Failed WLS was the talk of the Superbowl party!!!

on 2/2/09 4:29 am - Hillman, MI
Well, yesterday was Superbowl Sunday, as you all know.  And, as we were waiting for the big game to begin -- some people started talking about a girl they know that had her "stomach stapled" and is bigger now than before the surgery.  Then they jumped on the wagon of ragging on everyone they know that has had WLS, and doesn't look any different.  HELLO?  Did they not know I was there?  I have been banded for almost 2 years and don't look ANY different than the day I had surgery.  Which is why I'm trying to have a revision -- DS or bypass -- not for sure yet (leaning towards DS).  However, not 1 person there knows that I'm trying to have a revision -- but most of them know I've had the lap-band.  I felt like crawling in a freakin' hole.  What ********!  Do they not care about other people's feelings?  I'm sure my face was red - both from embarrassment and anger -- don't know if anyone caught it.  Anyway, I plan on making them eat their words after my DS.  Their jaws will be dropping and it won't be because they're going blah, blah, blah.

Thanks for letting me vent!
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 2/2/09 6:19 am
I'm sorry, you know some real buttheads.

I had a DS one year ago, and everyone at the Superbowl party I went to couldn't quit talking about it either, but they were raving. I'm not saying that to make you feel worse, but if you do revise to the DS, I know that will be you next year, making them eat their words.

Living well and looking hot is the best revenge. Hang in there, your day is coming.
on 2/2/09 5:58 pm - Fort Worth , TX
I felt like a failure after my lap band. Whether you get the RNY or the DS, you wont regret it. I hated my band!

I went from lap band to RNY on Aug 1 2008.
                SW    CW  GW
5'2"     205/133/ ?


on 2/3/09 5:17 am - UK
Its a kind of judgemental thing - not only could you not lose weight on your own, but you couldn't even lose it with your fancy idea of surgery...I'm having the last laugh now though, nurny nurny nur nur...

DS revision from failed lapband

(deactivated member)
on 2/3/09 2:46 pm, edited 2/5/09 12:34 pm - Togo



on 2/4/09 2:20 am - Hillman, MI
Yeah, well, last night we were at my parents' for a fish fry.  My brother-in-law was there (the Superbowl party was at their house) and sure as **** he started in AGAIN about the same girl they were making fun of on Sunday.  "She had her stomach stapled and you couldn't even tell".  As if I didn't get to hear all the laughing and tee-heeing that went on Sunday, he had to start in once more.  I quickly changed the subject - partly to show him I wasn't interested in participating in his conversation, and partly because I was embarrassed, as I am in the same boat - had WLS and you can't tell.  He knows that I've had the Lap-band, and it's quite obvious to all who see me that it hasn't made a bit of difference.  What is his deal, and why can't he talk about something else?  The next time it's brought up, I'm afraid I'll have to step up and start preaching because I don't think I can take it again. 

I did tell my mom last night that I'm going to that surgery orientation on Monday, because I wanted her to ask her sister if I can stay the night with her the night before, to save me some drive time and give me a little break in the trip.  She didn't say much, but  has always supported me in whatever I choose to do.  I made it clear to her that I did not want it to be known to everyone in the family - mainly my brother-in-law, and my dad - they both snicker and laugh about the whole WLS thing and not being successful with it.  I'm not going to tell very many people about it this time - I learned my lesson by making it nearly public knowledge last time. 
on 2/4/09 10:49 pm
Now thats the attitude --- GOOD FOR YOU!
Victory shall be mine -
on 2/5/09 11:49 am - Fort Worth, TX
Revision on 05/20/15 with
Sorry your going through this with your family.  Unfortunately they can say things that hurt us without ever realizing it does.  Or you get the "well your different, and I wasn't talking about you" when you say something. 

I wish you the best of luck with whichever revision you choose, and your OH family won't judge you  we're here to support & encourage you.

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.- Author unknown


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