Band to Sleeve Revision

on 12/3/08 7:28 am - los angeles, CA
Hi Everyone-

I'm delurking myself...

I am a former Bandster. I was originally banded in 2004 and had the band removed July 08 due to a slip. Between the lack of restriction due to the slipped band and removal, I've regained almost all the weight I lost.

Now I'm considering the sleeve....  but I'm really wanting to look at this from all sides. There's a part of me that missed unrestricted eating. I know that's what got me here in the first place. But when I talk about unrestricted eating -- I mean being able to eat an apple, a sandwich, a big salad. I missed those things when I was banded.  Now that I'm unrestricted I'm able to eat those things again (the problem is that I'm eating way more than that, too).

I know that if I go to the sleeve, I'm going back to a restricted way of eating.

For those of you who had the band -- how does the restriction of the sleeve compare? I didn't have much in the way of PBing with the band, but food would sometimes get stuck and it would be very painful. I also had to stop eating by 6:00 pm, otherwise I wouldn't be able to lay down by bedtime. By the end, I had bad acid reflux, too.

But the thing that I LOVED about the band was that I was on autopilot. I could eat "what I wanted" within reason. I didn't have to count points or pay attention to calories, because the band helped me know when enough was enough. I loved being able to go out for dinner with people and just order an appetizer knowing it was going to be plenty for me. And it felt great to experience my body in a smaller size. I feel so cumbersome right now.

I'd love to hear about your experiences... It's so hard to believe that I'm contemplating another surgery.

Many Thanks! Laurel
(deactivated member)
on 12/4/08 12:18 pm
Hello Laurel,
I just got revised from band to sleeve on 11/11/08. About 3 weeks ago. It was a really tough decision to get another surgery. But I believed it is the best thing for me. I was banded in June 2007. First 5 months went great, but after about the 3rd adjustment I started having problems. The doc couldn't find my sweetspot. I was either unrestricted or vomiting. Which I knew wasn't the way I wanted to live. I am on a soft diet right now. I don't have that "chest" pain I had with the band or reflux. I never had reflux until I got banded.  Next week I will start incorporating some solid foods. I am glad I didn't give up as I had gained all of my band weight back and then some. It was very dissappointing that the band didn't work. I have lost around 15 pounds and it is a journey. I just take it one day at a time. I would suggest you seeking a therapist about the pros and cons of getting a revision or overeaters anoun. or something like that. I hope and pray this will be the last surgery I need.
Good luck and God bless you!
Sally J.
on 12/4/08 9:55 pm - los angeles, CA
Hi Sally-

Congratulations on your surgery~! How wonderful to be embarking upon this new adventure. I've heard such wonderful thing about the sleeve, and I'm grateful to you for sharing your experience with me and others.

Your suggestion about working with a therapist or OA are very intuitive. I've been thinking about exploring "Food Addicts in Recovery" to work this issue from that angle, too. I really want to be clear about any decision I make and to clear this for the last time~! :)

With Blessings, Laurel
on 12/4/08 1:35 pm - Somerville, TN
I to am a band basher.  I have had my band for two years and I am getting a revision to the DS, the last WLS surgery I want to have.  I know just how you feel.

       Tn Walkers - OFF AND RIDING!!

on 12/4/08 9:54 pm - los angeles, CA
On December 4, 2008 at 9:35 PM Pacific Time, tnwalkersu wrote:
I to am a band basher.  I have had my band for two years and I am getting a revision to the DS, the last WLS surgery I want to have.  I know just how you feel.
Hi tnwalkersu-

I'm glad that you've attuned to the path that's going to work for you best. I wouldn't call myself a "bandbasher". I'm so deeply gratefuly for the Lap-Band and the four years of freedom it gave me. I know that it is still working for many people. And I'm also grateful that it was an option that was available to me at the time. In some ways we're all pioneers of this path of healing. Bariatric surgery is relatively new -- think of how many developments have come down the pike in the last eight years -- eight years is a blip on the radar for medical research. Each one of us that goes through the process helps with the learning curve for those that will come after us. When I chose to get my band, I did so knowing that it had only been approved by the FDA for three years... a very short time... Now there are seven years of data in the U.S. Even in those seven years, they have improved the band, made changes to how it is sewn around the stomach, they are constantly improving their methods. Yet, we must all wait and see what happens year to year.

It's the same thing with the sleeve. Even gastric bypass. Sure bypass has been around for a long while, but it's yet to be determined what the majority of bypass patients will be experiencing twenty or thirty years from now. Please note, I'm not at all painting a bleak picture. I know for the vast majority of patients, WLS will have dramatically improved the quality of life on every level. All I'm reflecting upon, as the data is still being collected and we're all a part of the story.

When I read through the WLS grads forum, I'm filled with compassion for any other grads that are experiencing complications as a result of their surgery... so far, I haven't found a single surgery that doesn't have some form of potential complication a few years out. It might be possible malnutrition, stricture, bowel obstruction or acid reflux. We're talking about rerouting and adapting anatomy to work differently than it's inherently designed to do.

I'm hope it's OK that I'm sharing all of this... I just wanted to go on the record as not being against the band. Truth is, I wish I still had mine and it was working properly. It was a much easier surgery to say yes to... I knew that all my parts were still in place and that my body chemistry hadn't been altered.

But I'm deeply grateful that there are other methods to explore. And I'm deeply grateful for every other person, surgeon and researcher who has paved the way for me to have so many choices.

Sending you lots of light on your journey~! May your path be filled with grace!!!!
on 12/5/08 12:56 am - Somerville, TN
I'm glad.  But for me the 2 yrs of the band was a nightmare.  My Upper GI came out good but now I will have to see a gastrointologist because they think I may have damaged my esophagus from all of the pbing which I am still doing even thought my band is empty.  Different things work for different people.  That is why I am going for the DS because I can not live with another pouch and I want the malabsortion so I can get it off quickly.  Good luck with your journey.

       Tn Walkers - OFF AND RIDING!!

on 12/5/08 11:05 pm - los angeles, CA
Hi tnwalkersu -

I'm so sorry to hear that you had such a difficult time... that must have been very challenging. I'm hoping that your tests come up clear and that your team of doctors can help you navigate to life wihtout pbing.

It's very generous of you to share your story -- each of our experiences is important. I think of all the people who come to these forums when deciding if to have surgery... and it is invaluable to hear about what each of us is experiencing.

Wishing you much grace with your DS surgery!!!
Ms Shell
on 12/5/08 5:00 am - Hawthorne, CA
Not sure if you've already posted on the VSG forum but we have a few revisions.  NOW mine being a "virgin" sleeve ie not a revision I can eat a whole apple I usually buy the smaller fruits.  I haven't had a whole sandwich as I stay away from bread but I will eat say a 1/2 sandwhich and while it's not my big preop salads I enjoy sitting down to my 1-2 cups greens, tomato, cheese, onion etc.  It's filling but not big.

What I enjoy the most is just NOT being hungry and getting satisfied and full off small amounts.  Good luck to you.

Ms Shell

"WLS is only for people who are ready to move past the "diet" mentality" ~Alison Brown
"WLS is not a Do-Over (repeat same mistakes = get a similar outcome.)  It is a Do-BETTER (make lifestyle changes you can continue forever.)" ~ Michele Vicara aka Eggface

on 12/5/08 11:07 pm - los angeles, CA

Thank  you Ms Shell! I can't tell you how happy it makes me to hear that you can eat a small piece of fruit... that's something I couldn't do with the band (unless it was soft fruit like a banana or baked apple). I've been lurking in the VSG forum, but I'll delurk myself  there, too :)

I appreicate you taking the time to respond!

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