, CA
 I am also done with this to and will not post any more on this subject.

Yeah, I'd like to hold you to that promise -- although that is wishful thinking.  You just can't get it through your biased mind what Dr. S has done to people, and the misinformation he gives out, which HURTS people.  So I DO hope you'll STFU and let the truth be told.  But I'm not holding my breath that you will.
(deactivated member)
on 2/21/09 11:35 am - AZ
On February 21, 2009 at 10:37 AM Pacific Time, Dawn B. wrote:


Do you know all surgery's have complications. I read the post on lap band talk. That was bad for Tom. But he is the only patient only patient that has a problem with Dr Schlesinger. We all know that the risk of infection is high. I have went thru the same problem as Tom with a panniculectomy with another Phoenix surgeon. I went to the ER several times and my surgeon would never come and see me. I saw him in the office several times and he kept saying everything was fine.  The ER doctor kept saying I was not infected. This went on for weeks and even did see my surgeon and said I was fine. I made sure when neither doctors were on call and another doctor from Good Sam was covering for them he made me a direct admit. I was a totally mess. I had a tunnel abscess from hip to hip and had to have 2 extra surgery's. I was in the hospital 3 weeks and had a wound vac for 4 months. I knew that I could get a postop wound infection and it usually happens to me each time with surgery's. As to Dr Schlesinger I am not making him foolish. I am telling the truth and I am not in Fantasy land as you call it. It happens to alot of surgeons to have postop wound infections. It is not there fault each time as you point it out. I get wound infections all the time. I did know that Dr Schlesinger was going to leave months before it happen. It is done with and over. No patients were left in the lurch. They got thru to DR Heffel or Dr Schlesinger. All the paid posting on all this sites are not by DR Schlesinger but is old boss Dr Gitt so don't blame DR Schlesinger on this one too ! I am also done with this to and will not post any more on this subject.


Yes, I know you are done with this thread (we'll see about your other IDs) but let's not forget about the people that have a revision from band to sleeve and they have to have it done by a full open procedure because Dr. Schlesinger can't handle that procedure via lap.  Sure, it takes a lot of lap skill to do it and indeed he should not do revision from band to sleeve if he is not a skilled lap surgeon but the more ethical choice would be to send the patient to a more skilled lap surgeon so surgical risk is lowered.  Can you imagine how annoyed those people will be when they discover their procedures could have been, and should have been done via lap?  I certainly wouldn't be happy but then I did my research and knew what a "good" surgeon could do.

What about Joyce?  I recall a post where she wasn't overly happy with Schlesinger and her ERNY.  What is her BMI now, 17?   Did she ever start on TPN for nutrition?  She complained that she dumped on everything she put in her mouth.  That doesn't sound like a good outcome.

I know full well Tom isn't happy.  Of course he's spent in the neighborhood of $27K for a band, band removal, and all the complications.  Does he still have a feeding tube?

I think there are a few unhappy patients and looking at Dr. S's testimonials tells a story too, eh?

on 2/22/09 1:53 am - Winnetka, CA
It are these kinds of posts that make me leery of this website.  It would be refreshing to see us posters support each other instead of tearing each other down.  If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all.  Negativity breeds negativity. 
(deactivated member)
on 2/22/09 8:13 am - AZ
I totally agree with you. It is either their way or the high way.
Deanne K.
on 2/23/09 5:57 am - Tucson, AZ
All I have to say is this is being blown way out of proportion.  What I was saying was that Dr. Schlesinger is the only surgeon in Arizona who does a DS.  I wasn't talking about a RNY to DS revision.  I am not a "paid" poster, I don't live even in that part of the state, I travel 2 hours to see him every 3 months or monthly for the support groups.  I only have one ID and I don't appreciate being accused of these things.  I am not even sure this person still lives in Arizona.  I was giving my experience with Dr. Blackstone and her non-revision attitude and not really Dr. Schlesinger.

