Revision complications!!! Anyone had stent?????

(deactivated member)
on 12/7/08 3:43 pm - AZ
I am sorry that I am not up to yours or anyones standards. I may not be the smartest but your a very sad person. I can't help years ago I had a small rt temp lobe infarct. I do pretty darn good to try to over come this. You can point them out if you want but it won't hurt me. Sorry !
(deactivated member)
on 12/7/08 3:50 pm - AZ
On December 7, 2008 at 11:43 PM Pacific Time, Dawn B. wrote:
I am sorry that I am not up to yours or anyones standards. I may not be the smartest but your a very sad person. I can't help years ago I had a small rt temp lobe infarct. I do pretty darn good to try to over come this. You can point them out if you want but it won't hurt me. Sorry !

You are a good doobie, you proved my point well.   Anyone that doesn't kiss Dr. S's feet is dog piled.

Just know, you were a good doobie.  You and Joyce.  If you had a clue, you would see a pattern here.

I may be a sad person but at least *I* am smart.  A right temperal lobe infarct doesn't make stupid, it means something else.


(deactivated member)
on 12/7/08 3:59 pm - AZ

I have no clue what a doobie is. I have a clue that I am not stupid just my mind is slower. Yes you must be real smart to put down people all the time. You must not have many friends or very few for you to act like this. What comes around goes around and I bet you get this clue. Did you ever wonder why people don't respond to your post ? They don't need a big hassel with you and there are things in life more important than putting people down on line. Good Luck and Merry Christmas !
(deactivated member)
on 12/5/08 3:45 pm, edited 12/5/08 4:06 pm - AZ
I have been told by American doctors do not want to touch patients that have gone to Mexico or any other country. That's what most of the Az doctors say. Dr Schlesinger will see anyone a newbie or revision patient. Dr Schlesinger is skilled in Lap surgery's. Where would you get this from ?. Maybe you should PM all your questions and issues that you have with him. I know he will respond to you. I went to 3 other surgeons before going to Dr Schlesinger. I my research and talking to his patients I felt I made the best decision for him to do my surgery. I had one surgeon that would not even see me because another doctor in AZ did my original gastric bypass. I am on a very limited income and likely have medicare insurance and had a few surgeons to pick from. It is my business who I pick for my surgery and not for you or anyone to put me down or my doctor down. We never put you down for going to Mexico. How come your doctor is a top surgeon ? It is your business and you did your research your self. I hope you don't have any complications because good luck finding a doctor that will want to touch you but Dr Schlesinger will but I think not with all your bashing of him. I read everything you wrote and you must be dreaming about what you posted. You said everything that your now denying. I don't have to copy and paste it for you. I think you have stopped being a support person and you always negative about your post. I have seen your post on the DS site and you also cause trouble there. If you don't have nothing nice to say or be supportive  please post some where else. You say you are a nurse how come we don;t know who you really are ? Are you ashamed of your self. You know all of us that have posted here and these are our real names. Oh by the way Dr Schlesinger does not pay me any thing to say anything about him. I am a real patient of his. Just like Deanne said you are RUDE and CHILDISH and we don't want all your negative posted.  I agree with Joyce and Deanne. Everyone one has a opinion but you take it to the extreme. How do you know anything about Dr Schlesinger ? Do you work at Paradise Valley hospital where he is on staff ? I don't know why you would slam him so much. I f a normal patient likes his surgeon your going to be a cheerleader for them. But if they are a crappy surgeon I am not going to cheer for them. I have worked in hospitals for over 25 years and I worked in the risk management and Quality review departments. So I know my self who is good or bad. But I don't slander them like you.
(deactivated member)
on 12/5/08 11:37 pm - AZ
On December 5, 2008 at 11:45 PM Pacific Time, Dawn B. wrote:
I have been told by American doctors do not want to touch patients that have gone to Mexico or any other country. That's what most of the Az doctors say. Dr Schlesinger will see anyone a newbie or revision patient. Dr Schlesinger is skilled in Lap surgery's. Where would you get this from ?. Maybe you should PM all your questions and issues that you have with him. I know he will respond to you. I went to 3 other surgeons before going to Dr Schlesinger. I my research and talking to his patients I felt I made the best decision for him to do my surgery. I had one surgeon that would not even see me because another doctor in AZ did my original gastric bypass. I am on a very limited income and likely have medicare insurance and had a few surgeons to pick from. It is my business who I pick for my surgery and not for you or anyone to put me down or my doctor down. We never put you down for going to Mexico. How come your doctor is a top surgeon ? It is your business and you did your research your self. I hope you don't have any complications because good luck finding a doctor that will want to touch you but Dr Schlesinger will but I think not with all your bashing of him. I read everything you wrote and you must be dreaming about what you posted. You said everything that your now denying. I don't have to copy and paste it for you. I think you have stopped being a support person and you always negative about your post. I have seen your post on the DS site and you also cause trouble there. If you don't have nothing nice to say or be supportive  please post some where else. You say you are a nurse how come we don;t know who you really are ? Are you ashamed of your self. You know all of us that have posted here and these are our real names. Oh by the way Dr Schlesinger does not pay me any thing to say anything about him. I am a real patient of his. Just like Deanne said you are RUDE and CHILDISH and we don't want all your negative posted.  I agree with Joyce and Deanne. Everyone one has a opinion but you take it to the extreme. How do you know anything about Dr Schlesinger ? Do you work at Paradise Valley hospital where he is on staff ? I don't know why you would slam him so much. I f a normal patient likes his surgeon your going to be a cheerleader for them. But if they are a crappy surgeon I am not going to cheer for them. I have worked in hospitals for over 25 years and I worked in the risk management and Quality review departments. So I know my self who is good or bad. But I don't slander them like you.

