Lap Band to RNY -- Taking a Survey

on 1/8/09 1:06 pm

OK a terrible fact i****ting me now as I sit here ready to bang my head into a wall and cry.

I had the lap band in June 2005, lost 110 lbs.  Had issues and removed in Oct. 07.  Had my RNY 11/17/08 and weight loss has been horribly slow compared to others on the RNY board.  Told by my nurse that since I had a big weight loss with the band, the RNY will be slower and I may not lose as much as if I had not had the band.  Sounds like a crock of ****!!  If that's true, I would have much rather gotten a new band than re-directing my insides!!  For what????????

For those who've gone from band to RNY  -- how did you do??  Please be honest.

Thanks for your time.


Lisa G.
DOS:  340
Current:  284
Goal: 180/Size 10-12
on 1/9/09 7:56 am - Austin, TX
 I am so with you... I had my revision from lap-band to RNY August 10. Lost 38 pounds in total as of today. I only weigh myself once a month because it's too depressing. From Nov 10 to Dec 10 only lost 2 pounds. Dec 10 to Jan 9 only lost 1 pound. I've asked many questions on the message boards but no one would give me a straight answer. This surgery has been a waist of my time and money. Why re-direct your insides if this is the result. I too would like to hear if this has happened to anyone else. 



on 1/9/09 11:15 am
I was able to lose 115 pounds after my revision due to band erosion.  I have discovered that there is a maturing process of the gut after RNY. it works different 6 weeks, 6 months, 1 year, even 2years after surgery. stick with the program and start measuring your baggy pants, not the scale. stay the course and watch the carbs. i carb craved at the stage you are in and now i have discovered that the minute i go back to carbs (monthly with my cycle), i gain.

Protein, only protein, no carbs (shoot for no carbs and you will get minimal carbs), veggies when there is room. laying offcarbs will also lift the depression and give you more "pure" energy. it is amazing when the energy hits you.
on 1/9/09 1:27 pm
I was told the same thing, because mine was a revisional surgery, I should expect to lose slower.  My surgery was 10/31/08 and I have lost 42lbs- not too bad, but not great either....

on 1/9/09 8:31 pm - MA
I , too, am not the biggest looser.  I do wonder if having the band 4+ years ago accounts for a slower metabolism.
I started at 271 in 2004.  Got down to 185 est. in 05.   In 06 had a few instances of the band getting too tight and had to have it released.  Weight seemed to then stabalize around 200.  I was still happy...heck...I went from size 25 to size 18/20.
In 07 it was discovered the band had a leak..but I had no bariatric coverage on my insurance and had to wait til spring of 08 for insurance..and July of 08 for the surgery. In that time, my weight climbed to 250. Part of it was I knew I was on a license to eat....and part was I was absolutely hungry as a horse.    I am currently down to 200 and have been that way for a month.
My clothes just recently got a little somthng is happening.
The nutritionist said at the 6 mos the carbs and salty/cruncies. People often start to add chips, pretzels etc to their diet for the crunch. She also said at this point exercise is crutial.
Exercise is my goat for this year.

I do want to get thinner, however, I still rejoice in every pound that is gone. I was miserable at 250.

I am still happy with the surgery.

on 1/10/09 1:53 am - Ottawa, Canada
Revision on 12/10/08 with
I don't know if my info is helpful, but thought I would post it anyway.

Had the lapband from Jan 2001, but had it removed Dec 10th, 2008.  I had lost 65 lbs initially in 2001, but it wasn't long before i gained it back.  When i had my revision i was 370lbs (when i had my lapband i was 318).  Today I am one month out, and have lost 40lbs.  I am not sure why i have done well, this first month.  i have followed my surgeons rules, and done some exercising?  Maybe, it was because i had gained all my lapband weight plus some back??  Wish i could help.

8 lbs lost before surgery
on 1/10/09 8:20 am, edited 1/10/09 8:21 am - anywhere, TX

Got banded in 2006 and in the first four months I lost about 35 pounds. My por****ured and the band stopped working because of a leak. I had the whole band replaced in February of 2007. No weight loss at all and I gained back the 35 pounds I initially lost. Had RNY in June of 2008 and to date have lost 73 pounds. I believe the malabsorption feature of the RNY has helped A LOT. I had a great surgeon who spent three hours cleaning up all of the scar tissue from the bands and making my RNY "pretty" like I asked him I am really sticking to the rules because I have been through this twice and I don't want to mess it up. I wish you luck and am sure things will get better soon.

Lori M.
on 1/10/09 11:16 pm - West Babylon, NY
I had Lap Band  done 4/04  and lost 35- 55 lbs initially but ran into problems .Band too tight post fill ,removed fluid .Thus  started back and forth . I found a new NUT , SURGEON and Therapist .Eventually realized that there was a leak then a slip of the band .Band removed  1/2/08 .Now I am scheduled for Open RNY 12/12/09! I am hoping that because of the year between removal if the band and revision to Open RNY, the loss will be much better and for a longer time .I was sooo hungry, dehydrated and vitamin depleted because  of the vomiting with the Lap band .Yes I have gained over this past year .Now the family support is and issue.They say no because of the problems with the band . But I have to do it .
Nancy C.
on 1/11/09 6:29 am - Dallas, TX
No, I think the information that your nurse told you is garbage!  I think she didn't have an answer so she made that up.  You might have a slower metabolism due to the lap band, but you can actually and a test administered in the doctor's office to determine if that is the case or not.  The test consists of you blowing in a tube for 10 minutes and the results are immediate.  You should ask about that and then you would know if its a metabolism issue or not.

I had the band for 2 years (almost exactly to the day) and had it removed May 2008 due to slippage.  I just had a consultation with the surgeon I would like to perform my revision and I asked him about metabolic complications (like slower losing of weight) and he reassured me that if the RNY is done properly, this is not a problem.

Is there an opportunity for you to talk directly with the doctor and not the nurse?

Hang in there, hopefully you will start losing and all will be well.  I hope that I gave you some good information that you can use.

Best wishes.
on 1/24/09 2:20 am - Fort Worth , TX
I got my band in 2004. Had lots of problems. Stuggled but managed to lose a total of 40 lbs, then started gaining it back. Got my revision to RNY on Aug 1 2008 and have gone from 205 to 144. Its been very easy to lose weight and control my eating. I have increased my calories a bit. I was eating no more than 1000 calories a day and now am eating 1000-1200 a day which may be why I have not lost this month. But I also wasnt exercising at all so I just joined a gym. I want to lose another 19 lbs to be at 125 but even if I stay at this weight I will be happy.

I went from lap band to RNY on Aug 1 2008.
                SW    CW  GW
5'2"     205/133/ ?


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