Revision complications!!! Anyone had stent?????

(deactivated member)
on 12/5/08 8:53 am - AZ
On December 5, 2008 at 4:32 PM Pacific Time, Deanne K. wrote:
I want to know how you think we are not legit patients.  Your assuming that they are imposters is slandering everyone, not just those few offenders.  I don't work for a Dr. and because I post doesn't mean I don't support the other Dr.'s.  Do you have proof of me or the majority of people who come here for support are not legit?  I would love to see it. 

You also are assuming that everyone that is associated or a patient with any Dr. is devious and underhanded.  Where do you some up with this stuff!!!


Deanne, can you read?  Honestly I'm not trying to be pissy here but I can write that the sky is blue and you come back claiming I said it is orange with purple dots.

I flat out wrote that I don't know about THIS board.  Are you posting on THIS board?  Why yes!  You are.  I referred to other OH boards and LBT.

Seriously, so far in just one day you have claimed:

I wrote that all revisions should be done via lap,

I am "slandering" someone,

I don't know what I am talking about regarding medical issues,

I don't know Schlesinger,

and that I claim you are not a legit patient.

I wrote none of the above, that is what you perceived regardless of how blunt I was.

ENOUGH!  I will continue to correct you and post actual quotes to prove you wrong if you insist on this behavior.  Give up the paranoia, it isn't serving you well.

Deanne K.
on 12/5/08 9:54 am - Tucson, AZ
On December 5, 2008 at 4:53 PM Pacific Time, MidwesternGirl wrote:
On December 5, 2008 at 4:32 PM Pacific Time, Deanne K. wrote:
I want to know how you think we are not legit patients.  Your assuming that they are imposters is slandering everyone, not just those few offenders.  I don't work for a Dr. and because I post doesn't mean I don't support the other Dr.'s.  Do you have proof of me or the majority of people who come here for support are not legit?  I would love to see it. 

You also are assuming that everyone that is associated or a patient with any Dr. is devious and underhanded.  Where do you some up with this stuff!!!


Deanne, can you read?  Honestly I'm not trying to be pissy here but I can write that the sky is blue and you come back claiming I said it is orange with purple dots.

I flat out wrote that I don't know about THIS board.  Are you posting on THIS board?  Why yes!  You are.  I referred to other OH boards and LBT.

Seriously, so far in just one day you have claimed:

I wrote that all revisions should be done via lap,

I am "slandering" someone,

I don't know what I am talking about regarding medical issues,

I don't know Schlesinger,

and that I claim you are not a legit patient.

I wrote none of the above, that is what you perceived regardless of how blunt I was.

ENOUGH!  I will continue to correct you and post actual quotes to prove you wrong if you insist on this behavior.  Give up the paranoia, it isn't serving you well.

I'm not the paranoid one here.  You just don't like other peoples opinions that you don't agree with.

It just seems that you perceive that your opinon is the only correct opinion and no one else's opinion or decisions really count. 

Let's just agree that we all have our opinions and allow others to do their own research.  Resear*****ludes hearing all the sides of issues, whether you agree with them or not.


(deactivated member)
on 12/5/08 11:21 pm - AZ
On December 5, 2008 at 5:54 PM Pacific Time, Deanne K. wrote:
On December 5, 2008 at 4:53 PM Pacific Time, MidwesternGirl wrote:
On December 5, 2008 at 4:32 PM Pacific Time, Deanne K. wrote:
I want to know how you think we are not legit patients.  Your assuming that they are imposters is slandering everyone, not just those few offenders.  I don't work for a Dr. and because I post doesn't mean I don't support the other Dr.'s.  Do you have proof of me or the majority of people who come here for support are not legit?  I would love to see it. 

You also are assuming that everyone that is associated or a patient with any Dr. is devious and underhanded.  Where do you some up with this stuff!!!


Deanne, can you read?  Honestly I'm not trying to be pissy here but I can write that the sky is blue and you come back claiming I said it is orange with purple dots.

I flat out wrote that I don't know about THIS board.  Are you posting on THIS board?  Why yes!  You are.  I referred to other OH boards and LBT.

Seriously, so far in just one day you have claimed:

I wrote that all revisions should be done via lap,

I am "slandering" someone,

I don't know what I am talking about regarding medical issues,

I don't know Schlesinger,

and that I claim you are not a legit patient.

I wrote none of the above, that is what you perceived regardless of how blunt I was.

ENOUGH!  I will continue to correct you and post actual quotes to prove you wrong if you insist on this behavior.  Give up the paranoia, it isn't serving you well.

I'm not the paranoid one here.  You just don't like other peoples opinions that you don't agree with.

It just seems that you perceive that your opinon is the only correct opinion and no one else's opinion or decisions really count. 

Let's just agree that we all have our opinions and allow others to do their own research.  Resear*****ludes hearing all the sides of issues, whether you agree with them or not.


There are some issues that are based on opinion and there are some that are fact.

