Lapband to Sleeve Revision Surgery Story *LONG* lol

Helana R
on 12/19/08 9:38 am - Kansas City, KS
Hello everyone!!! Happy Holidays to all!!!! First my background real quick....I originally had LapBand surgery Nov. 20, 2006. I did VERY well with my band and at my highest loss was down 190 lbs. I then started to have some problems and had a couple slips. We tried to deflate and do some self correction but it became apparent that it wasn't going to work.  I was completely unfilled from June-December and had alot of other emotional/family problems and gained about 35 lbs back.  I was self pay for my lapband surgery due to an insurance exclusion and tried to get them to pay for revision ...did NOT happen. Tried to get them to pay for at least the removal...did NOT happen (but will still fight that fight after I get healed up)...but anyway.....with my surgeon's help and guidance decided to self pay for the sleeve.  I had my removal and revision to sleeve surgery on Monday (12/15/08).   The surgery went excellent from what I was told and I woke in recovery in a bit of pain.  They had mentioned that if everything went well and I felt up to it that I could go home that afternoon.  And things did...I was doing ok and went home that afternoon.  Was home about 4pm (had surgery about 9:30am). I went to my parent's house to be babied of course!!!!  Well it kind of went downhill from there a bit!  I was pretty uncomfortable and couldn't keep ANY fluids down. That means no water, no broth, no PAIN MEDS!!!! That sucked!!!!   I was pretty whiped out and didn't get much rest either....not to mention the HORRIBLE gas pain in my shoulder and chest that I was lucky not to have with my original surgery.  By Tuesday morning I knew we needed to do something so I went back to the surgeon's office. They put me on an IV and gave me 2 bags of fluids with some pain meds. They also gave me a pain patch instead of liquid or a pill and something for naseau.  Felt ALOT better once that happened.  They left the IV in and I went back home.  Still wasn't keeping any fluids down so I went back on Wednesday too and they gave me 2 more bags of fluids this time with some sugar (dextrose) in it and ALOT of anti-inflammatory meds to get my body to stop swelling. Well what sucked DOUBLE was that I was also on my period so my body was retaining ALOT of fluid and swelling uncontrolably.  But after Wednesday things have gotten better!!!! I can now sip my water and fluids and have been sucking on some popsicles.  I had another appt today to have them remove the IV line since I'm keeping fluids down now and they checked my incinsions and drain tube and I'm doing great!!!! I've got quite a bit of lower abdominal pain but I think that's still from gas and not having any type of bowel movement since last hopefully that will get better these next couple days too!!!  Overall, even with all my swelling, etc I'm THRILLED to be converted to my sleeve and can't wait to get healed up and start working it!!! Getting back to the gym, etc after the new year will be great!!!  I still have about 100 lbs to lose and am confident my NEW tool will help me get there!!! I have ZERO appetite and have NO desire for any type of I'm sticking to my clear fluids and some 1% milk when I can.  That's the only type of protein I'll be getting for a few days still. I've lost 6 lbs since surgery and can't wait for more!!!! Have a great night everyone and thanks for taking the time to read my novel!!! lol

                               kadfjhsdh.gif image by redhd76

on 12/19/08 9:46 am - Sayville, NY
I'm sorry that you had such a hard time.  I hope that you will be feeling well and are very happy with your revision.
Marcia 297/169 so far/140
RNY on 9/22/08
My life is starting over & yours can too!

Helana R
on 12/19/08 9:49 am - Kansas City, KS
Thank you so much!!!! I'm just glad it's over and I'm on the mend!!!! I totally intend to make this work!!!!!
on 12/19/08 10:36 am
Thanks for sharing your story. As someone who is considering WLS, it's nice to know the good and the bad.

(deactivated member)
on 12/19/08 11:58 pm - AZ

Congrats on getting a sleeve!  I hate the band, just hate it.  I truly do not believe the majority of people will keep the band long term.  The re-ops, complications, etc., it's just awful.

You can get that last 100 off, the sleeve is GREAT!

Zee Starrlite
on 12/22/08 5:32 am
Midwestern Girl,

I don't think that you'll ever get over the Lap Band.  Life goes on, you are sleeved now.  Are you happy or will you choose to stay forever miserable.

I don't know what my future holds with the Band, but I will NEVER be sorry in choosing it.  It was the best thing I could have done for myself AND I've NOT had a bump free adventure.

And for the first time, I looked at your profile.  You were a lower BMI and lost 103lbs in ten months.  Was your band super duper tight during that time?  You could have  brought some of your difficulties on.

Get over it already   Then you'll have lots of energy for good stuff to enter your life.

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 12/22/08 7:05 am
I think Midwestern Girl is describing her preference for the sleeve.  After having both, she seems to have something to compare it to now and realizes that she was not happy with the pain associated with her band.  Not everyone has had an easy time, but it is always good for the reader to see all of the different experiences and be able to make a decision for themselves.

There are a lot of people who need to read the first hand experiences on the revision site and I for one find her experiences and knowledge very informative and detailed.  Not that I have to do everything one person does, but I think each person has something of value to say and this is the site to do so.

Just my tiny two cents!
(deactivated member)
on 12/22/08 10:13 am - AZ
On December 22, 2008 at 1:32 PM Pacific Time, zee starrlite wrote:
Midwestern Girl,

I don't think that you'll ever get over the Lap Band.  Life goes on, you are sleeved now.  Are you happy or will you choose to stay forever miserable.

I don't know what my future holds with the Band, but I will NEVER be sorry in choosing it.  It was the best thing I could have done for myself AND I've NOT had a bump free adventure.

And for the first time, I looked at your profile.  You were a lower BMI and lost 103lbs in ten months.  Was your band super duper tight during that time?  You could have  brought some of your difficulties on.

Get over it already   Then you'll have lots of energy for good stuff to enter your life.

Sorry, it's not as you wi**** to be.  I am quite happy now that I don't have a band anymore.  I'm glad you like yours, I don't knock you for liking yours why are you so defensive about those that hated theirs?  You almost take it as a threat to the longevity of your own band when others lose theirs.  Just because someone doesn't like their band doesn't make their life miserable.  I recall your bumps in the road, according to your logic that must make you a very sad and depressed person, right? ;o)

HA!  Nooo, not too tight.  I spent 99% of my banded life under-filled or unfilled.  I busted my butt to lose weight.  I exercised and did hard cardio 1-2 hours a day.  I kept calories at 600 daily.  I supposed you have a problem with that too, eh?

I worked hard for my weight loss, very hard regardless of what you want to believe to be true.

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