Seeking info on StomaphyX--any input GREATLY appreciated!

on 1/6/09 3:12 pm - TX
In a nutshell: RNY in 2004, lost 110 of the 150 pounds I'd hoped to lose...Over the past 2 years, have gained 40 back.  Soooo...still need to lose 80 pounds to get to my goal.  I had a very difficult surgery (my surgeon was never too clear on exactly why I was in the O/R for over 4 hours, just that he wasn't happy with his first attempt, so he "redid" it).  Nonetheless, I am hesitant to do a surgical revision,  but am very interested in StomaphyX, as I feel that for the past 3 years, I've been able to eat normal size meals, and don't have issues with dumping, etc.

For anyone who has had StomaphyX, please share:

-Approval Process
-Insurance Coverage
-Any other helpful info ;0)

And, yes, there are things I'd change if I had it to do all over again, but for the most part I feel I've done a decent job of trying to follow pouch rules, please don't blast me for being a failure, etc.  I've read through thousands of posts, and while it is enlightening to see so much positive support and sharing, I am equally shocked by the few holier-than-thous that tend to blast those that genuinely need help, support, or just an understanding ear to bend.

Thanks in advance for your insights and sharing!

on 1/6/09 7:54 pm - Norwich, CT
On January 6, 2009 at 11:12 PM Pacific Time, jcordell wrote:
In a nutshell: RNY in 2004, lost 110 of the 150 pounds I'd hoped to lose...Over the past 2 years, have gained 40 back.  Soooo...still need to lose 80 pounds to get to my goal.  I had a very difficult surgery (my surgeon was never too clear on exactly why I was in the O/R for over 4 hours, just that he wasn't happy with his first attempt, so he "redid" it).  Nonetheless, I am hesitant to do a surgical revision,  but am very interested in StomaphyX, as I feel that for the past 3 years, I've been able to eat normal size meals, and don't have issues with dumping, etc.

For anyone who has had StomaphyX, please share:

-Approval Process
-Insurance Coverage
-Any other helpful info ;0)

And, yes, there are things I'd change if I had it to do all over again, but for the most part I feel I've done a decent job of trying to follow pouch rules, please don't blast me for being a failure, etc.  I've read through thousands of posts, and while it is enlightening to see so much positive support and sharing, I am equally shocked by the few holier-than-thous that tend to blast those that genuinely need help, support, or just an understanding ear to bend.

Thanks in advance for your insights and sharing!

Been there, done that, didn't work and I'm out $10,500.  Had a band put over old bypass on 12/10/08.  First fill coming up on 1/15.

Three words about Stomaphyx:

DON'T DO IT!!!!!

 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


on 1/7/09 11:40 am - TX
Hi Sue,

I've gotten "quotes" from WLS surgeons for around $12K--which insurance DOES NOT COVER!  So, needless to say, I am disenchanted with the StomaphyX!  Especially since all posts I've read (New and Old alike), say that it is not a good investment.

So, I now turn to you for insight on your revision to banding your pouch.  How has this worked out for you? When was your original bypass? Type of bypass?  Success/Failure? 

I don't want to bog you down with questions, and I do SINCERELY thank you in advance for your advice/experiences/opinions.

on 1/8/09 5:51 am - Norwich, CT
On January 7, 2009 at 7:40 PM Pacific Time, jcordell wrote:
Hi Sue,

I've gotten "quotes" from WLS surgeons for around $12K--which insurance DOES NOT COVER!  So, needless to say, I am disenchanted with the StomaphyX!  Especially since all posts I've read (New and Old alike), say that it is not a good investment.

So, I now turn to you for insight on your revision to banding your pouch.  How has this worked out for you? When was your original bypass? Type of bypass?  Success/Failure? 

I don't want to bog you down with questions, and I do SINCERELY thank you in advance for your advice/experiences/opinions.

I had gastric stapling in 1982, lost 120lbs and then gained it all back fairly quickly.  I have spent all my adult life morbidly obese.  I started to research revisions a little over a year ago, had Stomaphyx and almost gave up.  I went back to my MD feeling like an utter failure after the stomaphyx, about 20 lbs heavier and we talked about options.  A band over bypass is being done all over although it is certainly not as common as a virgin band.  I "talked" to several people with band over bypasses on this board and on 12/10/08 I had my surgery.  I'm doing well (after a bout with very severe anemia, not really band related) and go for my first fill next week.  I've lost a little weight just following the mushie diet (no carbs or veggies) but of course I'm looking forward to restriction.

It was a great option for me and I know for others.  Feel free to PM me anytime.

 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


on 1/14/09 9:14 am - Dona Ana, NM
I had the stomaphyX.   What a waste of money.  No restriction felt. No weight lost.
Save your money!!
(deactivated member)
on 1/14/09 11:38 pm
on 1/16/09 1:56 am - OH
From what I hear, it's a TOTAL waste of money - especially to most who had to pay out of pocket.  Also, you had mentioned that you need to lose 80lbs, I really think that if it would work AT ALL, that it would be intended for those who have 20 or so pounds to lose.  

Best of Luck! 

P.S. you should peek over to the DS board and see how many RNY'ers are looking to do the swich - I'm one of them.
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