I didn't claim Schlesinger wouldn't see anyone he didn't originally operate on.  I was pretty darn clear on what I did write.  To claim that Schlesinger is the ONLY doctor in AZ that will see people he did not operate on originally is wrong information.  I went on to list the doctors who will see others.  Why are you debating the fact that Schelesinger will see other doctor's patients?  Who is arguing with you?

Schlesinger is on my insurance plan.  I didn't go to him.  So what?  Why is that a problem for you?  I have also already had my revision surgery so why would I PM him with questions I do not have?  Oh yes, I'm a bad nurse because I called to get the information being discussed in a message board.  Had I written what I knew to be true I would have been dog piled for writing of what I do not know.  So I backed up my claims and now you are annoyed that I confirmed what I knew to be true.

Nobody suggested you shouldn't go to your doctor, I certainly didn't.  I said *I* don't care for him and I explained why.  How do you turn that around in your head that I don't think you should go to him?

You "likely" have medicare?  You don't know?

Where did I claim that my doctor is a "top" surgeon?  Why are you suggesting that?  Please show where I wrote that.

~~You said everything that your now denying. I don't have to copy and paste it for you.~~

Actually, if you are going to make all these claims of things I have written, you do kinda need to post it.  You see, I didn't make the claims you accuse me of.  Isn't that why you don't (can't) post the quotes?  No post has been edited that I recall, most posts yesterday were copied and pasted, I have not deleted a single post.  Do show where I wrote all these things.  Truth is you can't so that is why you are changing everything I wrote.

Yep, pretty much as I predicted yesterday.  Anyone dares to say THEY don't like Schlesinger and they are dog piled.  I said yesterday it would happen... and son of a gun, I'm accused of things I never wrote, told I am rude and childish, and ... dog piled.

I'm so good. ;o)

Seriously, what do you care if I don't like the man as a surgeon?  Why is it so important to you?

Might want to look up the word slander.  If you did indeed work in Quality Review, one would think you know what a simple term such as that means.

It's just not slander to WRITE that I don't care for the man as a surgeon and I wouldn't go to him.  Being in QR you should know that.

Had you written that you do not agree with what I wrote and you had a good and safe surgical experience that would have been one thing.  To claim I wrote all these things I did not and then flat out write that you won't copy these things you claim I wrote and didn't... that is dog piling.  Just as I predicted yesterday. ;o)

