Revision complications!!! Anyone had stent?????

on 12/7/08 11:58 pm - St. George, UT
Dear Mellow:

I have researched Stomphyx and The ROSE Procedure. I was signed up to do the ROSE through a Colorado based Clinical Trial but decided against it after they did an EGD and found that my pouch wasn't streched, it was still small and truly my problem was more the need for an extended channel rather than smaller pouch. Although with both the Stomaphyx and the ROSE they can also make the opening which goes to your intestines smaller and helps food stay in your pouch longer, making you full longer.

I know there are several people on this revision board who have had both...They would be much more qualified to talk with you about this than I, since I never had it. But I believe a few people have had these procedures and lost about 25 lbs...if thats all you need to lose. For the most part though the results on these procedures haven't exactly been glowing.....

on 12/8/08 1:01 am
Those procedures are fascinating to me.  In the future as they improve the instruments and the procedure........I believe it will become the gold standard.  I have a sister who had the old gastroplasty back in the 80's.  Because of other health problems, she really wouldn't be a candidate for any of the more invasive procedures.  She only needs to lose about 50 lbs. now.  She has been slowly losing over the last few years since she has been on Byetta for diabetes.  I have a friend who is diabetic and lost over 100 lbs. after starting on Byetta!  My PCP tried me on Byetta even though I am not diabetic - it didn't work for me.

Well, atleast there are different options for all of us fighting this fight..

on 12/4/08 9:44 am
Hey!  I just noticed you are from UT.  My husband and I went in Oct. to Moab.  We went riding our atv's on Potash Road.  Fun, fun, fun!  We went to Arches and Canyonland and then on to Bryce Canyon.  We had been to Snowbird and Salt Lake City in 2003 and promised ourselves we would go back and see southern UT.  We loved it!  Where is St.George?  mellow

Oh, we live in north Alabama.  Beautiful country but totally different than Moab!
on 12/4/08 11:34 pm - St. George, UT
Dear Mellow:

St. George is approximately 1.75 hrs from North of Las Vegas. We are just beyond the Nevada border. It's a cute little cut away town. Nestled between Huge Red Rock Mountains... We love it here. Bryce Canyon is a great vacation spot...We get people from all over the world. My brother owns a RV Rental Company called Canyonlands RV and rents RVs to people from everywhere visiting Zions, Bryce, Canyonlands and all the different camping spots in Utah.

I would love to visit Alabama....Have been there because I ran a Busch Nascar Team for a couple years and we raced in Talledega...Love it there absolutely loved it.

Hope you are feeling better.

(deactivated member)
on 12/4/08 9:51 pm - AZ
On December 4, 2008 at 12:23 PM Pacific Time, JROLFSON wrote:
Dear Mellow:

I'm not understanding all you had going on...So this surgery was a revision? From what RNY, or what original procedure? If this was a RNY Revision why would they ever try to do it Lap in the first place? I've been told by more than one doctor when it comes to any revision surgery it should never be done lap.

So I guess what i'm asking is, what is your background? What surgeries have you  had?

Most Dr's don't revise the pouch they extend the common channel because a revision on the pouch is just to dangerous.  Please tell us what all have you had done? I'm sorry I'm just not familiar with your history and I couldn't find anything on your profile.

Thank you so much, please know we are all praying for you and I believe you will steadily improve. I look forward to seeing your additional posts.


The doctors you have talked to are just dead wrong.  Lap revisions are done all the time with a great deal less risk than a full open.

If the surgeon has he skill it should be done via lap when possible.  If the surgeon doesn't have the skill to do it lap then another surgeon should be found.

Sure, there are some cases that need a full open but that shouldn't be the norm.  People need to find a doctor that CAN do it lap due to skill.

on 12/4/08 11:51 pm - St. George, UT
Dear Midwestern Girl:

I understand your passion for Laproscopic Surgery....I too am a fan...but I haven't just talked to one Dr. I have talked to over (7) all of them top Bariatric Surgeons, 2 from California, Texas, Arizona, Florida, New Jersey, Ohio, and in my particular case everyone of them have refused to even discuss a lap revision due to extended scar tissue from prior surgery.

What I have been told, and these Drs are all Surgeons highly skilled in laproscopic surgery, that when your dealing with a patient who have many unknown things going on prior to going in there are all kinds of things you can run into that actually make it much more dangerous, and can end up making a 3 hour open surgery turn into a nightmare going from lap to open anyway.

