High Blood Pressure
I don't have extremely high BP, my bp is a few points above the normal. Now that my weight has dropped, they are thinking it is part genetics.
Just a fyi..your kidneys can cause high bp...remind your doc. My father (the genetics) blood pressure was all over the place a few years ago. They discovered he needed a stint put in his kidney to open the vessel. this helped to even out his bpressure quite a bit.
This has not affected me; however, my sister had bypass 2 yrs ago and was recently hospitalized for the same condition. At the time of admittance, her bp was 258 / 100. She has been battling hypertension for many years, and had WLS for this same reason.
I must admit, that she wasn't taking her meds like she should, but since her last scare- meds for both bp and her heart- she is faithful in doing so. And yes, the doctors attributed it to genetics (both biological father and mother).
Please take care of yourself and your health along this journey!