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(deactivated member)
on 5/24/13 7:48 pm

I had my band done 2009. The weight loss was great and I achieved my goal loss of 40 kg within 2 years. The only problem was that I lost muscle mass, became weak, and could not eat any hard stuff like meat. I also vomited a lot. The social consequence was my peer/friend dinners took advantage of me and paid me back when it came to sharing the dinner bill!

So, what is worse, body weakness (I was strong as bull previously) OR Diabetes 11 (controlled after the lap band).

I am not a stupid person, in fact I am a qualified PE qualified Teacher (past) whose only problem is a lack of willpower. I actually ignored my surgeon's advice when it came to combining his work with diet and exercise!

So, when the weight fell off and the diabetes was under control then I thought all was good until I could not climb stairs because my legs were weak, could not run as I could, get myself out of the car as could etc all because I ignored Diet & Exercise.

So, you are all saying what a stupid person I am as the surgeon would have told you about the importance of "diet & exercise" post Lap Band surgery!

Indeed he did BUT here is the issue:


THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, as for LB Erosion.

I am going into surgery to get the band removed next week.

I went to my Surgeon late last year 2012 and this is how it unfolded:

Oct 2012: I have a blockage. Barium Meal X-ray done: Fluid taken out. All is good

Nov 2012 to April 2013: 3 further visits to the surgeon as I have put on 20 Kg and seem to be able eat anything. More fluid but not result.

May 2013: Barium Meal which diagnosed Band Erosion

May 2013: Surgery booked to remove the band- 5 days in hospital.

WHAT DO I DO NEXT????????????????????????????

I had my band done 2009. The weight loss was great and I achieved my goal loss of 40 kg within 2 years. The only problem was that I lost muscle mass, became weak, and could not eat any hard stuff like meat. I also vomited a lot. The social consequence was my peer/friend dinners took advantage of me and paid me back when it came to sharing the dinner bill!

So, what is worse, body weakness (I was strong as bull previously) OR Diabetes 11 (controlled after the lap band).

I am not a stupid person, in fact I am a qualified PE qualified Teacher (past) whose only problem is a lack of willpower. I actually ignored my surgeon's advice when it came to combining his work with diet and exercise!

So, when the weight fell off and the diabetes was under control then I thought all was good until I could not climb stairs because my legs were weak, could not run as I could, get myself out of the car as could etc all because I ignored Diet & Exercise.

So, you are all saying what a stupid person I am as the surgeon would have told you about the importance of "diet & exercise" post Lap Band surgery!

Indeed he did BUT here is the issue:


THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, as for LB Erosion.

I am going into surgery to get the band removed next week.

I went to my Surgeon late last year 2012 and this is how it unfolded:

Oct 2012: I have a blockage. Barium Meal X-ray done: Fluid taken out. All is good

Nov 2012 to April 2013: 3 further visits to the surgeon as I have put on 20 Kg and seem to be able eat anything. More fluid but not result.

May 2013: Barium Meal which diagnosed Band Erosion

May 2013: Surgery booked to remove the band- 5 days in hospital.

WHAT DO I DO NEXT????????????????????????????


(deactivated member)
on 5/25/13 7:21 am
On December 31, 1969 at 4:00 PM Pacific Time, wrote:

Sadly, a barium swallow/upper GI cannot diagnose erosion, only an endoscopy can.

on 9/10/13 6:12 am - CA

Omg my case is exactly the same. I'm waiting for my appointment  for the upper  gi . But it's getting worst as I wait. Today I'm trying to drink a small bowl of clear soup and I'm throwing it up.

on 9/11/13 3:07 pm - Davison, MI

Sound like you might be to tight rather than erosion.  You surgeon may not know from the upper gi.  Mine said that the band was perfect from the UGI.  But I was finally totally unfilled and scoped and I had esophagealitis and gastritis that time.   When I got to were I couldn't do clear soup they would take fluid out, I would be OK for a while and it would than get tight again.  The scare tissue was building up under the band making it tighter and tighter as they removed fluid.  

