
lisa V.
on 1/25/09 10:57 pm - canton, ga

     Has anyone had a stomaphyx or know of anyone who had a stomaphyx??  If so, what were the results??  Did insurance cover it and if so, what insurance companies cover it??  What does the insurance require to make it "medically necessary"?  If insurance didn't cover it, what was the cost??  How many pounds did you lose??  What are the risks??  What doctors perfomed it, and did they do a good job??  I greatly appreciate all of your feedback!!!


Lisa in Georgia
on 1/28/09 12:21 am
I see you got no replies.  I too was wondering.  Hopefully we'll hear something.  Check out, however, it still doesn't give personal testimonies. 
on 1/29/09 10:37 am - Dona Ana, NM
I had a stomaphyx and all  lost was $8,000.00.   My story is not unusual, sad to say.
lisa V.
on 1/29/09 12:00 pm - canton, ga
You did not lose any weight at all??  Why??  What did the doctor say??  When did you have the procedure??  How common is it not to lose weight after having it??  Also, did your insurance cover it , and if so then who is your insurance??  You are the only person who has posted that has had this procedure...  I am trying to decide if I should have it...  Did they do any testing before you had the procedure to see your pouch size or anything else??

Thanks So Much For Your Information!!!!

Shelley S.
on 2/7/09 11:25 am - Belmont, CA
Stomaphyx - more than one year ago.  I had WLS (rny bypass) in 2000 - lost 100, gained 50 back through a couple pregnancy and a growing hunger.  Found out pouch was same size but almost no "funnel" at bootom - like one continuous 1 inch pipe.  Had stomaphyx in Oct 2007 - was one of Dr. Wetter's first patients.  I initially lost about 5-10lbs from the liquid diet, but I felt no difference.  I gained that back over another month or two and now struggle to not gain more - I'm constantly hungry and can eat anything.  Dr Wetter offered to redo it a couple months out after he'd had more experience, but I moved out of the area and would have needed to pay for the hospital stay even if his fees were reduced/forgiven.  I may go back, but he mentioned they are working on some sort of blow up doughnut like ring that would be stitched in as a new valve that is coming up for research testing soon.  I'll likely  hold out for something like that.

So, if your insurance doesn't pay - hold out!  I was lucky, mine did except for my $1000 deductible for the year.  I would have paid that out a month later though when I had a hysterectomy (unrelated of course).

lisa V.
on 2/7/09 12:29 pm - canton, ga

      Thanks for sharing!!  What insurance do you have??  I have Aetna, and I need to know th CPT Code to see if the insurance will cover it...  Do you happen to know the CPT Code and/or the official name of the procedure that the insurance needs??  Also, do you know the name of that new procedure that is coming up for research testing??


Amy Farrah Fowler
on 2/7/09 4:02 pm
I only know 3 people IRL who have had it, and all said it was a waste of money. None felt better restriction, and no measurable weight loss. While 3 people is not a medical study, I have not heard anything better about it on line either.
on 2/10/09 12:24 am
my sister had the stomaphyx in Sept not good all she lost was $10,000 and gained  the new feeling of being a comp let failure she had payed cash for her bypass in 2002 and again payed cash for the stomahyx in 2008 she just wanted the madness to stop and it has not. I feel so bad for her. I had the bypass in 2005 with good results but Iam worried the same thing will happen to me five year out.
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