I am doing great! 2 weeks since sclerotherapy
I had RNY in 1981. I started at 329; lost to 185, regained to 325 three years ago; and have fought my way back down to 280 this year.
I'm looking into this procedure and would love to hear updates from anyone who has had it.
Also, any guidance on finding a doctor? I live in Northern California.
Insurance paid for most I will post the charges to me when I figure them out.
First round they inserted pins or clamps/metal and injected the Morrhuate (sp) its a fatty acid that causes scar tissue and swelling in the exit jejeunem (sp) of the pouch or stomach.
Thus reducing the outlet size/circumference.
The first one worked great as far as not hungry one week solid, feeling really full and really full fast BUT the second one felt hungry three days after and you cant eat a bite for 7 days!
Was Hungary and snacking and uneven as far as portions, had pain and vomiting when I ate too fast a bite or two and must of screwed it up !?!?! I will check with the doc and post again I am thinking of a third txt and just need to learn NOT to stretch that pouch? Anyone else out there with this struggle?
I am HUGE! Feeling like the real biggest loser not in a good way!
Jen Seattle
i had sclerotherapy two weeks ago and have lost NOTHING...im so freaking discouraged...i was on full liquid for4 a week and then purred this week.
can you offer anywords of encouragement,
my emai is
[email protected]
thank you so much
I was just wondering are you water loading and making sure to only eat 30 minutes after drinking and then waiting at least an hour or so to drink after eating? Also can you tell a difference in your clothes? Did you get the max scarring agent? My doc gave me the max because basically the food was rushing out of my pouch and into my small intestines. He said I was one of the fastest emptiers he'd seen. Lets keep in touch and please dont give up.
300 heaviest
169 lowest
177 after the baby
200 weight before therapy
194 now
165 prayerfully at some point
thank you sooo much for saying that, here's where I'm at...
i had sclerotherapy Jan 22, I stayed on full liquids for one week, no freaking cheating......i drank alot of protein shakes and was just like I was on post gastric bypass. I'm now on pureed and I've had soo soo much water. can't figure it out!
very upsetting to my soul!
Have you gone back to your surgeon yet and if so what has he said. I think sometimes our bodies get defiant and just don't want to give up the weight. Are you losing inches can you tell with your clothes.....My belly seems to be doing something which is where I carry my weight. Also my surgeon gave me the maximum amount of scarring agent..... I feel the resriction more and more each day. My pouch is relatively small it still only holds about 4 oz, so I'm sure those are major factors. Girl you may wake up tomorrow and be 15 pounds lighter, the body can't hold on to fat forever especially when the pouch kicks in. We need a sclerotherapy forum,