Why am I getting the F#@%ing run-around???? (xpost)

(deactivated member)
on 1/26/09 3:04 am
I want to SCREAM!!!!!!!!! But my daughter just went to sleep and I'd rather not wake her up!
Ok...so after my 4th call to my GI Dr trying to get the "right" test scheduled, she finally takes my call (his nurse), now she is telling me that the GI Dr (who has already proclaimed his ignorance with WLS) wants me to have an Upper GI, but that I DO NOT have to drink anything...I asked her then how will they tell if I have a leak...of course she has no clue what I am talking about.  I explained to her that I have to have this test prior to seeing someone about a revision, she said that what the GI dr wants to have done will be fine! All of the info I have read about an Upper GI says that you drink barium.  I have got the run around about who is to order this test and this is where I have ended up.  I am so frustrated I may explode!
Please tell me, am I wrong or right? Dont I need to drink the Barium for them to see if I have a leak? 
All of this and the fact that I have put my 6th, yes 6th call into WLS Center of Hampton Roads, trying to avoid going back to the surgeon that refused to see me on Friday. 
I'm so glad that my husband and I both stopped drinking years ago...otherwise, I'd be hitting the hard stuff today!
(just venting since you all probably understand my frustrations!)
on 1/26/09 6:38 am - OH

You poor thing...   I have actually heard uneducated people say "upper GI" and actually mean an EGD - Upper Endoscopy... I wonder if that's what they mean.  I will add that I have had first hand experience with the doctor's staff having that all wrong.

Also, I've never had an Upper GI without the barium swallow.

(deactivated member)
on 1/26/09 6:47 am
I'm better now.  I have the correct test scheduled, and I spoke to the WLS Center that I have been trying to contact, so I feel much better.  Plus, Monday is almost over! LOL
(deactivated member)
on 1/26/09 8:55 am, edited 1/30/09 9:13 am - Togo
(deactivated member)
on 1/26/09 9:04 am
Notthisagain could mean so many things in my life now, but the exact reason I came up with that was being overweight AGAIN! I could give you a list of things that it could also mean, but that's the truth!
(deactivated member)
on 1/26/09 9:14 am, edited 1/30/09 9:14 am - Togo

on 1/26/09 12:11 pm - PA
glad you got it straightened out.

when I was getting tested my doctor ordered an Upper GI, from what I'd read here and what I was told here I was expecting a long drawn out procedure where I wouldn't be able to drive myself home. So I had my husband take the day off from work. When I got to the hospital for the test and undressed I kept expecting to have to drink all this fluid.  Well when they brought me in the room they gave me a little cup with some barium and started turning and tilting me to take the pictures. It was over in 20 minutes and I was fine the rest of the day.

Some people confuse Upper GI's with Endoscopes.
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