feeling very important

Nita S.
on 12/22/08 8:08 am - Avondale, AZ
First of all Joyce does not need anyone to stand up for her, so forgive me Joyce for putting my two cents in.  I have never heard Joyce speak anything but praises for Dr Schlesinger.  He was a surgeon here in the valley long before Joyce had her revision.  He just happens to be one of the best in revisions, which is why any of his patients (including me and Joyce) choose him.  Is she having some health issues, yes, but we all could have very easily had the same problems.  When she asks for help, it is just that, just like any of us asking for support from our support family. I know that she would have this life saving surgery again if needed.  It makes no difference who she works for, she has always had our best interests at heart.  She does the job expected of her, but never at the expense of the health of any of us. If you ask her about a certain surgeon, she will be honest and forth coming with you and give her opinion, which is just that her opinion.  Over the years she had had the privilege of meeting and getting to know many medical professionals in this area and others states.  She does her research and we reap the benefits from that research. This may  make me unwelcome here, but that is a chance I will take.  At this time of the year, lets all try and get along and be grateful that each of us have had the privilege of a second chance at getting healthy no matter who your surgeon was or what type of surgery you have had.

Revision 11/06/2008


on 12/22/08 8:34 am - Winnetka, CA
I met you at the OH Conference in October in L.A.  I am investigating a possible revision, and you were so kind and gracious in sharing your revision experience with me.  Thank you so much. 

I want to tell you tthat several weeks ago I found a couple of people's replies to some postings so negative and insulting that  I just made a decision not to read anything that had their name on it.  I certainly do not value their opinion, so why would I read what they say?  Of course, your situation is quite different as it appears you are certainly being attacked

I would encourage all on this board to remember what your mother taught you and "if you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all." 
on 12/22/08 8:38 am, edited 12/22/08 10:06 am
 I did not mention ANYONE by name, and while AZWLS may not have signed any of this woman's paychecks, North Valley Plastic Surgery CERTAINLY did, and by the link to the website below, it is clear that NORTH VALLEY PLASTIC SURGERY OWNS AZWLS, otherwise why would they be the "owner of record" applying for the copyright of the AZWLS logo? (see the link below) Certainly not because AZWLS is just renting "space" from North Valley Plastic Surgery.  One does not apply for copyrights on a company name for companies merely renting "space" in a building that they own!  

Whether or not the revision surgeon in question is good or bad is irrelevant here (everyone posting here seems to be happy with him).  And there is nothing wrong with a "one-stop shop" being under one roof!  The issue is not with the revision surgeon, it is with someone who is representing herself as NOT working for him, when she was.   (She was asked this directly, several months ago - it's recorded on here for everyone to see - if a newbie like me could find it, so can everyone else.)  If her former boss  (NVPSZ) OWNS the surgeon's company (AZWLS),  then her former boss was signing everyone's paychecks!  I have never seen such "sidestepping" or evasiveness.  IT IS APPALLING THAT THIS BOARD IS USED FOR SUCH COMMERCIAL PROMOTION!   ;+(

It is also interesting that once she changed jobs, her "promotion" of her revision surgeon has ceased and she is actually COMPLAINING about her surgery!  She has been having trouble for the past year, but we never heard about it until she got her new job.  I feel sorry for her because she will probably have to be revised again and no one wants to endure another surgery!  Here is the quote, directly from her post:

My BMI is in the "below normal" range now.    I seem to having a dumping (light headed, lethargic, zero energy) reaction to absolutely EVERYTHING I eat.  So, my appetite is picky/declining.  .....  One surgeon's opinion is that I am fine and "let's wait and see what your next set of labs tell us".  One surgeon thought I should have had a revision to my revision 13 pounds ago......  One surgeon wants me on the table right after the Holidays!

I'd rather "FIX" me myself if possible.  Suggestions?  Any blender concoctions guaranteed to put some weight back on, load me up nutritionally and hit my system without major dumping?