Don't mean any disrespect of your opinion, but I have seen some of those very real situations and that's why more and more doctors are doing open revisions vs lap revisions. They just don't know what they're getting into until they get in there.


(deactivated member)
on 12/5/08 4:06 am - AZ
On December 5, 2008 at 7:51 AM Pacific Time, JROLFSON wrote:
Dear Midwestern Girl:

I understand your passion for Laproscopic Surgery....I too am a fan...but I haven't just talked to one Dr. I have talked to over (7) all of them top Bariatric Surgeons, 2 from California, Texas, Arizona, Florida, New Jersey, Ohio, and in my particular case everyone of them have refused to even discuss a lap revision due to extended scar tissue from prior surgery.

What I have been told, and these Drs are all Surgeons highly skilled in laproscopic surgery, that when your dealing with a patient who have many unknown things going on prior to going in there are all kinds of things you can run into that actually make it much more dangerous, and can end up making a 3 hour open surgery turn into a nightmare going from lap to open anyway.

Don't mean any disrespect of your opinion, but I have seen some of those very real situations and that's why more and more doctors are doing open revisions vs lap revisions. They just don't know what they're getting into until they get in there.


What's a top surgeon?  Who decides who is a "top" sugeon?

You said all revisions and that's just not true, band to sleeve and band to bypass is a prime example of where you would want lap over full open.  Far too many potential complications with full open incisions.  More risk for bleeding, infections, etc.

We are going to disagree on this one.

on 12/5/08 6:19 am - St. George, UT
Dear Midwestern Girl:

That's okay we can agree to disagree....I trully appreciate and welcome all opinions, research information and points of view.....

When I mention in my post that I researched "Top Bariatric Surgeons" What I guess I should say there, is I researched the most highly recommended Bariatric Surgeons by the AMA (American Medical Association) that is; those surgeons with the most amount of revisions under their belt...experience counts for a lot here....also, the least amount of major complications, complaints and recommendations.

In my opinion, which only counts for me....someone with excellent recommendations from past patients, many surgeries under their belt, least amount of complications would qualify them as a "Top Bariatric Surgeon"....Just my opinion....don't mean to state it is anything but my own.

Thank you again for just being here to comment and give me your opinion! I appreciate you very much...
(deactivated member)
on 12/5/08 6:39 am - AZ
On December 5, 2008 at 2:19 PM Pacific Time, JROLFSON wrote:
Dear Midwestern Girl:

That's okay we can agree to disagree....I trully appreciate and welcome all opinions, research information and points of view.....

When I mention in my post that I researched "Top Bariatric Surgeons" What I guess I should say there, is I researched the most highly recommended Bariatric Surgeons by the AMA (American Medical Association) that is; those surgeons with the most amount of revisions under their belt...experience counts for a lot here....also, the least amount of major complications, complaints and recommendations.

In my opinion, which only counts for me....someone with excellent recommendations from past patients, many surgeries under their belt, least amount of complications would qualify them as a "Top Bariatric Surgeon"....Just my opinion....don't mean to state it is anything but my own.

Thank you again for just being here to comment and give me your opinion! I appreciate you very much...

I don't put a lot of stock in what people on message boards write.  I use it as a source of information to start my research.  I have no clue about this particular board but there are MANY places (OH included) where patient coordinators pose as patients that are happy and just love their surgeon.  They don't tell you that if you go to their doctor they earn a fee.  They post not to give or receive support but to push a given doctor's name.  This is extremely common.  The biggest lap band forum on the internet is LBT and the owner Alex, had to buy software to catch people posting under various accounts posing as many patients that went to a given doctor.  Truth is, it was one person posting under 10 accounts making it appear that a given doctor has a bunch of patients.  If you get 10 people doing this with 100 accounts, you really can't tell who is real and who is not.

If someone only pushes one doctor and one doctor only and they post a LOT and they repeatedly suggest people go to that doctor... it's a good bet they are not looking out for your best interest but the best interest of their pocketbook.

So be careful assuming that on any message board you are actually speaking with legit patients.  Some are legit patients but they earn a fee if you go to their doctor.

Deanne K.
on 12/5/08 8:32 am - Tucson, AZ
I want to know how you think we are not legit patients.  Your assuming that they are imposters is slandering everyone, not just those few offenders.  I don't work for a Dr. and because I post doesn't mean I don't support the other Dr.'s.  Do you have proof of me or the majority of people who come here for support are not legit?  I would love to see it. 

You also are assuming that everyone that is associated or a patient with any Dr. is devious and underhanded.  Where do you some up with this stuff!!!


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