Yes Yes Yes--You can put a lapband around a stoma after RNY
My stoma was 25 mm when I had the Restore procedure last year. The Restore procedure 6 months out and was 16mm. I just can eat so very much. For example I had a whole chicken breast and 1/2 c mashed potatoes for dinner. I waited a while and really needed to eat more food. I was STILL hungry. I didn't crave junk I just wanted more food. I ate a whole crunchy cucumber and then finally felt satisfied. When I am out I eat junk food (I tolerate all foods) and they usually aren't healthy. When I am on vacation for a week I gain 5 lbs easily (not including the water weight that comes off easily). Then I diet for a month to lose the 5 lbs. Then something else comes up and so I am still yo-yo dieting. I wish I had been able to get a lap band last year but I was told it could not be done. Daisy