Another Newbie...

Sonya E.
on 12/12/08 12:50 pm - Frenchtown, NJ
Hello All,

It's been a while since I have been on OH.

I had my GBS 6/04.  My starting weight was 355 and I lost 155 lbs in 18 mos.

After my 2yr, I decided to have a baby and after 6mos of trying, I had to go on fertility drugs to conceive.

I now have a beautiful 10 mo old baby boy.  I would love to have another, however, I gained 80lbs with the fertility drugs and a difficult pregnancy.  
I am currently 42, and the clock is ticking against me.  I do not have time to lose the weight before having another baby due to the risks associated with the GBS and my age.  I know that I will need to go on fertility drugs again, and I just do not want to gain anymore weight. 

I just talked to my surgeon yesterday and he told me that I can have a revision after I complete a second pregnancy.  He recommends the Rose procedure. 

My question to anyone out there; Is there anyone with a similar cir****tance?  I just want to find out what you did and how you are doing.

As much as I REALLY want another baby, I just can't stand to gain another pound and gaining back all of the weight that I lost.  I would love to go for the revision now.  I have to make up my mind quickly, due to the fact if I decide to go with revision, I have to plead to my employer to change my insurance elections due to the fact I go to a HMO in 2009 and it will not cover the surgery with my surgeon.

Please share your thoughts!

Sis'ta "T" Bone
on 12/12/08 10:45 pm - Miami, FL
Congrats on your new baby !!!
Although I know little about your surgical needs, I will say to consult your "Higher" being and ask for guidance in your decision.  I know that both can be risky, but not impossible.  Good luck with your decision.
Sis'ta Thick-Bone from Sunny So. FL
Believing that God's intentions are for us to prosper. (I Corr. 2:9)
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