(deactivated member)
on 12/6/08 1:33 am - AZ

You are totally delusional at this point. I know I have medicare and I made a typo. I have been up all night. I don't have to site anything that you say. People on this site can read all your comments and clearly see you have a problem thinking that everyone has to agree with you. I was not talking about a doctor on Maryland Ave that wants all easier cases. I am talking about another doctor. They claim they do revisions and than you go see them and they don't do nothing but lap bands. You claim you know Dr Schlesinger but have you even see him for a opinion ? I have. You do have a ton of questions because you posted on this site. I am not twisting your words. Maybe since your not a Doctor he could clarify things for you. I was not real happy with my original surgeon that did my RNY but I don;t go bashing him. I let people make there own minds up. I think you should to. What kind of nursing do you do and where ? I was just wondering. I have to go for now but I will will be back later today. Why do you hide behind MWG and not tell us who you are ? I am a MWG girl myself.
(deactivated member)
on 12/6/08 1:44 am - AZ
On December 6, 2008 at 9:33 AM Pacific Time, Dawn B. wrote:

You are totally delusional at this point. I know I have medicare and I made a typo. I have been up all night. I don't have to site anything that you say. People on this site can read all your comments and clearly see you have a problem thinking that everyone has to agree with you. I was not talking about a doctor on Maryland Ave that wants all easier cases. I am talking about another doctor. They claim they do revisions and than you go see them and they don't do nothing but lap bands. You claim you know Dr Schlesinger but have you even see him for a opinion ? I have. You do have a ton of questions because you posted on this site. I am not twisting your words. Maybe since your not a Doctor he could clarify things for you. I was not real happy with my original surgeon that did my RNY but I don;t go bashing him. I let people make there own minds up. I think you should to. What kind of nursing do you do and where ? I was just wondering. I have to go for now but I will will be back later today. Why do you hide behind MWG and not tell us who you are ? I am a MWG girl myself.

You made a typo and that makes me delusional?  Why the attacks?  Why not just say, Oups, I made a typo.  We all do it.

I have quoted, I have been most clear, I have been blunt.  Face it, if you could quote all these things you CLAIM I have written you would but you can't so you attack instead.  If you could quote me you'd JUMP on it just to prove SOMETHING I have written is wrong.  You do amuse me because you prove my point.  I inferred yesterday it would happen and I was right.

*I* am not the one that says everyone has to agree with me, stop the projection.

Yes, I know Dr. S and I had no desire to see him for an opinion.  Why is this such a problem for you?  Why do you care so much?  What is it to you that I didn't want a consult from him?  I don't need for him to clarify anything and I don't need to be a doctor to know who I do not want to go to.  You act insulted that I didn't prefer him, why?

You go by Dawn B... you aren't hiding?  Just post your full name, address, city, state, zip code, phone number, resume, DOB, SS#,  and family members name.  When you do that I'll do the same.

Deal?  In the meantime feel free to admit that you keep some amount of privacy on line... only a complete idiot wouldn't.  And when you insist that everyone else do the same as you expect from me then you might have a bit of credibility regarding the topic of on line privacy.

(deactivated member)
on 12/5/08 3:10 pm - AZ

I have insurance and I can only go to a few surgeons. I am on disability so my choice of a revision surgery is limited. I will never have Lap surgery ever. I have to many abd surgeries and adhesion's with multiple hernia repairs. I have a very limited income and your wrong about saying all revisions are done lap. I don't know where you get your research because it is not from this planet. I don't work and I do research all the time. People that have WLS have insurance or no insurance and they have a right to make the best decision for them self. We don't slam you because you went to Mexico and had surgery. That is your business and your decision and not for me to put you down about it.
(deactivated member)
on 12/5/08 11:53 pm - AZ
On December 5, 2008 at 11:10 PM Pacific Time, Dawn B. wrote:

I have insurance and I can only go to a few surgeons. I am on disability so my choice of a revision surgery is limited. I will never have Lap surgery ever. I have to many abd surgeries and adhesion's with multiple hernia repairs. I have a very limited income and your wrong about saying all revisions are done lap. I don't know where you get your research because it is not from this planet. I don't work and I do research all the time. People that have WLS have insurance or no insurance and they have a right to make the best decision for them self. We don't slam you because you went to Mexico and had surgery. That is your business and your decision and not for me to put you down about it.

I did not say all revisions should be done via lap.  Another claims that is what I wrote.

Perhaps instead of looking at what others claim I wrote you should look at what *I* wrote before paraphrasing me.

(deactivated member)
on 12/5/08 10:59 am - Breinigsville , PA

     I wish you all the best on your road to recovery. I am so sorry you had to go through such a difficult time.

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