Recipes please?  Ideas?  Slams of my surgeon are definitely going to happen but really, how does that help ME?  And, whatever, right?  If the damage is done then I just need help from y'all to get fixed!!!  And....everyone's results with ANY surgeon are going to vary.  Mine have been especially rough!  My 2008 has been a killer!

I am new here and just stumbled across all this controversy, but I can READ what is written.   Now I am wondering if ANY of you on here are real people!   Most of you have the same doctor listed under your names.  You are probably ALL PAID SHILLS for some doctor or other.   THE INFIGHTING AND OUT-AND-OUT LYING ON THIS BOARD IS DISGUSTING!!

Check out this link and see for yourself that NVPSZ (former employer of this woman) OWNS AZWLS (AZ WEIGHT LOSS SOLUTIONS, her revision surgeon's company).   They are applying for a legal copyright on the logo.  (you'll need to cut & paste)

on 12/22/08 11:25 am - Somewhere, TX
On December 22, 2008 at 4:38 PM Pacific Time, StacysMom wrote:
 I did not mention ANYONE by name, and while AZWLS may not have signed any of this woman's paychecks, North Valley Plastic Surgery CERTAINLY did, and by the link to the website below, it is clear that NORTH VALLEY PLASTIC SURGERY OWNS AZWLS, otherwise why would they be the "owner of record" applying for the copyright of the AZWLS logo? (see the link below) Certainly not because AZWLS is just renting "space" from North Valley Plastic Surgery.  One does not apply for copyrights on a company name for companies merely renting "space" in a building that they own!  

Whether or not the revision surgeon in question is good or bad is irrelevant here (everyone posting here seems to be happy with him).  And there is nothing wrong with a "one-stop shop" being under one roof!  The issue is not with the revision surgeon, it is with someone who is representing herself as NOT working for him, when she was.   (She was asked this directly, several months ago - it's recorded on here for everyone to see - if a newbie like me could find it, so can everyone else.)  If her former boss  (NVPSZ) OWNS the surgeon's company (AZWLS),  then her former boss was signing everyone's paychecks!  I have never seen such "sidestepping" or evasiveness.  IT IS APPALLING THAT THIS BOARD IS USED FOR SUCH COMMERCIAL PROMOTION!   ;+(

It is also interesting that once she changed jobs, her "promotion" of her revision surgeon has ceased and she is actually COMPLAINING about her surgery!  She has been having trouble for the past year, but we never heard about it until she got her new job.  I feel sorry for her because she will probably have to be revised again and no one wants to endure another surgery!  Here is the quote, directly from her post:

My BMI is in the "below normal" range now.    I seem to having a dumping (light headed, lethargic, zero energy) reaction to absolutely EVERYTHING I eat.  So, my appetite is picky/declining.  .....  One surgeon's opinion is that I am fine and "let's wait and see what your next set of labs tell us".  One surgeon thought I should have had a revision to my revision 13 pounds ago......  One surgeon wants me on the table right after the Holidays!

I'd rather "FIX" me myself if possible.  Suggestions?  Any blender concoctions guaranteed to put some weight back on, load me up nutritionally and hit my system without major dumping?

Recipes please?  Ideas?  Slams of my surgeon are definitely going to happen but really, how does that help ME?  And, whatever, right?  If the damage is done then I just need help from y'all to get fixed!!!  And....everyone's results with ANY surgeon are going to vary.  Mine have been especially rough!  My 2008 has been a killer!

I am new here and just stumbled across all this controversy, but I can READ what is written.   Now I am wondering if ANY of you on here are real people!   Most of you have the same doctor listed under your names.  You are probably ALL PAID SHILLS for some doctor or other.   THE INFIGHTING AND OUT-AND-OUT LYING ON THIS BOARD IS DISGUSTING!!

