Totally lost. RNY never worked. What do you do next?

Kathy H.
on 1/26/09 2:36 pm - Kent, WA
start looking into a revision to your surgery. You deserve a better quality of life than you have. I am currently working toward a revision from a VBG to a DS, and I suggest you research this surgery. RNY to DS revisions are not all that uncommon. There are several that post regularly on the DS message board. Please come over and ask questions. You'll find the folks there very helpful.

good luck to you!

Have you considered the Duodenal Switch? Information is power.

Amy Farrah Fowler
on 1/26/09 5:47 pm
Please, please please come ask your questions on the DS board. There are many RNY to DS revisions there.

You didn't fail the RNY, it failed you. It fails a lot of people. The DS has the best stats for weight loss, and maintenance of that loss. There is no dumping, you can take NSAIDS, there is no blind stomach issues, or stoma issues.

We all deserve a real break from our obesity, and so do you. Check out the DS.
on 1/26/09 9:33 pm - Hillman, MI
Lorie2 --I am a lap bander looking for a revision.  My surgeon only does the band and the bypass and has agreed to do a bypass on me.  However, I live in MI and from what I can find online - there are only 2 DS surgeons in MI.  I was wondering where Dr. Hares is in MI, and what you thought about him.
Elizabeth N.
on 1/30/09 8:31 am - Burlington County, NJ

There are not many DS surgeons because it's a complicated procedure and takes considerable time to learn properly. It's worth traveling to get to a good one.

Guate Wife
on 1/31/09 1:11 pm - Grand Rapids, MI
Hi Stephanie,

Here is a thread from the DS forum that has the list of vetted revision surgeons for the DS:
DS Revision Surgeons

Another website you should check out is:
This has the list of vetted DS surgeons; three are listed in Michigan.

My surgeon is listed there, Dr. Paul Kemmeter.  He is a highly skilled surgeon, and I have no reservations recommending him to anyone seeking a virgin DS.  While he is not listed as a vetted revision surgeon, I am aware of situations where he has had to go back in and address complications.  Also, he performs a virgin DS lap.  Because you had a LB, it may be possible for him to help you out.  It certainly becomes more complicated if you have scar tissue from the LB, erosion, etc...

There is another surgeon practicing with Dr. Kemmeter -- Dr. Foote.  For various reasons, I chose Dr. Kemmeter, but wanted you to be aware that he is a forth DS surgeon in Michigan.  I believe Dr. L (Detroit area) & Dr. Hares only perform the DS open, which was not something that I was willing to consider.  However, I do know many of each of their patients, and have not heard anything negative about either.  A friend of mine had her DS with Dr. Hares over 8 years ago, and is doing very well.

Hope this helps you out, and good luck in your journey!

       ~ I am the proud wife of a Guatemalan, but most people call me Kimberley
Highest Known Weight  =  370#  /  59.7 bmi  @  5'6"

Current Weight  =  168#  /  26.4 bmi  :  fluctuates 5# either way  @  5'7"  /  more than 90% EWL
Normal BMI (24.9)  =  159#:  would have to compromise my muscle mass to get here without plastics, so this is not a goal.

I   my DS.    Don't go into WLS without knowing ALL of your options:

(deactivated member)
on 1/26/09 9:35 pm - TX
Do surgeries fail?  OMG honey when you've been around as long as I have, you will be amazed at the # of ppl who still get the RNY.

Read my profile and come to the DS board.

What do you do next?

Get a copy of your operative report.
Get an UGI and endoscopy (to prove mechanical failure)
Research the surgeries available
Then schedule an appt with a bonafide revision surgeon.

Good luck
on 1/29/09 8:06 pm - Norwich, CT
I am another one who had a gastric stapling in 1982 and gained it all back. I just had a lap band placed  over the stapling and so far I am happy with my decision.  Like Joyce said, do a LOT of research and find the procedure that is right for you.  Make an appointment with your surgeon or another surgeon  and discuss with him/her the options  available to you after a thorough examination and evaluation.

You deserve a 2nd chance...go get it!!
 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


on 1/30/09 6:58 am
I'm a revision from a VBG to the DS - best thing I've ever done!  I didn't fail my VBG, it failed me - which is obvious cuz I succeeded with the DS.

5' 5" -  317.5 / 132 / 134  SW / CW / GW

on 1/30/09 7:53 am - Huntsville, AL

Emily, you are NOT alone.  There is a small group of us NADS (North Alabama Duodenal Switchers) in my area -- about 10 of us, and 2 of those are revisions to DS from FAILED RNYs -- the RNY surgery never worked for them, but the DS DID!

100_0676.jpg picture by leaannjohnson

L-R My mom (had a DS when she saw how well I was doing with mine), Beth -- revision to DS, Trudy -- revision to DS, and ME.

Also, NONE of us are chained to a toilet!  My mother had problems with some bathroom accident PRE-op, but is now amazed at how regular her DS has made her in the bathroom.  Most DSers are like clockwork -- go first thing in the morning, then PERHAPS again later in the day, with 2-3 BMs a day, being about average.

YES, please DO research the DS thoroughly, as the lady spreading information above suggests.  Post your question on the DS Forum and I'm sure you'll get a lot of reassuring feedback from the well-informed, friendly people there!

on 1/30/09 9:41 am - bay area, CA

Emily, there is NO WAY that you somehow could have destroyed your rny pouch or stoma in just a couple months. Either their was a technical problem with your surgery from the getgo ( like the stoma being made too wide) or the operation was just destined to fail for you, as it does for some people. YOU did not fail! YOU did not screw up! The operation failed you. And yes, surgeries DO fail. The RNY surgeon that I saw before I had the DS quoted a longterm failure rate of 30% with RNY. We had a big difference of opinion about the DS, but I remain grateful for his honesty about this.

    I hope you will come over to the DS forum and learn all you can about it. If you do, you will find that the person in AZ who claims to be an OH moderator is giving you false information. We see this a lot from the rny world. And as you can see from her own prior posts, the ERNY hasn't exactly been a miracle solution for her.

    The ERNY would not fix your problems.  Whatever problems you have with your pouch - the vomiting, food falling right through, dumping, etc., you would still have those problems because you would still have your pouch.
    With the DS people have a small but otherwise normal stomach. No dumping. Vomiting is rare. Food leaves the stomach normally through the pyloric valve - no way it can just fall right into the intestines. We can take NSAID's safely - can't do that with rny. We have no list of foods that are forbidden forever. We live normal lives and are NOT living them in the bathroom. When diarrhea occurs, it's almost always diet related and can be resolved by figuring out what food caused it and avoiding or limiting that food. Or sometimes it's from bacterial overgrowth in the colon, which can be treated with antibiotics. But as you can see from many of the people who answered you, we live normal lives.
    What do you do next? First, as our new president might say, you pick yourself up and dust yourself off and get out of that depressed, paralysed funk. Never give up hope. Revisions are possible and they can completely change people's lives. 
    Next, you come to the DS forum and and see who the revision surgeons are. Email a couple of them. Consult with them. Learn what can be done to help you.
    Meanwhile, become a well informed patient. Learn everything you can about your options - but with accurate information, not the biased rumblings of someone going out of her way to question your choice.
    Best of luck to you.



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