Good luck with your UGI and band.  Mine is out now!

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 9/10/13 7:21 am - United Kingdom

hello ive just stumbled across this site while looking up my very near sugery, after a year of excrutiating abdominal pain ive finally had a phone call to go in to get this stupid band took out!!!

ive got band erosion caused through years of anti inflamitory drugs for my athritis in my legs, took them the best part of a year to see to me though got a call from the surgeon himself yesterday after emailing him myself practically beggin to help me and do the surgery because i just felt like ending my own life my existence doesnt count cos of the pain im in day after day!

anyway came here for advise on the surgery because im crapping myself to be honest, layin in bed at the minute thinkin about what ifs?, how long before i feel any better? will i be back to normal after? just loadsa ????????? anyone any advise my ops the 1st october!


on 9/11/13 3:09 pm - Davison, MI

Good luck with your surgery.  Are they removing the band and letting you heal before thinking of revision.  In the case of erosion I think almost all have.  You will feel so much better after it is out.  It might take a couple months so hang in there.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

Virgie Tschirhart
on 9/18/13 8:52 am - Midwest City, OK
RNY on 12/27/17

Hi ellachilled,

I'm so sorry about your problem with the no good for nothing band.  It's been 5 years since I had mine and I got it removed in 2009 and got a VSG.  As it turned out I did not have erosion on the band.  However even with the VSG, I suffer with a horrible acid reflux and I have a big hiatel hernia.  If I could do it all over again I would have had the RNY done the first time.  So, that is what I'm trying to do now is get revised to a  RNY.    Are you just getting the band out or are they going to do another type of weight loss surgery on you, if so which one?


Hope you feel better soon and hope you have a speedy recovery.



Virgie Tschirhart

Lap Band - 2008, Sleeve - 2009, RYN - 2017

Started Program Weight July 13, 2017 - 194.2

Before Surgery Weight December 27, 2017 - 185.0

Current Weight - February 2018 - 161.0

on 4/17/10 3:45 am - Acworth, GA
I had my lapband surgery in 11/08. I think my band was too tight at the 9 or 10 month mark which is what started the problems. I didn't want a lot of fluid taken out because I had been so successful with weight loss. By 11/09, I had lost 100 pounds. By 3/10, I had lost 135 total. In 12/09, I went in to have a little fluid taken out. I thought my allergies -- post nasal drip -- was clogging my stoma or causing it to swell a little. Then had a little more taken out in 1/10, 2/10, 3/10. I had continued losing weight -- 8-9 lbs per month. Then the 2nd week of March 2010, I just couldn't keep food down at night. Anything I ate at lunch was coming up in the middle of the night. I was so frustrated that I kind of stopped eating at night until my appt. on 3/22. From 3/4-3/22, I had lost 11 lbs, I was dehydrated and completely exhausted. My doctor took all of the fluid out of my band and scheduled an upper gi. I went in for the upper gi and had such anxiety because of course that thick drink that they wanted me to gulp down was enough to make me sick. It hurt going down. Then they showed me the films. The band was gone. It was so odd to see. My doctor was in surgery but wanted me kept at the hospital. He looked at the films and told me that the band had slipped. Within hours, I was in surgery. I didn't care at that point because I was so exhausted. I guess the stitches around the band had been coming out over a long period of time -- that's what my doctor thinks which would make sense. I thought it was allergies but it was the band slowly slipping. I think in the 3 weeks prior to the surgery, it just got worse so that more of the lower stomach had slipped up through the band so that food was not going through and anything in that bigger pouch was coming back up at night when I would lie down. My doctor said there was nothing wrong with the band at all. He moved it to a different track on my stomach. I'm doing well. Other than the slip, I love my band. It was the best thing that I have ever done for myself. I have an amazing doctor too. I'm doing very well now --- just HUNGRY!!!! I get my first fill in a few weeks so I am exercising every day until then so I don't gain any weight. I don't want anyone to be discouraged from getting the lapband because I have several friends who have it and have not had any problems. If anyone has any questions at all, I'm glad to answer.
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