lapband..slipped, had RNY & now getting lapband over GB

Melissa L.
on 1/20/09 10:18 am - Garden Grove, CA
It's crazy, but I orignally had the lapband for 4 years and it slipped and i had to have it revoved last February. In April I got the RNY but just have not been at all successful, I know bummer!  I have ZERO retriction w/ my RNY so my surgeon offered to put the lapband over my RNY.  I most likely am going to do it but I am getting a 2nd opinion first.  My major concern is the slippage possibility.  I can only deal with so much and I deserve to be a succcess, but I do not want the band to slip.  Anyone with the lapband over their RNY that would consider responding on the post but also emailing me with your story.
Has anyone heard of a slippage of lapband after RNY.  I have heard from one person that he thought it would be harder for a slip to occur because of the scar tissue, but I dont know...I just dont want to have sugery again after this lapband.  I just want to lose the weight I gained since my band was taken out and I dont want to be paranold about it slipping constantly...ahhh.  Anybody know about he lapband over RNY and have any success ot not success stories they are willing to share.  Thanks.
nicole K.
on 1/20/09 9:48 pm - brick, NJ
i have heard of that being done and i believe for the most part it is successful.  has insurance covered your prior surgeries?  are they going to cover this one?
Melissa L.
on 1/21/09 9:15 am - Garden Grove, CA
I'm  self pay...but my GB doc said she would put the lapband on at cost, still too much if you ask me....but it is what it is...I just wonder why didn't GB work for me, even a tiny bit work, a little restriction, anything!!!!
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 1/21/09 2:51 pm
Lapbands have a high failure rate, and according to the manufactures own info, they only have a life span to remain in the body for 5 to 10 years.

Your surgeon only seems comfortable with the band or RNY, but they've both failed you already, so I'd plan on the next surgery to deal with the band again. Sorry to be a downer, but I don't see the outcome as too good with the statistics for those surgeries.

You need to see a surgeon that does other surgeries (and really has a track record for doing them, not just a "bait and switch" surgeon that lists everything, then sells his RNY or band).

You have had 2 surgeries fail you. I suggest you look at one that won't, like the DS. Good luck.
(deactivated member)
on 1/21/09 9:48 pm - Brampton, Canada

This would be your third wls and second revision so I would definitely go for at least one more opinion.  Why is your doctor's answer as to why the gastric bypass did not work at all?   That sound's strange to me for sure.

on 1/22/09 5:59 am - UK
The other revision option if you're going under the knife anyway might be to have your pouch made smaller. I've seen other RNYers on here who have had this done (sometimes at the same time as having the bypass made more distal or extended).

I wouldnt trust a surgeon who has got it wrong once, particularly when they want to put a band back in there...Second, third and fourth opinion time!

DS revision from failed lapband

Zee Starrlite
on 1/23/09 2:06 am, edited 1/23/09 2:07 am
Sorry, I wouldn't do this.  It sounds like a pretty STUPID solution!!!  WTF!  You need a 2nd and 3rd opinion from a doc other than this one.  I'd be quite pissed at him - have him explain what the heck went wrong with your RNY.

If you are doing everything you should to be successful with the RNY and something is mechanically wrong with the surgery, you can possibly get tightened up and bypassed more.

How much have you lost with the RNY?  Where are you in terms of your weight right now?

Good Luck

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

Melissa L.
on 1/23/09 1:17 pm - Garden Grove, CA
I had surgery in April 08 and have gained 10 lbs!  Sucks!  But lapband did work for me but slipped, Now with my added scar tissue I am hoping a wont have the slippage problem and lap bands are pretty common and are designed to be with us forever and not only last 5 to 10 years. I wonder where some people get their fact around here, back it up or sont spit it out.  although it is surgery and needs to be taken seriously I think she is a competent surgeon and able to do this procedure without a problem.  I dont seriously think anyone understands why my RNY hasn't worked...I'am definitly getting a 2nd opinion and will go from there....I am self pay so I cant just go pay for a DS and I am only 180lbs at 5/7 tall so I dont know how many dr's would consider this option although my largest was 255 lbs when I first got the lapband and I got down to 101lbs, yes too thin!  but wow I miss it so much, to be 100% honest I feel that desperation to be thin and wearing my thin clothes again.  I miss it and have gone thru a major depression, but I am beginning to accept that this is the way it turned out for me and now I'm hoping for a happier ending, I just need restriction or I cant keep any weight off, i lose the regain.  So if I cant afford a new surgeon and I don't believe that she is incompetent unless my 2nd opinion tells me differntly that my surgery wasn't done properly then I do believe I am a freak incident,  I would get the DS if I thought I could afford it but my dr said I would starve to death although that sounds good to me at this pointl...
on 1/23/09 3:19 am

I am sorry to hear about your story. I think you should go to a surgeon who has experience with re-operations.  Your doctor is known for doing bands, but RNY's are a complete different thing.
I did a lot of research before I got mine, actually I was going to have the band at first but then I found someone who advice me better and I think that made all the difference, I am healthy and happy after my RNY.  Please think twice about getting another band. I would even check if they really did a RNY in the first place.
Best luck for you!
Melissa L.
on 1/23/09 1:34 pm - Garden Grove, CA
Has anybody had or know someone who had the RNY or Lap band done by Dr. Pompa in TJ.  Her advertisement is below....
I would love to hear other patients stories, I only really know what I am told by my contact, I dont know hat her other patients experiences are, but I don know that the few people that have had the RNy with a lapband over it were happy with it although I wish I could find more people to talk with me about their personal lap band over RNY story, but so far not a lot of luck. 
I welcome any of Dr. Pompa's patients to share their experience wit me via email or this post because we never really know...
I guess I firgured this is the type of responses I was going to receive, get more opinions, then there is always 1 person with bad lap band data and ALWAYS at least 1 DS patient that tries to make you fel stubid for not getting the absolute best WLS out there, and you know what it always works, I do wish I had the DS, then I could be that annoying DS patient...

Bottom line any Dr.Pompa patients out there????????
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