Trip to the ER tonight

on 1/11/09 10:43 am - Ft. Wainwright, AK
So tonight I was hanging out with my family and feeling just fine when all of a sudden I got really sick to my stomach and my mouth started to water and all of a sudden I started to vomit...but there really wasn't much to vomit... so then I started to vomit up some blood! It wasn't an overwhelming amount but no doubt blood! My body heaved and heaved and heaved! So I went to the ER where they basically gave me a ****tail to hold me over til tomorrow when I have my upper GI. Has this happened to anyone else? Just freaked me out a lot! Thanks for any info! 
(deactivated member)
on 1/11/09 4:19 pm, edited 1/11/09 4:20 pm - Togo
Oh sweetie, so sorry to hear that. Thank god you went to the emergency room. And what luck that you are having an upper g.i. done tomorrow.

Were you eating something? Did you put something in you? Was it a reaction to something? Medicine? What did they think in the er was the reason for it? What did they say about the blood?


on 1/12/09 3:00 am - Ft. Wainwright, AK
I wasn't eating anything. About an hour before I had a handful of popcorn that my dad was eating, but that isn't anything I haven't had before. I mean I am 4 years out with no problems at all ... welll until now that it. I wasn't taken any medications and the ER was sooo clueless. Basically they just gave me a gi ****tail and said wait til tomorrow. They didn't seem to think it was unusal for a gastric bypass patient to vomit up blood. So I had the upper GI today and this small town is so ill prepared to care for a bypass patient!! The dr who did it was very nice but really wasn't sure. He said he thinks I have a gastric fistual but he is sending the dvd of the test to my dr in Florida so he can review it. So hopefully we find out something soon. Just waiting...hate waiting!
(deactivated member)
on 1/12/09 1:05 pm, edited 1/13/09 1:52 am - Togo
on 1/12/09 1:29 pm - Ft. Wainwright, AK
Well the Dr who did the upper GI says he sees something going in and out of my stomach, not my pouch, but my stomach. Just a small amount, but something going into my stomach. He thinks it is a gastric fistula but he just isn't sure (maybe a disruption of the staple line too??) so he is sending the dvd of the upper GI to my Dr in Florida. He is sending the written report today to him so I am hoping to hear from Dr. Nye (my surgeon) tomorrow. As for meeting with Dr Nye in person... I am ready to drive to Pensacola (I am in Illinois) for an appointment on Monday if he wants. It is a 12hour drive, but if it is what we think it is and I have to have a revision I want him and only him! My husband is in Iraq right now and the thought of me in surgery with someone other than Dr. Nye isn't an option for him. I agree but also need to make him feel as comfortable as possible with the thought of me in surgery and him in Iraq and our 2year old with our family in Illinois.
I have read up on gastric fistula and I see where it could be why I never hit my goal (not even close but then I did get pregnant 14 monhts out) and why after having my daughter I one, gained so much, and two struggle everyday with maintaining my weight. I am extrememly anxious to know what my Dr wants to do! Gosh I hate waiting!! 
Thanks so much for all you help!! I truly appreciate it!! 
(deactivated member)
on 1/12/09 1:40 pm, edited 1/13/09 1:36 am - Togo


on 1/13/09 11:32 am - Tallahassee, FL
I'm so sorry to hear you are having problems.  Please keep us posted on your outcome.

I completely understand where you are coming from with regards to your original Dr - I'm 6 years out and having troubles as well and wish that I could drive from NC to FL to my original Dr because he's the only one I trust.  I'm also in a small town and the Drs are totally unaware of what they should be looking for.  Unfortunately, my insurance will only allow me to state in-state. 
I'll be praying for you and hope that you don't throw up more blood.  


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