2 Months Post Revision

on 1/1/09 11:07 am
I had my revision from band to RNY two months ago and I know there are quite a few people in my position, or thinking about a revision, so I thought I'd post about my experience so far.
I had my band for 4 1/2 years, and ended up having problems about 3 years in, resulting in my gaining back about 1/2 of what I lost with the band.  I had reflux, unfill (gain), refill (lose), reflux, unfill.......... you get the idea.  

I talked with my surgeon in September about either repositioning/replacing my band, or having RNY and decided on RNY, which was done Oct 31st.  

The surgery and recovery were much more difficult than with the band, mostly, I think because it was a revision and I had a lot or scar tissue- especially in the port area- that had to be removed.  After surgery, my surgeon said the band was only being held in place with scar tissue- all the orginal stiches had come out.  I'm not sure if my problems were my fault, if the band wasn't placed correctly, or if it just happened.  I guess it doesn't really matter now.

So far, I have lost 37lbs and have about 20 more to go to get to my lowest band weight, and 75 to my goal.   I'm losing slower than most RNY's.  My surgeon is happy though, saying its normal for revisioners to lose slower.   Patience is not my strong point. 

Once I recovered from the actual surgery, I have been feeling pretty good.  I'm not hungry, like I was with the band- and I don't have pain or problems when I'm eating.  I can eat breakfast for the first time in 4 years!  So far, so good.. :)

on 1/1/09 12:45 pm
Hi Melissa,
I will have the same revision surgery next Monday.  I am very nervous about the surgery itself and excited at the same time of finally getting rid off the weight I though I would with the band. Could you please tell me how long did your surgery last?
it seems as if you are happy with your revision, i know it take a lot of commitment and I trust I will do just fine.
Why is that revisioners loose slower?

on 1/1/09 3:41 pm

I believe my surgery was about 3 hours long.  His prediction was 2-4hrs, depending on the amount of scar tisssue he encountered. 

Generally, revisioners have less to lose, and may have lost large amounts of weight previously, both of which apply to me.  My highest weight was 380lbs about 5 years ago.  I lost 50lbs while waiting to be banded.  Also, your body has gotten used to living on less while being banded, so its not as big of a shock to the system as someone who had their first surgery as a RNY. 

Good luck with your surgery and remember- the first few days may be tough- but it WILL get better!

on 1/2/09 2:53 am
I had a little different experience in that I actually lost just as fast as the brand new RYN'ers, even though mine was a revision, so not everyone loses slower. You might be more like I was. Everyone is different. I got all the way down, which I could never have done with lapband.
on 1/2/09 4:14 am - UK
Thanks for posting - its really good to hear that you came through the surgery and are back on the losing side! Congratulations on your weight loss - I hope it continues (and even speeds up to make you happier!****il you reach goal


DS revision from failed lapband

on 1/3/09 3:09 am - Fort Worth , TX
I had a revision also from an Inamed lap band to RNY. I had complications from blood clots but the surgery itsself was perfect..also lasting about 3 hours. I am so glad I did it!. When I had my band I had terrible reflux, pain when I swallowed, food always getting stuck, I would eat and bring it back up and eat some more. Then when I stretched out my esophogus, I had to have all the saline taken out and gained back the 40 lbs I had lost. And 40 lbs was all I ever  lost with the band. And it was a struggle to keep it off.  Now I am 5 months post op, down 59 lbs and feeling so good!

I went from lap band to RNY on Aug 1 2008.
                SW    CW  GW
5'2"     205/133/ ?


on 1/3/09 5:59 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Revision on 05/20/15 with
I had my revision a couple days before you on October 28th and its the best thing I could have done for me. 

I too had issues with the band and my last 6 months was band hell for me, with pb'g 12 times a week.  Some days my coffee wasn't even going down, but the junk food could - although that was even starting to stick (not just to my hips).   I had my port moved from the right to the left after the 1st year and then I was having extreme pain and swelling on the right side, add that to other issues and it was time for the band to come out.

My surgery was about 3 hours (just a little under) and they had told us to expect up to 4 hours because of scar tissue clean up and the process to remove the band and so forth.  I was expecting a painfull recovery and I can honestly say it was not bad at all.  I really didn't have any pain, the only time I had discomfort was the first 24 hours because I was dry heaving and vomitting from an allergic reaction to the morphine.  Once they got me off of that I was fine.  Actually was able to get myself up and down with no help, the area where the drain was didn't hurt (if you touched it then it felt like touching a bruise) and from day one I was able to sleep in my own bed instead of my husband's recliner like I did for the first week with the band.   I took just a little under 3 weeks out of work and glad I did.  The first week home I slept a lot, not that I was in pain just got tired quickly.  Never took a single pain med, but I did take Gas-X and would use a heating pad set on low - just placed it on my lower back and it seemed to help with gas discomfort.   My last few days home I felt great and was using the time to wrap Christmas gifts and catch up with friends who came to visit.

Since surgery things have been great, up until New Years Eve and now I have the flu.   Other than that all is well.   I am down 53 pounds so far and spending time between the gym and doing Wii Fit.   I had expected a slower weight loss but am not complaining at all.  I know I may plateau soon but as long as I record each bit of food going into my mouth and exercise at least I know I'm holding myself accountable this time.    Hoping to get into the 170's this time but if I could get into the 150's that would be better than hitting the lottery. 

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.- Author unknown


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