It is a fact that I flat out wrote that I was not referring to this board when I wrote of the coordinators that post to another poster.  Yet you jumped all over me and accused me of "slander" and told me I was referring to you and your buddies.  Paranoia?  What would you think in my shoes?

It is a fact that I was very clear that not all revisions need to be done by a full open and yet in one post you agreed with me that not all revisions need to be done via full open and in the SAME post you wrote that I claim all revisions need to be done via lap.

It is a fact that I know your doctor.  Yet you claim I don't and really, how would you know?

I could go on and on just on yesterday's posts alone.

Instead of jumping all over me for things I did not write why don't you stick to what you said yesterday, that you were done with this.   You are just making it worse.

(deactivated member)
on 12/5/08 4:02 pm - AZ

I can tell you that Joyce and Deanne and myself are real Dr Schlesinger patients. I have never heard that some doctors pay patients but it could be true. Where did you get your so called facts on this one ? Your famous research ? What about surgeons that do WLS only want easy patients with no cormorbites ? They are also your so called Lap doctors. I know one in AZ that only wants easy cases to make there stats better looking and they do nothing but Lap. I try to give the best advice to anyone asking for it. I am always looking for the best intrest of anyone. My pocket book is always empty. I am not getting any money from any doctor.  I had a botched panniculectomy by a PHX bariatric surgeon and I don't bash him. I have only 1 account on OH. If I could of had a revision to a DS I would have went to California but my insurance would not pay for it and when I had my original RNY my insurance would not pay for it. I had to pay $25,000 cash. I don't have that kind of money today. So I have to take what I can get. I am glad I am glad I made a good choice in surgeons.
(deactivated member)
on 12/6/08 12:25 am - AZ
On December 6, 2008 at 12:02 AM Pacific Time, Dawn B. wrote:

I can tell you that Joyce and Deanne and myself are real Dr Schlesinger patients. I have never heard that some doctors pay patients but it could be true. Where did you get your so called facts on this one ? Your famous research ? What about surgeons that do WLS only want easy patients with no cormorbites ? They are also your so called Lap doctors. I know one in AZ that only wants easy cases to make there stats better looking and they do nothing but Lap. I try to give the best advice to anyone asking for it. I am always looking for the best intrest of anyone. My pocket book is always empty. I am not getting any money from any doctor.  I had a botched panniculectomy by a PHX bariatric surgeon and I don't bash him. I have only 1 account on OH. If I could of had a revision to a DS I would have went to California but my insurance would not pay for it and when I had my original RNY my insurance would not pay for it. I had to pay $25,000 cash. I don't have that kind of money today. So I have to take what I can get. I am glad I am glad I made a good choice in surgeons.

I don't really care if you are all Dr. S patients.  I never claimed you weren't.  Funny you keep focusing on this when I never claimed otherwise.  Any reason you want to repeatedly redirect the topic to issues I never claimed?  Why not focus on what I write instead of what you want others to believe I wrote?  Why dog pile, claim I wrote allllllll these things I never did (and specifically wrote that I was not referring to this board), redirect... and all because *I* don't like Dr. S?  Isn't that over the top just a bit?

My so called facts come from those that were paid to push a doctor, Alex from Lap Band Talk who had to purchase software to put an end to it, a lawsuit against OH for recognizing it is a problem and doing nothing about it, and top that off with the obvious and you could see it too. BTW, the person that started the OH lawsuit died and the lawsuit died with her.  So to answer your question, yes.  My famous research taught me this one.

~~I know one in AZ that only wants easy cases to make there stats better looking and they do nothing but Lap.~~

Totally agree, I think I even know who you are talking about.  Around 19th Ave and Maryland?  Yep, totally agree.  He's an ass, too.

But then the flip side to that coin is that you have another in Scottsdale that is doing bands, sleeves, and bypass and should this doctor really be doing surgery at all?  If their license says they can, does that mean they should?  No clue if this one does revisions, but I wouldn't go there for a hangnail.

~~They are also your so called Lap doctors.~~

Since I prefer lap over full open when it can be done, this means the crappy lap surgeons somehow belong to me?  Are you serious?  Are you seeing what you are writing?

~~My pocket book is always empty. I am not getting any money from any doctor. ~~

Again, why are you so defensive about this?  When I flat out wrote that I was not referring to THIS board, why do you assume and infer I am talking about you?

Your buddy Deanna wrote that, not me.  Perhaps you should direct your comments her way.

(deactivated member)
on 12/5/08 3:16 pm - AZ

I am surprised as being a nurse you don't know what a top surgeon is. It is when your peer's vote on who they think is great in a certain fields of surgery. Surgeons build there reputations. I would have more complications if I had a lap revisions being done. I never want a lap procedure and no doctor in their right mind would do it lap on me. I am going to have to disagree with you on this one.
(deactivated member)
on 12/5/08 11:57 pm - AZ
On December 5, 2008 at 11:16 PM Pacific Time, Dawn B. wrote:

I am surprised as being a nurse you don't know what a top surgeon is. It is when your peer's vote on who they think is great in a certain fields of surgery. Surgeons build there reputations. I would have more complications if I had a lap revisions being done. I never want a lap procedure and no doctor in their right mind would do it lap on me. I am going to have to disagree with you on this one.