Check out this link and see for yourself that NVPSZ (former employer of this woman) OWNS AZWLS (AZ WEIGHT LOSS SOLUTIONS, her revision surgeon's company).   They are applying for a legal copyright on the logo.  (you'll need to cut & paste)

What is it with you?  C'mon this has gone way too far.  Take a chill pill and stop it.  This airing of your obsession is unwarranted, unsolicited, improper and way not cute.  Check your jealousy at the door and bring something positive to the table, or take your toys and go home and take the other negative-posters with you.
(deactivated member)
on 12/22/08 11:29 am, edited 12/22/08 11:31 am - Togo
'Kick backs' don't have any records. No books. No paper trail.

For someone who is innocent of what is being said you are putting out a lot of energy writing long posts trying to defend yourself.

Me thinketh thee protesteth too much.

Lori A.
on 12/22/08 3:37 pm - Mesa, AZ

I don't post much on these forums,, mainly because of crap like this...but I must say that these attacks on Joyce are way out of line and do not belong in a public forum like this...

I have known Joyce for almost 3 yrs and have NEVER heard her say 1 bad word about anybody!


its 2 days before Christmas for crying out loud !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I started looking for a PS, I talked to Joyce, I met Dr. Gitt, his associate Dr Heffel and Dr Mazaheri... .normally I would probably state my references on the above surgeons but after all this, I will keep my opinions to myself!




Lori Acierto
1/4/06 Lapband
Dr. Terry Simpson M.D. F.A.C.S.
(4'9") 215/159/135/115 (ultimate goal)

on 12/22/08 10:50 pm
Hi all, I havent been posting on this board in so long I had to redo my account. I lost all my info so hear goes nothing. I get on here to read and hopefully gain knowledge but this post kinda bothered me. Why all the bashing? Why don't you who have a problem with someone email them and take it private? Let's all be adults and try to help those who come on here for help get it. Have a safe and great Holiday.
on 12/23/08 12:25 am - Philadelphia, PA
on 12/22/08 11:40 pm
Well I don't know what I missed and I really don't care. All I know for sure is that Joyce, you make me smile and feel so much better about myself and what I am doing and I think that would be the general feeling on this board. I look forward to your posts and your experience. I know that if you have not experienced it you know someone who has and you are willing to share it and not only the good but also the not so good. You are honest and straight forward. You share your ups and downs. We all need that at one time or another during our journey and I for one am grateful to have you here. Please ignore the ignorant. I look forward to meeting you very soon at a support meeting, just as soon as I can once again walk in an upright position.

Sheri AZ
on 12/23/08 12:22 am - Philadelphia, PA
I have no idea what is going on, but what it seems to me is it is all childish.  A bunch of he say, she say.  What do you say?  When do you do your own homework and research?  They say that ones ignorance is your own fault.  Do your own homework, and shop around and do your own research.  That's why people don't know some things because they fail to read and fail to do their own homework.

Yes this is a forum for "SUPPORT & INFORMATION".  Who wants to be on here reading about a bunch of grown folks arguing & bickering back & forth.  Lets grow up and get over it.  

Whatever the young lady said, so what.  If you don't like what she is saying, so what.  She has a right to voice what she wants whether right or wrong, good or bad.  So what if she is putting false information on here.  If you've heard her being contradictive, so what, then just don't use her surgeon & again, do your own reseach and find someone else.

Who cares who knows who, and how well you know them.  Grow up.  Two wrongs don't make a right.  The lady came on here, said what she had to say.  No need for her entourage to post what they know about her.   Who cares? Obviously there was enough negative post made already to make her respond the way she did, so fine, we get all of your points.

Just put more useful and helpful information on here, or find somewhere else to bicker and act childish.  I am not trying to insult anyone or anything of that nature, but enough is enough.  This is one of the largest post with response I've seen in the past week or so, and all of this back and forth over nonsense.

Bottom line, do your own homework and research, and find someone you are comfortable with.

Thank you.

You all have a blessed day, holiday and Happy New Year.
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