new york surgeons: revision wanted

on 11/30/08 11:21 pm - South Kortright, NY
i am having a really hard time finding one that isn't telling me i am a success i seen two i guess because my bmi is 30 that all they care about .my concern is i no longer feel full i gained 22 pounds i can take some off with work but i am still feeling hungry and tired and sore all over i am tired of the constant battle up and down i never reached the ideal goal weight charts say i should weight that in it's self is very depressing to say the least i feel like such a failure at times and i do try .i am up to 170 now holidays and depressed partly to blame excuses i know but a fact every year same deal for me i was told my pouch was made larger than they are now adays from the start i had mine in 1998 i think if it was smaller i would feel fuller plus i was not able to eat sugar now i can i do not go overboard with it but i have tried and noticed i can very disapointing to me i'd of been happy to never be able to eat things i shouldn't .so i am rambling on and on my question was does anyone in ny know of revision surgeons that would consider bmi of 30 for a revision thankyou laurie
(deactivated member)
on 12/1/08 1:11 am - Togo
I know how you feel. when I regained weight and got to about 170 i panicked and desperately reached out to doctors for help. i ran into the same thing as you. i was told over and over that i got away from the program. that i wasn't following the plan. etc, etc.

the thing of it is - i know now they were right. and i was wrong. i did regain the weight partly because i wasn't following the plan. i hadn't been doing the things i had been doing before when i lost the big weight. it was just that i felt desperate and couldn't think of how to get my life back on track. i knew i couldn't turn to a doctor everytime i gained weight. but my lifestyle had changed so drasticaly and all of a sudden i felt like i couldn't get it back together. 

a few years later when i had regained approximately 70 pounds i joined weigh****chers and followed the plan, which was the same plan i had followed after my rny, and took up swimming ten hours a week and working out in a gym. with the combination of the diet, the work out routine, and the encouragment of those around me i lost 50 pounds. and kept it off for a while. then my life took another drastic turn and everything that was fell apart again.

now i have regained an enormous amount of weight and have co-morbidities. i will be having revision surgery this time.

but these two experiences taught me something. i felt like a failure during those moments not because of the weight gain but more beccause i had gained weight and wasn't actively working to solve the problem. just hanging around wringing my hands about my problem and not doing anything about it myself. instead i was looking for someone else to do it for me. and at 20 pounds of regain i know now i could have handled it but i didn't try. and not trying caused huge amounts of anxiety for me. 

An organized, thought out plan, with support, helped me a great deal. If i had just gone swimming on my own or gone to a meeting and got the plan and went home to do it all by myself i would not have succeeded. but i took classes with an instructor putting me through my paces alongside other women and it was fun. the weigh****chers meetings were also fun and lively.

 so ... that's my two cents worth. you can, at the weight your at, still turn it around yourself. You can't run to the doctor everytime you gain weight. don't put yourself under 'the knife' everytime you need to lose weight. don't become dependent on wls. don't let it become your crutch. 



on 12/1/08 2:29 am - South Kortright, NY
thankyou for responding i will continue to try my joints hurt so much i have days i can not move easily but i appreciate your taking time to give me your opinion its appreciated sincerly laurie
(deactivated member)
on 12/1/08 12:04 pm, edited 12/1/08 6:13 pm - Togo
on 12/6/08 11:32 am - MI
 If you can and are willing to travel I would suggest calling Dr. Schlesinger.  He works with the patient not their BMI!  I had a low BMI when I contacted him and on Oct. 3rd I had a revision to ERNY.  He gave me my 2nd chance and I do not regret it!  He is a wonderful, caring and a very skilled revision surgeon.  He also wrote the "ABC's of revision"  if you put it in the search window it will bring it up.  It is very informative.  He will do a consult over the phone and give you time to ask all of your questions.  Call his office and they can set it up with you!  If you want any other information feel free to pm me and I would be glad to share.

Good Luck to you.  I hope you get what you are searching for!
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