I am very happy with my surgeon and the ERNY surgery that I had chosen for myself and I will continue to give my 2 cents about Dr. Schlesinger as my opinion of my surgery that I had.  I have not had any complications.   ERNY is a valid option for revisions.  Why can't we give our support for a particular Dr. you all do?  Like Dr. Husted, Dr. Rabkin.  If we had an ERNY board we wouldn't be on this revision site.  You all have the DS board.  We have every right to be here as we are revisions as well. 

I don't even like posting much here anymore as when I ask a question, I get chastised all the time.  This site is for support and general questions about nutrition and vitamins as well.   We can't even post on the Arizona board as you like continue to do it there as well and you pull in all your DS buddies to continue on you quest to "pay it forward".  "Paying it forward" doesn't mean shoving your DS revisions down everyone's thoat and belittling people.  I like you want to be healthy and live a happy life free of morbid obesity.

We all have a right to give our opinons and our personal experiences, so just because we don't all agree doesn't make one person better than the other.  So I will agree to disagree with your comments here.  Not all of us had the choice of a revision to DS due to insurance/financial, etc. and I don't appreciate being chastied all the time. 

Nita S.
on 2/23/09 7:06 am, edited 2/23/09 7:07 am - Avondale, AZ
Well said Deanne, that is the reason I rarely post. 

Revision 11/06/2008


on 2/23/09 11:29 am, edited 2/23/09 11:48 am
The problem is not that you talk about your surgery, it's that so many of you Schlesinger patients come onto these forums  to promote your surgeon in such an obvious way.   YOUR GROUP IS VERY ACTIVE ON THE BOARDS (esp. the AZ and Revisions boards), SEEKING OUT PROSPECTIVE PATIENTS AND TRYING TO PROCURE THEM FOR YOUR SURGEON!!!  

Your post here is yet another example of it.    The person who posted the original question lives in TEXAS now, yet you saw this as yet another opportunity to push your doctor who is in ARIZONA.   I don't see any patients from other adjoining states promoting their surgeons to her, do you?  If your surgeon were at least in the same state, it would make sense.    

Your little group is also guilty of giving out incorrect information.    If anyone wants a revision from an RNY to a DS, someone from your cheerleading group jumps on the post and recommends your surgeon for this surgery,  when he does NOT do an RNY to DS revision.  He only revises to ERNY and uses his knowledge and influence to convince the patient that anything other than the ERNY would not be a "safe" choice for them.   He is NOT the ONLY doctor who does it - it is done so often that the DS community has a name for it - "The Bait & Don't Switch".     

Even when two of your doctor's patients came onto the Revisions board last fall, saying that they had been revised from the RNY to the DS, it came out that they both really had ERNYs, so there must be some confusion in what he's telling them about the surgery for TWO people to have been similarly duped!

I agree with someone on a different thread (see 2nd link below) who thinks that your doctor should set up a budget for advertising and not depend on his patients to do it for him.    Are all of you afraid that he will up and leave AZ like he almost did after Barix closed?   And, leave his patients scrambling to find follow-up care, like what happened in the Fall of 2006?   Here is just ONE of the old OH posts about it:


This blatant promotion of Dr. Schlesinger is SO obvious that someone out of the country even noticed it:

www.obesityhelp.com/forums/revision/3868664/Constant-Plugs-F or-Dr-Schlesinger/

These boards are for MUTUAL SUPPORT and SHARING OF IDEAS, EXPERIENCES and (CORRECT) INFORMATION - NOT for PUSHING your doctor down everyone's throats!!


I've been reading these boards for two whole years and this use of OH for promotion STARTED in the summer of 2007 when JRinAZ's plastic surgeon boss, Dr. Gitt, decided to go into the bariatric business and hired Dr. Schlesinger to do the surgeries.   Then she "enlarged" her circle to include recent patients DawnB, GinaU, DeanneK and a select few others.  IT'S REALLY OBVIOUS!!   His previous Barix clinic patients did not speak of him on the boards, they only made  their initial "review".

