Lapband revision to VSG or DS? Which is better?

on 2/16/09 12:35 am - Indianapolis, IN
I am becoming confused.

I first wanted a VSG but then looked at the DS site.  I have a lap-band now which is restrictive and don't want to fail again if I am going to have revision surgery.  I was told if restriction didn't work for the lap-band it wouldn't work for a sleeve.  I have read that with a sleeve only that the pouch is smaller therefore it works better.

I am looking at DS but am concerned about bathroom issues.  I have read where it isn't an issue and somewhere else where it is.   I believe there is an older version of DS that gives more issues on this than the current procedure.

If you could give me input on your revision to VSG or DS it would help me a lot.  The more I read the more confused I get.   I would prefer just getting the VSG but I also want to be successful this time so I am considering the DS.

Thanks Again
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 2/16/09 4:22 am
While the DS and VSG have the same sleeve stomach, they work a little differently, and what is best for you depends on your needs.

The VSG works with restriction only ( like the band) and the DS adds malabsorption the help with weight loss and maintenance.

While I like the sleeve, I doubt a restriction only procedure is going to help you when a restriction only procedure is already failing you. You probably could benefit from some malabsorbtion.

You are correct that bathroom issues were more common in the earlier versions of the DS, but now studies show the bathroom habits are about the same with RNY and DS.

I had IBS prior to my DS, and diarrhea was an issue more days than not. Since my DS, my IBS is better along with a slew of other co-morbidity's, and I go to the bathroom very regularly, usually once in the morning, and occasionally a second time, and it's the most "normal" I have ever been. No diarrhea since around 1 week post op when I was still on liquids only.

There are many people on the DS board who are revisions from other surgeries, you would get some good answers if you ask there as well.

on 2/16/09 5:21 am - UK
It is confusing! Very hard to choose, so you aren't alone. I had DS as my only choice really because I was diabetic and wanted to be cured.

But my DH still has his band, and if he wanted a revision I don't know what I'd tell him - he isn't diabetic, and is much better at diets than me. The downsides of the DS compared to VSG on its own are that you have to be more careful about what you eat and what vitamins you take, since the malabsorbtion bit is a good thing and a bad thing!

In terms of eating though you have more chance to eat 'bad' things with the DS like butter and bacon, which makes other wls surgery people laugh, but which makes choosing food less stressful - I only have to worry about eating too many carbs really, especially sugar, and the rest takes care of itself.

The pooping thing is very personal and depends on the behaviour mostly of the patient. If I eat low carb and high protein/fat like I'm supposed to I don't get any issues - all regular, no complaints. If I eat too much sugar or wheat (bread, cakes, pasta...) I get terrible wind and diarrhoea. Whether this is bad depends on how you look at it - for me I'm grateful because it stops me eating that stuff. Other people resent it or can't adjust how they eat.

I definitely wanted my second surgery to work too. That would be my only worry with VSG on its own - it hasn't been used as a stand alone surgery for very long compared to the others, and it is natural for your stomach to stretch over time. I know that I have no willpower really, and if I had to rely on limiting my own intake I would fail. DS makes it easier and has longer term statistics that make it the most succesful surgery in keeping the weight off too. I figured I needed all the help I could get! I can tell that my stomach has already stretched - it was 1oz at the time of surgery, which is quite small for a DS one, but must be about five times that now. Without the DS bit I'd probably be putting pounds back on...

DS revision from failed lapband

on 2/17/09 2:11 am - GA

If you failed with the band due to compliance issuesand not a device failure, then you should get the DS. I was a band to sleeve revision but I did very well with the band for almost 5 years so although a new band was an option, I didnt want to have to worry about fills/ unfills etc.. So when I had the necesary removal/revision I opted for a sleeve. I love my sleeve so far!!




on 2/21/09 8:32 am - Canada
I have a VSG, which worked well for about the first 7-8 months, now there is very little restriction and I am looking for a revision. Because I did loose weight with the VSG, I don't qualify for DS as a revision if you qualify for DS, I would go with that one...I wish I did because the results are longer lasting.
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