Revision Revulsion?

(deactivated member)
on 12/8/08 12:30 pm
How about starting a revision support group? Hmmm??? Everyone that is there has had a WLS revision. No need to feel bad about it or feel like you have to go into a long explanation. They already feel you and know what you are dealing with.
Just an idea
Sally J.
on 12/9/08 1:18 am
Nice 2 know I'm not alone with the struggle!   A revision support group would be wonderful.  I surely would attend.  I would not like to have the group time filled with war stories but I think we need that extra boost of confidence. 

I just got approved by the insurance company today for a revision now I have to wrap my head around starting from square one.  Pray my tool is new and improved and pray my mind is new, improved and ready to follow the rules!  :)  Thanks for the support of OH.
on 12/8/08 11:15 pm
I get this too. I had the "horrible [to me]" lapband and find that people don't want to know that it can fail, slip, and you can have a lack of weight loss. I pretty much just tell my revision date and mention the RNY. It's sad that you can't tell people what the lapband is really like. I'm afraid they wouldn't let me come to the support group if I told the truth because the doctor does lapbands too.
on 12/8/08 11:48 pm - NY
Well I also experienced once recently when I had to give something to the person who runs the support groups for the bariatric practice, she runs the regular one plus the new one for persons interested in getting either Lap or RNY.  Well I stopped into give her something and it was on a LapBand night, well.....she was horrified herself when she saw me, she was like "hope your not staying cause I dont want them to hear what you have to say".  I wasnt offended, cause if they asked, I would tell them that I personally wasted 5 years.  But on the other end, I have heard of very successful bandsters out there.  I just happen to know an immediate 5 people that all have not been successful with theirs, mine including.  No one wants to discuss this part.  But hey, I give credit to anyone willing to try.  I just see people who are real candidates for RNY as opposed to LapBand but who am I to tell them not to waste their time.  People that know me close know that I went through LapBand hell.  For those who dont know my history, I just say I had RNY November 5 2008....that's all anyone has to know.  Besides, 5 years later, I am sick of the story myself, and I hate when I have to re-tell it cause I get the looks from people (you know what they are th inking, but dont want to say) oh she failed with a lapband??  Must be a real eater....

191/168/goal 125
RNY Nov 5, 2008
Donna (DMS923)
RNY November 5, 2008
Starting Weight: 191 
Current Weight: 140
Goal Weight: 130
(deactivated member)
on 12/9/08 2:15 am, edited 12/9/08 2:19 am - Brampton, Canada
I attend lots of support groups for wls people and I facilitate one just for bandsters too.   I first had VBG back in /87 and then a revision to my Lap Band in/06.   I will be at goal for one whole year on Dec. 20th, and love my band I have had for the last thirty two months.

I always am honest and  tell people I am a revision in a matter of fact way and I never preach to people just tell them what has worked for me.  I have met many wonderful people who have had Lap Band, RNY and DS.   I have also met a few people who are not so nice...

I never get into surgery wars, I wish people success with whatever surgery they have and my results speak for what works for me.
on 12/9/08 3:19 am - St. George, UT
Dear Joyce:

How awful that you feel you must leave out the absolute best time of your life. You look incredible in your new picture and from what I read sound incredible.   Also, from what I read you are now down to goal, even under, if I'm not mistaking...If you don't tell the whole story, no one will know how hard you worked to get here and what the real truth is....Most RNY surgeries only last a few years...and most WL Patients start researching revision after falling short or falling back.

Tell your story, and tell those people in Support Groups if in the future they fall short or fall back their is still hope and possibly a 2nd chance...Not exactly what new WLS Patients would want to hear but it is absolutely the reality of it all...

And, one more thing...I've been reading your posts on OH for close to a year now, way before you had your revision and your upbeat personality, wit, clever writing and experience throughout the entire Revision Procedure is what keeps me going...My journey is still in the making...Not sure if it's ever going to come to fruition...Just had an EKG yesterday and there are some issues with my heart...We'll see what happens after the cardiologist reads it...But my goal for the past year and now for 2009 is to get the ERNY....and why, because of YOU!!!!!!!

Keep going to support, and keep posting here and everywhere you feel it's beneficial...You are a DEAR!!!


on 12/9/08 3:29 am - NY

"Most RNY surgeries only last a few years...and most WL Patients start researching revision after falling short or falling back"..............Most???? What is Most???  I dont know one RNY person who has had their weight loss last only a few years.  I know one who has kept 125 lbs off for 7 years - others that I just met from the first support group that I attended are all ike 5+ years all down most of their weight - most have told me that from their lowest they are back up about 20-25 lbs which isnt alot considering they are all 100+ lb loosers.....  Is that a fact or what you have come to realize?

Donna (DMS923)
RNY November 5, 2008
Starting Weight: 191 
Current Weight: 140
Goal Weight: 130
on 12/9/08 6:53 am - St. George, UT
Dear DMS923:

A few years "to me", (please understand my definition of a few years) can be anywhere from 2 to 7 years. I personally have had two WLS each lasting remarkably well...Kept the weight off 10 years on the first and 15+ on the second. But I personally know 15 WLS patients who only kept the weight off the first go round 4 years and less between them all...Some of the 15 have already had revision surgery and some like me, are still researching and trying to be approved for revision surgery. So when I responded to Joyce's post, I should of said number of years, rather than :"most"...sorry about the confusion. Should have known better.

Katrina B.
on 12/9/08 7:22 am - Prestonsburg, KY
Hey Joyce,

I can see your dilemma.
I think it is important to tell your entire story, a failed surgery can happen as nothing is "fool proof" or perfect. It kills me when I hear people say  "100 lbs gone forever.." Weight gain can happen and I think it is important to let everyone hear the sunny side and the not so sunny side of any weight loss surgery.

Deanne K.
on 12/9/08 7:56 am - Tucson, AZ

I was one of those who only lost for the first 18 months, then the stoma enlarged and I started on that slippery slope of regain.  At just 2 months shy of 4 years, I had my revision sugery.  

I do tell my story, some people definately do not want to hear it, but when you explain that there was a mechanical failure like in my case, they come to understand what happened.  They do tend to ask more questions. 

I do go to a support group also, that is mostly lap band people, when I first went I was the only RNY person there, there are a few of us now, especially people from out of state.  They did accept me willingly, but did ask why I chose the surgery I did and why was I seeking a revision.  I told them the truth.  When they ask about the rules, etc.  I always tell them to do the program as their physican teaches and don't test those boundaries.

I also attend a support group that I cannot say a word about my revision or I will be asked to leave, because for one, I am no longer a model patient in their eyes.  So, I am very careful what I say in that group.

Bounce back weight is a reality that no one wants to admit will happen to them.  I think it is a smart thing to tell them the whole story, so people can understand the issues and options out there if they need them.  I think you just have to know the dynamics of the group.

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