Certainly he can't be THAT desperate for business?   Or maybe he is?  These desperate postings on the OH site surely prove this point!    Most of the so-called "infighting" on these boards is between Schlesinger cheerleaders and other OH members, who are only trying to correct the misleading information posted by those cheerleaders.   You all say, you are SICK of the infighting.   Well then, stop the OBVIOUS PROMOTION AND MISINFORMATION and maybe the "infighting" will stop too!!
Deanne K.
on 2/23/09 12:04 pm, edited 2/23/09 12:15 pm - Tucson, AZ
The person who posted the original question lives in TEXAS now.  I was only suggesting that she re-think Dr. Blackstone, who by the way was her original surgeon and is in Arizona, regarding my own experience with her.  I am not drumming up business for Dr. Schlesinger.  His reputation speaks for itself.  He is a wonderful surgeon.  I have meet some awlful ones that should be cautioned against, but Dr. Schlesinger is not one of them. 

Barix is obviously ancient history of 2007 and is no longer valid, the company went bankrupt.  He never left Arizona just wasn't in practice for a while, he may have done some surgeries at other Barix facilities periodically.  Reasons-this is none of our business why, he had his reasons.  So what if he was hired by Dr. Gitt, it was a business arrangement. 

Joyce didn't "enlarged" her circle to include recent patients "DeanneK" and a select few others.   I found Dr. Schlesinger through OH and a teleconference he had on Stomaphyx and at the AZ OH conference in 2007.  Joyce, GinaU and Dawn B. had nothing to do with my coming to hire Dr. Schlesinger to be my surgeon, nor does she  or others influence what I say or do regarding my surgeon or my continuing care.  I don't hesitate to ask my wonderful Dr. Schlesinger all my questions. 

It is people like you who keep getting our dander up and keep spreading inflaming information that is unfounded against a great surgeon.   I am not promoting one surgeon over another.  Dr. Schlesinger does do the DS, not the revisions that you may all think we all claim he does, and why he doesn't do certain ones, but it is his perogative to give his medical opinion, whether you agree with it or not. 

You know what, I am not going to quit putting my 2 cents in and you can't stop me from doing it.  You don't control me either and neither does Midwestern Girl, DianaCox or others.  

P.S. (edited)  By the way, I live in Arizona-Why wouldn't I post on the Arizona board.  Those that don't live in Arizona like DianaCox sholdn't be posting there but do to push their agenda. 

on 2/23/09 1:07 pm, edited 2/23/09 1:50 pm

Thou dost protest TOOOOO much!   I used to be JUST  a lurker on  here - just a HAPPY reader for almost two years, until it became BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that some of you are using these boards to OBNOXIOUSLY promote business for ONE surgeon!!   I would rather not WASTE my time correcting your and others MISINFORMATION.    I do it so that unsuspecting prospective patients won't be swayed by the INCORRECT info you and your cohorts CONTINUE to CONSTANTLY CHURN OUT.    

You and your buddies CONTINUE to DANCE AROUND the fact that your doctor does NOT do a RNY to DS revision.   Why don't you just EVER say that.  You say that he does do the DS and maybe he HAS done a FEW.   BUT HE DOE NOT DO IT AS A REVISION FROM THE RNY!!!!!

IF someone puts up a post where they are LOOKING FOR AN ERNY revision, by all means, recommend him, but stop trying to procure patients for this ERNY surgery, when what they REALLY want is a DS!!!  ENOUGH ALREADY!!!

AND, please STOP dancing around the FACTS!   I never said that Joyce, GinaU or DawnB had ANYTHING to do with your surgical decisions.   Can't you people READ?????   I said that you ALL cheerlead for  the same surgeon and you disseminate DISINFORMATION about him doing a surgery that he does NOT do, to get people into his office and get "baited" into the ERNY when they really want the DS!!


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