on 12/31/08 3:53 am - trenton, NJ
I am pre-op and when I took my labs I was told I had the H.Plyori antibodies which indicated the presence of the H. Plyori bacteria in my stomach and that for some people that bacteria has been linked to the development of ulcers. My surgeon's assistant also told me about 50% of adults have this bacteria.
I was prescibed a two week treatment of antibiotics. It was a combination of two types of antibiotics and a stomach med. It involved 4 pills in the AM and 4 in the PM. The prescription comes in 1 days dosage cards so it really wasn't a big deal to take them - I figured practice for the supplements I'll have to take down the road.. I had no problems or upset stomach with the pills. I did the two weeks and its done. Not a biggie.
Your situation sounds similar, but of course I am not a physician so call your doctor and be at peace.
Peace and Happy New Years!
Hey Jerzee,
...Fellow ulcer survivor and RN here. The last poster was correct. H. Pylori is very common. Nearly all ulcers are caused by the bacteria mentioned or aspirin and other Non-steroidal, anti-inflamatory drugs (Excedrin, motrin, naproxen (Aleve) etc.) Both are easily cured with anti-biotics or ceasation of the NSAID's. A tiny percentage of ulcers are caused by stress or unknown factors (curing those are another matter because you can't pinpoint the cause or intervention in an odd way, it's better to have the bacteria.
In any case it sounds like you only have the bacteria, not ulcers and the ulcers would have been observed during the scope.
To answer your question......this is not an unusual problem at all, and nothing to worry about. With meds you will be bacteria free in a few weeks tops.
Before you commit to an RNY, I highly suggest a DS. I had a failed band, and went with the DS because I wanted my revision surgery to be my last one.
The high incidence of weight gain 3 years after RNY worried me. At least do some research before deciding. Make sure you get the surgery that is right for you, not for your doc.