Wow 6 weeks already

on 1/27/09 10:23 am
Its hard to believe that it has been 6 weeks since my revision. So much has happened. Christmas Day my incision ended up infected and had to be opened it is still healing but I carry this wound vac with me where ever I go and things are getting better they expect that I will have this until the end of March before the incision finally closes. Weight lose is slow even thou I spend my life in the bathroom and eat nothing but protein. My wound care Dr. Says my body is taking everything it needs from me to heal the wound so the weight lose is secondary BUT oh the gas and trips to the bathroom and its anyones guess if Ill make it in time I am hoping that this will pass. I am back to working a fulltime job and two nights teaching parttime at our local college. I am a little tired but that's my update and I just hope this bathroom thing improves its SO embarassing Sheri
on 1/28/09 3:34 am - albuquerque, NM
Hang in there Sheri.  Can't believe you are working fulltime and teaching parttime.  What  a Marine you are!!!!  AND have a wound vac to boot!!  What was your revision from and to?  Good luck with the potty trips, its sure to get better!   D.........
on 1/28/09 3:55 am
Thanks and I know it will get better. I had a RNY to an extended RNY.
on 2/7/09 3:55 am
Thanks for the kind words...things get better all the time. I had Gastric By Pass in 2001 and had an ERNY in Dec. nothing was done to my pouch which was easier to adjust to stomach wise but the rest was...Oh my goodness. Its just something to learn about. Like potty training for adults.
on 1/30/09 8:17 am - mesa, AZ

 I promise it will get better, I went thru it too. Not the infection part - But the gas and bloating ..  keep away from refined carbs,  use only natural fiber to help the  loose stools. No white foods !! 'If it's white - It aint alright !  I do use yams / sweet potatoes.

  the gas will get better too !   try to stay away from a lot of differant spices .. Make  sure to keep in touch with Dr S -  he can give you  certain meds  to help.  I took flagyl for a couple weeks and then weaned myself off.  

GinaU aka Jeanna 
 RNY revised  to Extended RNY 5/2008
Total loss 181 and counting 

on 2/7/09 4:01 am
Hi Gina,
Yes things are getting better all of the time. I have been staying away from white since the beginning, also raw vegetables and the only fruit so far has been bananas. At school if I have to taste test anything it is in the smallest pieces. My weight lose has been strange thought. It seems I lose about 10 - 15 lbs. in a week and then gain back 5 - 7 lbs. Maintain for 3 weeks and then do that again. Hey it works for me. I have lost about 28 since surgery on Dec. 16 which makes me happy. I am focusing on the wound healing so I am not obsessing on dieting right now. I can't do much more than minimal walking anyway until I heal completely. I am sticking pretty close to protein and I include 36 grams of proteinex each morning in addition to the protein I eat. It is helping the healing process. I am really hoping to get to the breakfast the Joyce is planning unless something unforeseen comes up. Take care

on 2/2/09 5:41 am - St. George, UT
Hi Sheri:

I was wondering if you would mind posting how much you've lost in the six weeks since your revision. I'm scheduled to go in for my extended RNY with Dr. S as well. Also, do you know what they extended you to, i.e. your common channel?

Thanks so much for any information you might be inclined to share.
on 2/7/09 4:15 am
Hi JR,
Wow that Dr. S gets them from all over. He is great though. Let me see I have lost about 28 lbs. now since Dec. 16 but I have not really pay much attention to it since the wound problems. I over dose on protein since it is a huge help with the wound healing. I eat so much protein its unreal. My common channel is somewhere between 70 and 75 per Dr. S. He put it that way because I guess it is hard to tell exactly after the surgery. But thats fairly short and I am glad he did it that way. I think 100 would have been too long but when I asked what he was going to do he told me he would not know until he got in there. I would totally trust him. He is amazing. When is you surgery? How long will you be in Arizona? Remember that he is there for you for anything. If it was not for him and the fact that I could call and get answers I still think this infection I had would have been so much worse. 5 days before I ended up in the ER with this infection that caused me to have the incision to be opened I went to Phoenix because my drain was not draining anything. He removed it and said he "Didn't like the way my incision looked" and put me on a really strong anti-biotic. I didn't have a fever, there was no pain or redness. I couldn't figure out way I should have to go on them but I did and I was so grateful that I did. It gave me a 5 day jump on that infection. I never had a temperature and I know it could have ended up alot worse then it was. So anyway my point is the man is brilliant. He knows so much, listen to him, follow his directions and you will be great. You could not have picked a better surgeon. Anything else that I can help you with please feel free to ask.

on 2/3/09 12:17 am - PA
So sorry to hear about the problems with your incision.  I'm hoping the gas and bathroom issues will pass for you.

I'm 9 weeks out and finding the weight loss slow too.  I had an RNY revision from a faulty VBG.

Good luck to you.
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