First of all, why don't you point out where i wrote that ALL revisions should be done via lap.  Maybe we could start there.  Again... I didn't write that, Deanna did.

What *I* wrote is that if a lap can be done it should be done.  If a surgeon doesn't have lap skills and that is the only reason he does a full open then there is a problem.  Due to his lack of skill he is doing a full open when it could be done via lap and that puts the patient at greater risk.

I know full well what a Top Surgeon is.  My point was that pretty much anyone that goes to their doc and he's "nice" to them... they'll come on the boards claiming he's a "top" surgeon.  Most times that simply isn't true.

Again, please find the quote where I wrote that EVERY revision needs to be done via lap.  I'll wait.

Deanne K.
on 12/5/08 12:03 am, edited 12/5/08 12:07 am - Tucson, AZ

You are dead wrong in your assessment. 

My friend died when she had a laproscopic sleeve done when she should have had an open.  They knicked her bowel and didn't know it.  She died 6 months later from all the complications. 

They ran into major scar tissue and they proceeded to continue lap.  If they had opened her up, they could have seen what was there, what hernias were there.  I think it all depends on the type of surgery and how many previous surgeries you have had.  It is at the discretion of the surgeon.  

My surgeon wants to be able to see what was done previously and then evaluate where to go from there.  I had scar tissue wrapped around the intestines and he might not have seen it if he had done it lap.  He wouldn't have been able to see how short my bypass really was.  He takes all the intestines out and evaluates them very carefully.  So many people have necrotic intestines or obstructions that can't be seen even on a CAT scan or MRI. 

It doesn't mean that one way is better than the other, it just means it should be left in the hands of a capable and experienced surgeon.  There are reasons for/against both sides on this issue.
(deactivated member)
on 12/5/08 4:18 am - AZ
On December 5, 2008 at 8:03 AM Pacific Time, Deanne K. wrote:

You are dead wrong in your assessment. 

My friend died when she had a laproscopic sleeve done when she should have had an open.  They knicked her bowel and didn't know it.  She died 6 months later from all the complications. 

They ran into major scar tissue and they proceeded to continue lap.  If they had opened her up, they could have seen what was there, what hernias were there.  I think it all depends on the type of surgery and how many previous surgeries you have had.  It is at the discretion of the surgeon.  

My surgeon wants to be able to see what was done previously and then evaluate where to go from there.  I had scar tissue wrapped around the intestines and he might not have seen it if he had done it lap.  He wouldn't have been able to see how short my bypass really was.  He takes all the intestines out and evaluates them very carefully.  So many people have necrotic intestines or obstructions that can't be seen even on a CAT scan or MRI. 

It doesn't mean that one way is better than the other, it just means it should be left in the hands of a capable and experienced surgeon.  There are reasons for/against both sides on this issue.

No, I am not wrong.

I am sorry for your friend but I have known of many people that died of a full open incision due to the increased risk and complications.  Individual examples don't really mean a great deal.  You see, each case is unique and you must first determine each person's needs, what surgery they had to begin with, what they are revising to, and take it from there.  Some people produce a LOT more scarring than others.  To make across the board statements is just dead wrong.

I was responding to the claim that ALL revisions should be via full open and that's just plain wrong.  A very good and very skilled lap surgeon is what makes all the difference in the world.  And btw, before telling me how dead wrong I am you should know that you just made my point for me.  Each person is unique with different issues.  To assume ALL revisions MUST be done via full open incision is simply bad and inaccurate info.

If any doctor told me I'd need a full open from band to sleeve without any previous surgeries, I'd kick him to the road.  Some doctors just don't have what it takes to do lap, lap is MUCH more difficult than a full open.  If a surgeon does more full open incisions for something such as a band to sleeve or band to bypass, I'd know to question his lap skills.  He probably doesn't have any.

Deanne K.
on 12/5/08 5:20 am - Tucson, AZ
My only point is that we are not surgeons.  We are not the ones doing the surgery.  A good surgeon will do what is best for each patient.  They would be the judge of what to do that is right for each patient. 

Everyone has a right to feel comfortable or uncomfortable with a surgeon. 

It is in their best interest to look out for themselves and check into each surgeon by doing the research and talking to other patients if possible.   

You are correct not every revision should be open, but if the surgeon feels it's in the best interest of the patient, then as a team they should decide if that is the approach or risk they are willing to take. 

It is also not correct to say that all surgeries should be LAP as well as you were saying before.  All surgeries are a risk no matter how they are done.

A good surgeon would offer all the options, if they didn't, I would go elsewhere.
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