Why can't you take.....

on 1/10/09 4:47 am - Bangor, ME
Why can't you take iron with calcium.  I did it this AM in error.  Also, since the revision surgery, I know I have to take multivitamin 2x/day, calcium 2x/day and vitamin C as well.  Should I also increase my normal intake of iron (324mg ferrous gluconate) to 2x/day as well? 
I am 3 1/2 weeks out from the surgery and am tired a lot. 

Thanks for the help anyone and all.
Nita S.
on 1/10/09 7:37 am - Avondale, AZ
I can not give you an answer about the iron and calcium, except to say that they do not play well with each other.  The science stuff is way over my head.  Call Dr Schlesinger's office, and ask them about the iron, I did increase mine after my revision (that was my choice to feel better).  Also, are you getting in your protein drinks and enough water?  Dehydration will make you very tired (at least it does me) and so will not enough protein.  Take care, and call the office if you have problems, Jen is always willing to answer questions for all of us.  

Revision 11/06/2008


on 1/10/09 7:50 am - Bangor, ME
Thanks for the reminder of the dehydration.  I had not thought about that but your right of course and I have had a problem getting in my water.  I am trying to work on increasing the water.  I am also trying to make sure I get my protein.  I just bought some protein powder pkgs to put in the water so hoping to kill two birds with one stone, as the saying goes.
Thanks again Waunita. 
on 1/10/09 8:15 am
I just have to ask but I also had surgery with Dr S on Dec 16 at Paradise Valley Hospital I was in room 224 I was only there 1 day and spent most of my time walking I have had a hard time with infections since surgery and had to have my incision opened up and drained the procedure has been great so far and I have lost 20 lbs also It is hard to get in the water but so important Good luck
on 1/10/09 10:15 am - Bangor, ME
Wow Sheri, I am so sorry to hear of your further complications.  I can't imagine dealing with more than just the regular revision surgery.  I don't think you could be in better hands however.  Dr S was hoping he wouldn't have to revisit the pouch but it was necessary so I had the pouch redone, the connection to the intestines moved down and a portion of the stomach removed.  I hope you are getting better every day.  I found that each day there was the slightest improvement and if it hadn't been for the horrible trip back to Maine on the Amtrak (55 hours all together) I think I would be in perfect condition.  So as of now, I have lost about 25 lbs and am so excited.
Good luck to you Sheri, keep in touch. 
on 1/10/09 10:14 am
They compete against each other. Make sure you take Vit C with the Iron and Vit D with the Calcium. They need those vits to carry the iron or calcium into the system.
on 1/10/09 10:19 am - Bangor, ME
Thanks Darlene, I knew not to mix them (except for my mistake today), just didn't know exactly why. 
on 1/10/09 10:18 pm - MI
 Iron prohibits the absorption of calcium.  Both my PCP and Dr. S told me it did not matter if I took all my calcium or iron at the same time as long as I do not take them together.  So I take my multi vitamins and B12 in the AM, my calcium and D3 in the afternoon and my iron in the PM.  As long as you take them at least 2 hours apart you should be OK. My PCP also put me on a prescription iron that you do not need to take C with it.  He says it also has better absorption properties.  It's a bit more expensive then the typical prescription iron or the stuff you get over the counter but for me it was worth it.  I no longer suffer from iron deficiencies!  My PCP also did not want me taking the vitamin C on a daily basis because it can be harder on the RNY pouch, especially if you suffer from any sort of acid reflux or heart burn.

on 1/10/09 10:37 pm - Norwich, CT
On January 10, 2009 at 12:47 PM Pacific Time, My_Time wrote:
Why can't you take iron with calcium.  I did it this AM in error.  Also, since the revision surgery, I know I have to take multivitamin 2x/day, calcium 2x/day and vitamin C as well.  Should I also increase my normal intake of iron (324mg ferrous gluconate) to 2x/day as well? 
I am 3 1/2 weeks out from the surgery and am tired a lot. 

Thanks for the help anyone and all.
Calcium blocks the absorption of iron.  Iron is best taken with a chewable Vit C or orange juice and at least one hour before any milk, or other dairy or tea.  The tanic acid in tea also blocks the absorption of iron however Vit C enhances iron's absorption.

I have to take iron twice a day and I've finally found a schedule that works for me.  I take my iron very early in the morning (whenever I wake up, even if it's like 4 am) with a chewable Vit C and a good amount of water.  Then I take it again later in the afternoon when I get home from work with the same Vit C and lotd of water.

Hope this helps!!
 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


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